Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void CreatePin_btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand();

            command.Connection  = con;
            command.CommandText = "select count(*)  from board where user_id= :userid";
            command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            command.Parameters.Add("userid", Account.UserID);
            OracleDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
            int i = -1;

            if (reader.Read())
                i = Convert.ToInt32(reader[0]);

            if (i == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Please, create board First");
                CreateBoard board1 = new CreateBoard();
                CreatePin pin1 = new CreatePin();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void CreateBoard_btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            CreateBoard board1 = new CreateBoard();

Ejemplo n.º 3
    IEnumerator PushBack2Home(GameObject defeatedPawn)
        PlayerMetaData defeatedPMetaData = defeatedPawn.GetComponent <PlayerMetaData>();
        GameObject     homeCell          = defeatedPMetaData.homeCell;

        GameObject currCell = defeatedPMetaData.currCell;

        while (currCell != homeCell)
            Vector3 desiredPosition = CreateBoard.NewPiecePosition(currCell);
            defeatedPawn.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(defeatedPawn.transform.position,

                                                           desiredPosition, 1);

            currCell = currCell.GetComponent <CellMetaData>().GetPrevGameObj(defeatedPMetaData.myTeam);

            if (currCell == null)
                currCell = homeCell;

            // wasnt able to show smooth behvaviour using progress (t) & movementspeed in lerp
            // so used this.
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.05f));

        // Now formally adding defeated pawn to home cell

        homeCell.GetComponent <CellMetaData>().AddPlayer(defeatedPawn);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <PostBoardResponse> Post(PostBoardRequest request)
            var boardId = _ids.Create();
            var command = new CreateBoard(boardId, request.Name, request.UserId);
            var user    = _cluster.GetGrain <IUserAggregate>(request.UserId);
            await user.CreateBoard(command);

            return(new PostBoardResponse(boardId));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task CreateBoard(CreateBoard command)
            var board = GrainFactory.GetGrain <IBoardAggregate>(command.BoardId);
            await board.CreateBoard(command);

            var @event = new UserAddedToBoard(command.BoardId, command.Name, command.UserId);

Ejemplo n.º 6
 public override void SetAttackOn(Vector2 _sell, CreateBoard board)
     for (int i = 1; i <= length; i++)
         if (!board.setIsAttack(_sell + (go_sell * i)))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public override void setMoveOn(piece _piece, CreateBoard board)
     for (int i = 1; i <= length; i++)
         if (!board.setMovable(_piece.sell + (go_sell * i)))
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void play_b_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int diff = 0;

            if (hard_rb.Checked)
                diff = 3;
            else if (normal_rb.Checked)
                diff = 2;
            else if (esey_rb.Checked)
                diff = 1;
                MessageBox.Show("Nie został wybrany poziom trudności", "Poziom trudnosci", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);

            board.Difficul = diff;

            int size = 0;

            if (big_rb.Checked)
                size = 3;
            else if (medium_rb.Checked)
                size = 2;
            else if (small_rb.Checked)
                size = 1;
                MessageBox.Show("Nie została wybrana wielkość planszy", "Wielkość planszy", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

            board.Size = size;

            if (size > 0 && diff > 0)
                this.Visible = false;
                CreateBoard createBoard = new CreateBoard(board);
                board.WindowGame = CreateWindow.Create(board);
                saper.Visible    = true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public ActionResult Post(CreateBoard request)
            var id    = _boards.Max(b => b.Id) + 1;
            var board = new Board(id, request.Name, request.Description);


            //return Created($"http://localhost:5000/boards/{id}",null);

            return(CreatedAtAction(nameof(Get), new { id }, null));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private static async Task initBoard(int size)
            if (!_letterBasedBoardInputValidator.IsBoardSizeValid(size))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Board Size Not Valid");

            var createBoardCommand = new CreateBoard(size);

            _boardId = createBoardCommand.Id;
            await _commandSender.Send(createBoardCommand);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public async Task <bool> CreateBoard(CreateBoard createBoard, Project project, string slug)
            Board board = new Board
                BoardName = createBoard.BoardName,
                BoardSlug = slug,
                Project   = project,

            await context.Boards.AddAsync(board);

            int saveResult = await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(saveResult == 1);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public Deserializacja(Game game) : base(game.Player)
     if (Deserial())
         int Count = FieldList.Count;
         game.Board.Size = ReadSize(Count);
         int[] info = ReadShow(FieldList);
         game.Board.Difficul = ReadDiff(info[1], game.Board.Size);
         CreateBoard createBoard = new CreateBoard(game.Board);
         game.Board.WindowGame = CreateWindow.Create(game.Board);
         game.ShowedField      = info[0];
         isRead = true;
        public void ExecuteMethodThrowExeptionWhenInputParametersCountIsNotValid()
            var mockedDatabase = new Mock <IDatabase>();
            var mockedFactory  = new Mock <IWIMFactory>();

            var command = new CreateBoard(mockedFactory.Object, mockedDatabase.Object);

            var input = new List <string>()

            var ex = Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentException>(() => command.Execute(input));

