Ejemplo n.º 1
        private List <CountryPerson> GetCountryPerson(List <InsertExeclCountryPerson> insertExeclCountryPersonList, CountryImportExcel request, int checkCount)
            var countryPersonList = new List <CountryPerson>();

            if (!CheckInserExecl(insertExeclCountryPersonList))
                foreach (var insertExecl in insertExeclCountryPersonList)
                    var countryPerson = new CountryPerson();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(insertExecl.UserName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(insertExecl.Phone) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(insertExecl.Postion))
                        countryPerson.UserName   = insertExecl.UserName;
                        countryPerson.Position   = insertExecl.Postion;
                        countryPerson.Post       = insertExecl.Post;
                        countryPerson.Remark     = insertExecl.Remark;
                        countryPerson.CreateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
                        countryPerson.CreateName = insertExecl.UserName;
                        countryPerson.Phone      = insertExecl.Phone;
                        countryPerson.UpdateName = insertExecl.UserName;
                        countryPerson.Year       = request.year;
                        countryPerson.Country    = RealName;
                        countryPerson.adcd       = adcd;
                        countryPerson.AuditNums  = checkCount;
                        countryPerson.UpdateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
        public async Task <IActionResult> About()
            ViewData["Message"] = "Application For Applying As A Teacher";

            using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext())
                Random rnd  = new Random();
                UInt16 year = (UInt16)rnd.Next(1999, 2017);

                JobCircular jobCircular = context.JobCirculars
                                          .SingleOrDefault(j => j.Id == 1);

                Address presentAddress = new Address
                    HoldingNoOrVillage = "1234",
                    RoadBlockSector    = "28",
                    Thana      = "Kotawoli",
                    PostOffice = "Rupatoli",
                    District   = "Barisal"

                Address permanentAddress = new Address
                    HoldingNoOrVillage = "86/3",
                    RoadBlockSector    = "2 No Cross Road",
                    Thana      = "Daulatpur",
                    PostOffice = "Daulatpur",
                    District   = "Khulna"

                ICollection <Experience> experiences = new List <Experience>();
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    Experience experience = new Experience
                        NameOfPost         = i.ToString(),
                        NameOfOrganization = i.ToString(),
                        OrganizationType   = OrganizationType.Government,
                        SalaryScale        = (UInt16)rnd.Next(1999, 2017),
                        TotalSalary        = (UInt16)rnd.Next(1999, 2017),
                        StartDate          = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        EndDate            = DateTime.UtcNow

                Person person = new Person {
                    ProfileImageFileUrl = "asd asd asd asd asd sadas dasd asd",
                    BengaliName         = "a sdasd asd asd asd asd",
                    EnglishName         = "Asasd asd asd asd asd",
                    NickName            = "Rs dsd fsdaf sdf sdf",
                    PhoneNumber         = "+8801822804636",
                    Email            = "*****@*****.**",
                    FatherName       = "asd asd asd asd",
                    DateOfBirth      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    PresentAddress   = presentAddress,
                    PermanentAddress = permanentAddress,
                    Nationality      = "Bangladeshi",
                    MaritalStatus    = IsMarried.Unmarried,
                    Religion         = ReligionName.Islam,
                    NId = 1000000009,
                    IsInvolvedWithAnyAssociation = Decision.No,
                    IsEverSuspended = Decision.No,
                    Experiences     = experiences

                Payment payment = new Payment {
                    BankDraftOrPayOrderNo = "",
                    DateOfDraftOrOrder    = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    AmountOfMoney         = 10,
                    NameOfBank            = "asd asd asd",
                    BranchOfBank          = "Asdas dasd asd a"

                TeacherApplication teacherApplication = new TeacherApplication {
                    JobCircular = jobCircular,
                    Person      = person,
                    AgeAtLastDateOfSubmission     = jobCircular.EndDate - person.DateOfBirth,
                    HasContactWithAnyOrganization = Decision.No,
                    IsGettingPension = Decision.No,
                    Payment          = payment

                for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                    Country country = context.Countries
                                      .SingleOrDefault(c => c.Id == i);
                    CountryPerson countryPerson = new CountryPerson
                        Country      = country,
                        Person       = person,
                        ReasonOfTour = i.ToString()

