Ejemplo n.º 1
         * Initializes class data structures and parameters
        void initialize(DMatrixSparseCSC A)
            m = A.numRows;
            n = A.numCols;
            int s = 4 * n + (ata ? (n + m + 1) : 0);

            w = gw.data;

            // compute the transpose of A
            At.reshape(A.numCols, A.numRows, A.nz_length);
            CommonOps_DSCC.transpose(A, At, gw);

            // initialize w
            //Arrays.fill(w, 0, s, -1); // assign all values in workspace to -1
            for (var i = 0; i < s; i++)
                w[i] = -1;

            ancestor = 0;
            maxfirst = n;
            prevleaf = 2 * n;
            first    = 3 * n;
Ejemplo n.º 2
         * Computes and applies the fill reduction permutation. Either A is returned (unmodified) or the permutated
         * version of A.
         * @param A Input matrix. unmodified.
         * @return A permuted matrix. Might be A or a different matrix.
        public DMatrixSparseCSC apply(DMatrixSparseCSC A)
            if (fillReduce == null)

            IGrowArray gp = fillReduce.getRow();

            if (pinv.Length < gp.Length)
                pinv = new int[gp.Length];
            CommonOps_DSCC.permutationInverse(gp.data, pinv, gp.Length);
            if (symmetric)
                CommonOps_DSCC.permuteSymmetric(A, pinv, Aperm, gw);
                CommonOps_DSCC.permuteRowInv(pinv, A, Aperm);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public DMatrixSparseCSC getRowPivot(DMatrixSparseCSC pivot)
     if (pivot == null)
         pivot = new DMatrixSparseCSC(L.numRows, L.numRows, 0);
     pivot.reshape(L.numRows, L.numRows, L.numRows);
     CommonOps_DSCC.permutationMatrix(pinv, true, L.numRows, pivot);
Ejemplo n.º 4
         * Performs matrix multiplication.  C = A*B<sup>T</sup></sup>
         * @param A Matrix
         * @param B Matrix
         * @param C Storage for results.  Data length is increased if increased if insufficient.
         * @param gw (Optional) Storage for internal workspace.  Can be null.
         * @param gx (Optional) Storage for internal workspace.  Can be null.
        public static void multTransB(DMatrixSparseCSC A, DMatrixSparseCSC B, DMatrixSparseCSC C,
                                      IGrowArray gw, DGrowArray gx)
            if (!B.isIndicesSorted())
                throw new ArgumentException("B must have its indices sorted.");
            else if (!CommonOps_DSCC.checkIndicesSorted(B))
                throw new ArgumentException("Crap. Not really sorted");

            double[] x = TriangularSolver_DSCC.adjust(gx, A.numRows);
            int[]    w = TriangularSolver_DSCC.adjust(gw, A.numRows + B.numCols, A.numRows);

            C.growMaxLength(A.nz_length + B.nz_length, false);
            C.indicesSorted = false;
            C.nz_length     = 0;
            C.col_idx[0]    = 0;

            // initialize w is the first index in each column of B
            int locationB = A.numRows;

            Array.Copy(B.col_idx, 0, w, locationB, B.numCols);

            for (int colC = 0; colC < B.numRows; colC++)
                C.col_idx[colC + 1] = C.nz_length; // needs a value of B has nothing in the row

                // find the column in the transposed B
                int mark = colC + 1;
                for (int colB = 0; colB < B.numCols; colB++)
                    int bi = w[locationB + colB];
                    if (bi < B.col_idx[colB + 1])
                        int row = B.nz_rows[bi];
                        if (row == colC)
                            multAddColA(A, colB, B.nz_values[bi], C, mark, x, w);
                            w[locationB + colB]++;