            Assert.AreEqual(GlobalConstants.ParametersCountInvalid, ex.Message);
        public async Task Handle_ValidParameters_ShouldCreateNewBoard()
            // Arrange
            var command = new CreateBoard
                Id   = Model.Id,
                Name = Model.Name,
            var repositoryMock = new Mock <IRepository <Board> >();
            var handler        = new CreateBoardCommandHandler(repositoryMock.Object, _utcNowFactoryMock.Object);

            // Act
            await handler.Handle(command, cancellationToken : default);

            // Assert
            repositoryMock.Verify(x => x.Add(Model.Id, It.IsAny <Board>()), Times.Once);
        public void Handle_NullOrEmptyName_ShouldThrowValidationException(string name)
            // Arrange
            var command = new CreateBoard
                Id   = Model.Id,
                Name = name,
            var handler = new CreateBoardCommandHandler(Mock.Of <IRepository <Board> >(), _utcNowFactoryMock.Object);

            // Act
            Func <Task> action = () => handler.Handle(command, cancellationToken: default);

            // Assert
            action.Should().Throw <ValidationException>()
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a board.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="createBoard">The mutation model.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <int> CreateBoard(CreateBoard createBoard)
            var request = new GraphQLRequest
                Query     = @"mutation request($name:String! $boardKind:BoardKind!) { create_board (board_name: $name, board_kind: $boardKind) { id }}",
                Variables = new
                    name      = createBoard.Name,
                    boardKind = createBoard.BoardAccessType.GetVariableBoardAccessType()

            var result = await _graphQlHttpClient.SendMutationAsync <CreateBoardResponse>(request);


    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        Sr            = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
        DisplayScreen = FindObjectOfType <CreateBoard>();
        DataItem      = FindObjectOfType <ItemData>();
        //1 - (1 / (0.15 * 4 + 1) =
        float RandItemChance = 1 - (1 / (0.15f * PlayerController.ChanceMultipler + 1));
        float RandChance     = Random.Range(0f, 1f);

        if (RandItemChance > RandChance)
            Value     = Random.Range(0, ItemType.Length) + 1;
            Sr.sprite = ItemType[Value - 1];
            Value     = 11;
            Sr.sprite = LostMemory[Random.Range(0, LostMemory.Length)];
        PlayerPos = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(CreateBoard createBoard, string userSlug, string projectSlug)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            AppUser user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(HttpContext.User);

            AppUser projectOwner = boardService.GetUserBySlug(userSlug);

            Project project = boardService.GetProjectBySlug(projectSlug, projectOwner);

            if (project == null)

            if (!boardService.IsMemberOfProject(user, project))

            string slug = createBoard.BoardName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-");

            if (!boardService.ProjectNameIsAvailable(slug))

            bool successful = await boardService.CreateBoard(createBoard, project, slug);

            if (!successful)
                return(BadRequest("Could not create board"));

        public void ExecuteMethodReturnsCorrectMessageWhenTeamIsMissingInDatabase()
            var mockedDatabase = new Mock <IDatabase>();
            var mockedFactory  = new Mock <IWIMFactory>();

            var fakeList = new List <ITeam>();

            mockedDatabase.Setup(x => x.ListAllTeams).Returns(fakeList);

            var command    = new CreateBoard(mockedFactory.Object, mockedDatabase.Object);
            var mockedTeam = new Mock <ITeam>();

            mockedTeam.Setup(x => x.Name).Returns("Teamteam");

            var parameters = new List <string> {
                "BoardName", "Team14"
            var expected = string.Format(GlobalConstants.TeamDoesNotExist, "Team14");

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, command.Execute(parameters));
Ejemplo n.º 20
    void Start()
        board = GetComponent <CreateBoard>();
        Vector2 child = prefab.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().bounds.size;

