Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Token: 0x06007BBD RID: 31677 RVA: 0x0022C1DC File Offset: 0x0022A3DC
        public Dictionary <Guid, Annotation> FindAnnotations(ContentLocator anchorLocator)
            if (anchorLocator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locator");
            Dictionary <Guid, Annotation> dictionary = new Dictionary <Guid, Annotation>();

            foreach (StoreAnnotationsMap.CachedAnnotation cachedAnnotation in this._currentAnnotations.Values)
                Annotation annotation = cachedAnnotation.Annotation;
                bool       flag       = false;
                foreach (AnnotationResource annotationResource in annotation.Anchors)
                    foreach (ContentLocatorBase contentLocatorBase in annotationResource.ContentLocators)
                        ContentLocator contentLocator = contentLocatorBase as ContentLocator;
                        if (contentLocator != null)
                            if (contentLocator.StartsWith(anchorLocator))
                                flag = true;
                            ContentLocatorGroup contentLocatorGroup = contentLocatorBase as ContentLocatorGroup;
                            if (contentLocatorGroup != null)
                                foreach (ContentLocator contentLocator2 in contentLocatorGroup.Locators)
                                    if (contentLocator2.StartsWith(anchorLocator))
                                        flag = true;
                        if (flag)
                            dictionary.Add(annotation.Id, annotation);
                    if (flag)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Token: 0x06007C0B RID: 31755 RVA: 0x0022DF94 File Offset: 0x0022C194
        private int FindMatchingPrefix(ContentLocator[] prefixes, ContentLocatorBase locator, out bool matched)
            matched = true;
            int            result         = 0;
            ContentLocator contentLocator = locator as ContentLocator;

            if (contentLocator != null && prefixes != null && prefixes.Length != 0)
                matched = false;
                foreach (ContentLocator contentLocator2 in prefixes)
                    if (contentLocator.StartsWith(contentLocator2))
                        result  = contentLocator2.Parts.Count;
                        matched = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Queries the store map for annotations that have an anchor
        ///     that contains a locator that begins with the locator parts
        ///     in anchorLocator.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="anchorLocator">the locator we are looking for</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///    A list of annotations that have locators in their anchors
        ///    starting with the same locator parts list as of the input locator
        ///    If no such annotations an empty list will be returned. The method
        ///    never returns null.
        /// </returns>
        public Dictionary <Guid, Annotation> FindAnnotations(ContentLocator anchorLocator)
            if (anchorLocator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locator");

            Dictionary <Guid, Annotation> annotations = new Dictionary <Guid, Annotation>();

            // In the future, this probably has to be done in a way more effecient than linear search
            // the plan of record is to start with this and improve later
            // the map is already solving a perf bottleneck for tablet
            Dictionary <Guid, CachedAnnotation> .ValueCollection.Enumerator annotationsEnumerator = _currentAnnotations.Values.GetEnumerator();

            while (annotationsEnumerator.MoveNext())
                Annotation annotation   = annotationsEnumerator.Current.Annotation;
                bool       matchesQuery = false;

                foreach (AnnotationResource resource in annotation.Anchors)
                    foreach (ContentLocatorBase locator in resource.ContentLocators)
                        ContentLocator ContentLocator = locator as ContentLocator;
                        if (ContentLocator != null)
                            if (ContentLocator.StartsWith(anchorLocator))
                                matchesQuery = true;
                            ContentLocatorGroup ContentLocatorGroup = locator as ContentLocatorGroup;
                            if (ContentLocatorGroup != null)
                                foreach (ContentLocator list in ContentLocatorGroup.Locators)
                                    if (list.StartsWith(anchorLocator))
                                        matchesQuery = true;

                        if (matchesQuery)
                            annotations.Add(annotation.Id, annotation);

                    if (matchesQuery)

        /// <summary>
        ///     Queries the store map for annotations that have an anchor
        ///     that contains a locator that begins with the locator parts
        ///     in anchorLocator.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="anchorLocator">the locator we are looking for</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///    A list of annotations that have locators in their anchors
        ///    starting with the same locator parts list as of the input locator
        ///    If no such annotations an empty list will be returned. The method
        ///    never returns null.
        /// </returns>
        public Dictionary <Guid, Annotation> FindAnnotations(ContentLocator anchorLocator)
            if (anchorLocator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locator");

            Dictionary <Guid, Annotation> annotations = new Dictionary <Guid, Annotation>();


            Dictionary <Guid, CachedAnnotation> .ValueCollection.Enumerator annotationsEnumerator = _currentAnnotations.Values.GetEnumerator();

            while (annotationsEnumerator.MoveNext())
                Annotation annotation   = annotationsEnumerator.Current.Annotation;
                bool       matchesQuery = false;

                foreach (AnnotationResource resource in annotation.Anchors)
                    foreach (ContentLocatorBase locator in resource.ContentLocators)
                        ContentLocator ContentLocator = locator as ContentLocator;
                        if (ContentLocator != null)
                            if (ContentLocator.StartsWith(anchorLocator))
                                matchesQuery = true;
                            ContentLocatorGroup ContentLocatorGroup = locator as ContentLocatorGroup;
                            if (ContentLocatorGroup != null)
                                foreach (ContentLocator list in ContentLocatorGroup.Locators)
                                    if (list.StartsWith(anchorLocator))
                                        matchesQuery = true;

                        if (matchesQuery)
                            annotations.Add(annotation.Id, annotation);

                    if (matchesQuery)
