Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static Type ResolveType(string name, Assembly callingAssembly, string sourceInfo)
            var foundOnUnityEngine = ComponentsFromUnityEngine.Where(n => n.Name == name).ToList();

            if (foundOnUnityEngine.Count == 1)
                Debug.LogWarningFormat("[{1}] Type '{0}' found in UnityEngine, consider replacing with go.AddComponent<{0}>();", name, sourceInfo);
                return(ComponentsFromUnityEngine.Single(n => n.Name == name));

            var candidateType = callingAssembly.GetType(name);

            if (candidateType != null)
                Debug.LogWarningFormat("[{1}] Component type '{0}' found on caller assembly. Consider replacing the call method call with: AddComponent<{0}>()", candidateType.FullName, sourceInfo);

            candidateType = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().SelectMany(a => a.GetTypes()).SingleOrDefault(t => t.Name == name && typeof(Component).IsAssignableFrom(t));
            if (candidateType != null)
                Debug.LogWarningFormat("[{2}] Component type '{0}' found on assembly {1}. Consider replacing the call method with: AddComponent<{0}>()", candidateType.FullName, candidateType.Assembly.Location, sourceInfo);

            Debug.LogErrorFormat("[{1}] Component Type '{0}' not found.", name, sourceInfo);
        private static Type ResolveType(string name, Assembly callingAssembly, string sourceInfo)
            var foundOnUnityEngine = ComponentsFromUnityEngine.FirstOrDefault(t => (t.Name == name || t.FullName == name) && !IsMarkedAsObsolete(t));

            if (foundOnUnityEngine != null)
                Debug.LogWarningFormat("[{1}] Component type '{0}' found in UnityEngine, consider replacing with go.AddComponent<{0}>()", name, sourceInfo);

            var candidateType = callingAssembly.GetType(name);

            if (candidateType != null)
                Debug.LogWarningFormat("[{1}] Component type '{0}' found on caller assembly, consider replacing with go.AddComponent<{0}>()", name, sourceInfo);

            candidateType = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().SelectMany(a => a.GetTypes()).SingleOrDefault(t => (t.Name == name || t.FullName == name) && typeof(Component).IsAssignableFrom(t));
            if (candidateType != null)
                Debug.LogWarningFormat("[{2}] Component type '{0}' found on assembly {1}, consider replacing with go.AddComponent<{0}>()", name, new AssemblyName(candidateType.Assembly.FullName).Name, sourceInfo);

            Debug.LogErrorFormat("[{1}] Component Type '{0}' not found.", name, sourceInfo);