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public bool SaveCountryPerson(SaveCountryPerson requset)
     using (var db = DbFactory.Open())
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(adcd))
             throw new Exception("请重新登录");
         if (!ValidatorHelper.IsMobile(requset.Mobile))
             throw new Exception("手机号码输入错误,请重新输入");
         var info = new CountryPerson();
         var log  = new operateLog();
         log.userName    = RealName;
         log.operateTime = DateTime.Now;
         if (requset.Id != 0)
             info.Id = requset.Id;
             //log.operateMsg = "更新" + requset.name + "的镇级责任人信息";
         //    var model = GetCountryPersonInfo(requset.name);
         //    if (model != null)
         //        throw new Exception("已存在");
         //    //log.operateMsg = "新增" + requset.name + "的镇级责任人信息";
         info.UserName   = requset.name;
         info.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
         info.Phone      = requset.Mobile;
         info.Position   = requset.Position;
         info.Post       = requset.Post;
         info.Year       = DateTime.Now.Year;
         info.Remark     = requset.Remark;
         info.Country    = RealName;
         info.UpdateName = requset.name;
         info.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now;
         info.CreateName = requset.name;
         info.adcd       = adcd;
         var oldInfo = db.Single <CountryPerson>(x => x.Id == requset.Id);
         if (requset.Id != 0)
             info.AuditNums = oldInfo.AuditNums + 1;
             info.OldData   = JsonTools.ObjectToJson(oldInfo);
             info.NewData   = JsonTools.ObjectToJson(info);
             #region 日志
                 var           adcdInfo = db.Single <ADCDInfo>(w => w.adcd == oldInfo.adcd);
                 StringBuilder sb       = new StringBuilder();
                 sb.Append("县级adcd:" + adcdInfo.adnm + "");
                 sb.Append("姓名:" + oldInfo.UserName + "");
                 sb.Append("创建的时间:" + oldInfo.CreateTime + "");
                 sb.Append("电话:" + oldInfo.Phone + "");
                 sb.Append("岗位:" + oldInfo.Position + "");
                 sb.Append("职务:" + oldInfo.Post + "");
                 sb.Append("年份:" + oldInfo.Year + "");
                 sb.Append("标记:" + oldInfo.Remark + "");
                 sb.Append("县的名字:" + oldInfo.Country + "");
                 sb.Append("更改人的名字:" + oldInfo.UpdateName + "");
                 sb.Append("更改的时间:" + oldInfo.UpdateTime + "");
                 sb.Append("创建的人:" + oldInfo.CreateName + "");
                 sb.Append("县级adcd:" + adcdInfo.adnm + "");
                 sb.Append("姓名:" + info.UserName + "");
                 sb.Append("创建的时间:" + info.CreateTime + "");
                 sb.Append("电话:" + info.Phone + "");
                 sb.Append("岗位:" + info.Position + "");
                 sb.Append("职务:" + info.Post + "");
                 sb.Append("年份:" + info.Year + "");
                 sb.Append("标记:" + info.Remark + "");
                 sb.Append("县的名字:" + info.Country + "");
                 sb.Append("更改人的名字:" + info.UpdateName + "");
                 sb.Append("更改的时间:" + info.UpdateTime + "");
                 sb.Append("创建的人:" + info.CreateName + "");
                 logHelper.WriteLog(sb.ToString(), OperationTypeEnums.更新);
             }catch (Exception ex) { }
             //"select * from CountryPerson where Phone='" + info.Phone + "' and Position='" + info.Position + "' and UserName='******' and "
             var r = db.Single <CountryPerson>(w => w.Phone == requset.Mobile && w.Position == info.Position && w.UserName == info.UserName && w.Remark == info.Remark && w.Post == info.Post);
             if (r != null)
                 return(db.Update(info) == 1);
             int count;
             var list = db.Select <AuditCounty>("select * from dbo.AuditCounty where CountyADCD='" + adcd + "' ");
             if (list.Count == 0)
                 count = 1;
                 count = Convert.ToInt32(list[0].AuditNums) + 1;
             info.AuditNums = count;
             info.OldData   = "";
             info.NewData   = "";
             #region 日志
                 StringBuilder sb       = new StringBuilder();
                 var           adcdInfo = db.Single <ADCDInfo>(w => w.adcd == info.adcd);
                 sb.Append("县级adcd:" + adcdInfo.adnm + "");
                 sb.Append("姓名:" + info.UserName + "");
                 sb.Append("创建的时间:" + info.CreateTime + "");
                 sb.Append("电话:" + info.Phone + "");
                 sb.Append("岗位:" + info.Position + "");
                 sb.Append("职务:" + info.Post + "");
                 sb.Append("年份:" + info.Year + "");
                 sb.Append("标记:" + info.Remark + "");
                 sb.Append("县的名字:" + info.Country + "");
                 sb.Append("更改人的名字:" + info.UpdateName + "");
                 sb.Append("更改的时间:" + info.UpdateTime + "");
                 sb.Append("创建的人:" + info.CreateName + "");
                 logHelper.WriteLog(sb.ToString(), OperationTypeEnums.新增);
             }catch (Exception ex)
             if (db.Select <CountryPerson>("select * from CountryPerson where Phone='" + info.Phone + "' and Position='" + info.Position + "' and UserName='******'").ToList().Count == 1)
                 return(db.Insert(info) == 1);