        GameObject[,] matrix = new GameObject[M, N];
        float      startX = -8;
        float      startY = -4;
        GameObject tile;
        Sprite     sprite;

        for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j)
                tile                  = Instantiate(prefab, new Vector3(startX + child.x * i, startY + child.y * j, 0), prefab.transform.rotation);
                matrix[i, j]          = tile;
                tile.transform.parent = transform;
                sprite                = club[Random.Range(0, club.Count)];
                tile.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = sprite;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public Task CreateBoard(CreateBoard command)
            List <IEvent> events = new List <IEvent>();

            events.Add(new BoardCreated(command.Name, command.BoardId, command.UserId));

            //var response = await _plaid.GetCategories(_tokenSource.Token);
            //var categoriesAdded = response.Categories.Select(c => new CategoryAdded(command.BoardId, c.CategoryId, c.Group, c.Hierarchy));

            //var systemEnvelopes = new List<EnvelopeAdded>()
            //    new EnvelopeAdded("sys-env-starting-balance", "Starting Balance", new string[]{ }, command.BoardId, command.UserId),
            //    new EnvelopeAdded("sys-env-funding", "Funding", new string[] { }, command.BoardId, command.UserId),
            //    new EnvelopeAdded("sys-env-income", "Income", new string[] { }, command.BoardId, command.UserId),
            //    new EnvelopeAdded("sys-env-rollover", "Rollover", new string[] { }, command.BoardId, command.UserId),
            //    new EnvelopeAdded("sys-env-credit-card-payments", "Credit Card Payments", new string[] { }, command.BoardId, command.UserId)

Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void CreateWithSize2020_WillHaveRightSizeAndNumberOfBeasties()
            var given      = new List <Event>();
            var herbivores = new List <Herbivore>
                new Herbivore(1, 1, String.Empty)
            var carnivores = new List <Carnivore>
                new Carnivore(2, 2, String.Empty, 10)
            var when = new CreateBoard(20, 20, herbivores, carnivores, "woop");
            var then = new List <Event>
                new CreateBoardAccepted(20, 20, new List <Herbivore>(), new List <Carnivore>(), Message.CausationId,
                                        Message.CorrelationId, Message.CreatedOn)

            var results = Execute(given, when, then, events => new Surface(events, new Random()));
            var e       = (CreateBoardAccepted)results[0];

            Assert.Equal(20, e.X);
            Assert.Equal(20, e.Y);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 private void Start()
     cb          = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <CreateBoard>();
     attackCount = 5;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 void Awake()
     board = GameObject.Find("Board").GetComponent <CreateBoard>();
Ejemplo n.º 25
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     gobBoard = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("BOARD");
     brdBoardManager = gobBoard.GetComponent<CreateBoard> () as CreateBoard;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 void SetComponents()
     createBoard   = GetComponent <CreateBoard>();
     gameplayLogic = GetComponent <GameplayLogic>();
Ejemplo n.º 27
    public override void SetAttackOn(Vector2 _sell, CreateBoard board)
        Vector2 onsell = _sell + go_sell;

Ejemplo n.º 28
 public virtual void setMoveOn(piece _piece, CreateBoard board)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        collider      = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
        boardManager  = FindObjectOfType <CreateBoard>();
        PlayerControl = FindObjectOfType <PlayerController>();
        collider.size = new Vector2(BoxX * 0.64f, BoxY * 0.64f);
        StartedBattle = false;

        GameObject Bottom = Instantiate(BottomShadow, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform);

        collider.size = new Vector2(BoxX * 0.64f, BoxY * 0.64f);
        if (CenterSpawn)
            boardManager.BoardY[4].BoardX[4] = 1;
            BoardPosition = new Vector2(5, 5);
        for (int x = 0; x < BoxX; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < BoxY; y++)
                Vector3 Vector3Position = transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks);

                float RandomChance = Random.Range(0f, 1f);
                if (RandomChance <= DecorationChance && y > 0 && x > 0 && x < BoxX - 1 && y < BoxY - 1)
                    Instantiate(Decoration, transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);

                if (x == (BoxX / 2) + 0.5f && y == (BoxY / 2) + 0.5f)
                    Instantiate(Tiles[Random.Range(0, Tiles.Length)], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                    GameObject TowerPillar = Instantiate(Tower, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform);
                    MemoryPillar = TowerPillar.GetComponent <SpawnBattle>();
                //Corners:right, left, up, down

