Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void ListItemProcessing()
            string s1 = "<ul> <li> test item 1 </li> </ul>";
            string s2 = "<ul> <li> test item 2 </li> </ul>";

            _helper = new DMPCWMTHelper();
            _helper.TagParser(ref s1, ref s2);
            List <Diff> listDiff = _dmp.diff_wordMode(s1, s2);

            _helper.DefineStyleDupDict("", "");

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => _helper.ReplaceStyledTags(listDiff[3]));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TagParser()
            string s1 = "<p>Peter piper picked a peck of pickled pepper &amp; went home.</p>";
            string s2 = "<h1>Peter parker penned a <p>peck</p> of pickled peppers &amp; came home.</h1>";

            _helper = new DMPCWMTHelper();
            _helper.TagParser(ref s1, ref s2);
            Assert.AreEqual(_helper.HtmlTags.Count, 4);
            Assert.AreEqual(_helper.HtmlTags["<p>"], (char)0xE000);
            Assert.AreEqual(_helper.HtmlTags["</p>"], (char)0xE001);
            Assert.AreEqual(_helper.HtmlTags["<h1>"], (char)0xE002);
            Assert.AreEqual(_helper.HtmlTags["</h1>"], (char)0xE003);

            //The test below is to demonstrate that the unicode characters are not affected by html encoding
            s1        = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(s1);
            _finished = (char)0xE000 + "Peter piper picked a peck of pickled pepper &amp;amp; " +
                        "went home." + (char)0xE001;
            Assert.IsTrue(_sc.Equals(s1, _finished));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ActiveTagEquality()
            string s1 = "<p>Pepper piper <i>picked a peck of <strong>pickled peppers and</strong></i> went home.</p>";
            string s2 = "<p>Peter parker <i>picked a peck of <strong>pickled</strong> peppers and</i> came home.</p>";

            _helper = new DMPCWMTHelper();
            _helper.TagParser(ref s1, ref s2);
            List <Diff> diffList = _dmp.diff_wordMode(s1, s2);

            _helper.DefineStyleDupDict("background:#069edb", "background:#ffa0a0; text-decoration: line-through");

            Assert.Contains(new Tuple <char, char>((char)0xE002, (char)0xE003), _helper.DelStyleList);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void ProcessBlockCloser()
            string s1 = "<p>The girl went to the store.</p>";
            string s2 = "<p>She went to the store</p>";

            _helper = new DMPCWMTHelper();
            _helper.TagParser(ref s1, ref s2);
            List <Diff> diffList = _dmp.diff_wordMode(s1, s2);

            _helper.DefineStyleDupDict("background:#069edb", "background:#ffa0a0; text-decoration: line-through");

            Assert.AreEqual("<font style=\"background:#ffa0a0; text-decoration: line-through\">" +
                            "<p><font style=\"background:#ffa0a0; text-decoration: line-through\">The girl </font>",

            Assert.AreEqual("<font style=\"background:#069edb\">She </font>", diffList.ElementAt(1).text);

            Assert.AreEqual("went to the ", diffList.ElementAt(2).text);

            Assert.AreEqual("<font style=\"background:#ffa0a0; text-decoration: line-through\">store." +
                            "</font>", diffList.ElementAt(3).text);

            Assert.AreEqual("<font style=\"background:#069edb\">store</p></font>", diffList.Last().text);

            s1      = "<p>She went to the store.</p>";
            s2      = "<p>She went to the store</p>";
            _helper = new DMPCWMTHelper();
            _helper.TagParser(ref s1, ref s2);
            diffList = _dmp.diff_wordMode(s1, s2);
            _helper.DefineStyleDupDict("background:#069edb", "background:#ffa0a0; text-decoration: line-through");
            Assert.AreEqual("<p>She went to the ", diffList.First().text);

            Assert.AreEqual("<font style=\"background:#ffa0a0; text-decoration: line-through\">store." +
                            "</font>", diffList.ElementAt(1).text);

            Assert.AreEqual("<font style=\"background:#069edb\">store</p></font>", diffList.Last().text);

            s1      = "<p>She went to the store. Then went home.</p>";
            s2      = "<p>She went to the store.</p> <p>Then went home.</p>";
            _helper = new DMPCWMTHelper();
            _helper.TagParser(ref s1, ref s2);
            diffList = _dmp.diff_wordMode(s1, s2);
            _helper.DefineStyleDupDict("background:#069edb", "background:#ffa0a0; text-decoration: line-through");

            Assert.AreEqual("<p>She went to the ", diffList.First().text);

            Assert.AreEqual("<font style=\"background:#ffa0a0; text-decoration: line-through\">store. Then " +
                            "</font>", diffList.ElementAt(1).text);

            Assert.AreEqual("<font style=\"background:#069edb\">store.</p> " +
                            "<p><font style=\"background:#069edb\">Then </font>",

            Assert.AreEqual("went home.</p>", diffList.Last().text);

            s1      = "<p>Test</p><p>She went to the store.</p>";
            s2      = "<p>She went to the store.</p>";
            _helper = new DMPCWMTHelper();
            _helper.TagParser(ref s1, ref s2);
            diffList = _dmp.diff_wordMode(s1, s2);
            _helper.DefineStyleDupDict("background:#069edb", "background:#ffa0a0; text-decoration: line-through");

            Assert.AreEqual("<font style=\"background:#ffa0a0; text-decoration: line-through\"><p>" +
                            "<font style=\"background:#ffa0a0; text-decoration: line-through\">Test</p><p>" +
                            "<font style=\"background:#ffa0a0; text-decoration: line-through\">She " +
                            "</font>", diffList.First().text);

            Assert.AreEqual("<font style=\"background:#069edb\">She </font>", diffList.ElementAt(1).text);

            Assert.AreEqual("went to the store.</p>", diffList.Last().text);