                /*else if (x == BoxX - 2 || y == BoxY - 2 || y == 1 && x == 1)
                 * {
                 *  Instantiate(AdaptTiles[Random.Range(0, AdaptTiles.Length)], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                else if (x == BoxX - 1 && y == BoxY - 1)
                    Instantiate(CornerTiles[4], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                else if (x == BoxX - 1 && y == 0)
                    Instantiate(CornerTiles[5], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                else if (x == 0 && y == BoxY - 1)
                    Instantiate(CornerTiles[6], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                else if (x == 0 && y == 0)
                    Instantiate(CornerTiles[7], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                //For vector locations

                else if (x == BoxX - SpawnLocation && y == BoxY - SpawnLocation)
                    SpawnLocations[0] = Vector3Position;
                    if (CornerStuff)
                        Instantiate(Walls[Random.Range(0, Walls.Length)], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                        Instantiate(Tiles[Random.Range(0, Tiles.Length)], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                        Instantiate(Tiles[Random.Range(0, Tiles.Length)], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                else if (x == BoxX - SpawnLocation && y == SpawnLocation - 1)
                    SpawnLocations[1] = Vector3Position;
                    if (CornerStuff)
                        Instantiate(Walls[Random.Range(0, Walls.Length)], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                        Instantiate(Tiles[Random.Range(0, Tiles.Length)], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                        Instantiate(Tiles[Random.Range(0, Tiles.Length)], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                else if (x == SpawnLocation - 1 && y == BoxY - SpawnLocation)
                    SpawnLocations[2] = Vector3Position;
                    if (CornerStuff)
                        Instantiate(Walls[Random.Range(0, Walls.Length)], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                        Instantiate(Tiles[Random.Range(0, Tiles.Length)], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                        Instantiate(Tiles[Random.Range(0, Tiles.Length)], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                else if (x == SpawnLocation - 1 && y == SpawnLocation - 1)
                    SpawnLocations[3] = Vector3Position;
                    if (CornerStuff)
                        Instantiate(Walls[Random.Range(0, Walls.Length)], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                        Instantiate(Tiles[Random.Range(0, Tiles.Length)], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                        Instantiate(Tiles[Random.Range(0, Tiles.Length)], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);

                //this is the rest of the stuff
                    if (x == BoxX - 1)
                        Instantiate(CornerTiles[0], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                    else if (x == 0)
                        Instantiate(CornerTiles[1], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                    else if (y == BoxY - 1)
                        Instantiate(CornerTiles[2], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                    else if (y == 0)
                        Instantiate(CornerTiles[3], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                        Instantiate(Tiles[Random.Range(0, Tiles.Length)], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);

                if (Condition && WillSpawn)
                    for (int i = 0; i < WallLocationsX.Length; i++)
                        //second is less, third is greater than. what the heck is ths lazy code!
                        if (x == WallLocationsX[i] && x <WallLocationsX[1] && x> WallLocationsX[2])
                            Instantiate(WallEnvironment[Random.Range(0, WallEnvironment.Length)], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                    for (int i = 0; i < WallLocationsY.Length; i++)
                        //second is less, third is greater than. what the heck is ths lazy code!
                        if (y == WallLocationsX[i] && y <WallLocationsX[1] && y> WallLocationsX[2])
                            Instantiate(WallEnvironment[Random.Range(0, WallEnvironment.Length)], transform.position + new Vector3((x - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (y - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
        if (!Condition && WillSpawn)
            for (int i = 0; i < WallLocationsX.Length; i++)
                Instantiate(WallEnvironment[Random.Range(0, WallEnvironment.Length)], transform.position + new Vector3((WallLocationsX[i] - (BoxX - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, (WallLocationsY[i] - (BoxY - 1) / 2) * DistanceBetweenBlocks, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public IList <BoardSummary> Boards(CreateBoard cmd)
 private void OnCreateBoard(CreateBoardEventArgs args)
     CreateBoard?.Invoke(this, args);
Ejemplo n.º 32
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     smiley = GameObject.Find ("smiley");
     outline = GameObject.Find ("outline");
     canGo = true;
     pause = false;
     custom_index = 0;
     board = new CreateBoard();
     playIt = GameObject.Find ("Background").GetComponent<PlayIt> ();
     // starting place not shown or 0, 0?
     currentY = 2;
     if (menu) {
         currentX = 2;
         currentY= 2;
     if (custom) {
         currentX = 0;
         currentY= 1;
         // load all the unlocked cards from playprefs
     changeWhereInGrid (0, 0);
     GameObject Music = GameObject.Find ("MusicPlay");
     if (Music != null) {
         audio = Music.GetComponents<AudioSource> ();