                // take the values in the dense vector 'x' and put them into 'C'
                int idxC0 = C.col_idx[colC];
                int idxC1 = C.col_idx[colC + 1];

                for (int i = idxC0; i < idxC1; i++)
                    C.nz_values[i] = x[C.nz_rows[i]];
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void solve(DMatrixRMaj B, DMatrixRMaj X)
            double[] b  = TriangularSolver_DSCC.adjust(gb, B.numRows);
            double[] bp = TriangularSolver_DSCC.adjust(gbp, B.numRows);
            double[] x  = TriangularSolver_DSCC.adjust(gx, X.numRows);

            int[] pinv = qr.getStructure().getPinv();

            // process each column in X and B individually
            for (int colX = 0; colX < X.numCols; colX++)
                int index = colX;
                for (int i = 0; i < B.numRows; i++, index += X.numCols)
                    b[i] = B.data[index];

                // apply row pivots
                CommonOps_DSCC.permuteInv(pinv, b, bp, m);

                // apply Householder reflectors
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    QrHelperFunctions_DSCC.applyHouseholder(qr.getV(), j, qr.getBeta(j), bp);
                // Solve for R*x = b
                TriangularSolver_DSCC.solveU(qr.getR(), bp);

                // undo the permutation
                double[] output;
                if (qr.isFillPermutated())
                    CommonOps_DSCC.permute(qr.getFillPermutation(), bp, x, X.numRows);
                    output = x;
                    output = bp;

                index = colX;
                for (int i = 0; i < X.numRows; i++, index += X.numCols)
                    X.data[index] = output[i];
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void solve(DMatrixRMaj B, DMatrixRMaj X)
//        if( B.numCols != X.numCols || B.numRows != numRows || X.numRows != numCols) {
//            throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected matrix size");
//        }

            int[]    pinv = decomposition.getPinv();
            int[]    q    = decomposition.getReducePermutation();
            double[] x    = TriangularSolver_DSCC.adjust(gx, X.numRows);
            double[] b    = TriangularSolver_DSCC.adjust(gb, B.numRows);

            DMatrixSparseCSC L = decomposition.getL();
            DMatrixSparseCSC U = decomposition.getU();

            bool reduceFill = decomposition.getReduceFill() != null;

            // process each column in X and B individually
            for (int colX = 0; colX < X.numCols; colX++)
                int index = colX;
                for (int i = 0; i < B.numRows; i++, index += X.numCols)
                    b[i] = B.data[index];

                CommonOps_DSCC.permuteInv(pinv, b, x, X.numRows);
                TriangularSolver_DSCC.solveL(L, x);
                TriangularSolver_DSCC.solveU(U, x);
                double[] d;
                if (reduceFill)
                    CommonOps_DSCC.permute(q, x, b, X.numRows);
                    d = b;
                    d = x;
                index = colX;
                for (int i = 0; i < X.numRows; i++, index += X.numCols)
                    X.data[index] = d[i];
Ejemplo n.º 7
         * <p>
         * Performs a rank-1 update operation on the submatrix specified by V with the multiply on the right.<br>
         * <br>
         * C = (I - &gamma;*v*v<sup>T</sup>)*A<br>
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * The order that matrix multiplies are performed has been carefully selected
         * to minimize the number of operations.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * Before this can become a truly generic operation the submatrix specification needs
         * to be made more generic.
         * </p>
        public static void rank1UpdateMultR(DMatrixSparseCSC V, int colV, double gamma,
                                            DMatrixSparseCSC A, DMatrixSparseCSC C,
                                            IGrowArray gw, DGrowArray gx)
            if (V.numRows != A.numRows)
                throw new ArgumentException("Number of rows in V and A must match");

            C.nz_length = 0;
            C.numRows   = V.numRows;
            C.numCols   = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < A.numCols; i++)
                double tau = CommonOps_DSCC.dotInnerColumns(V, colV, A, i, gw, gx);
                ImplCommonOps_DSCC.addColAppend(1.0, A, i, -gamma * tau, V, colV, C, gw);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static void main(string[] args)
            // create a random matrix that can be solved
            int N = 5;
            IMersenneTwister rand = new MersenneTwisterFast(234);

            DMatrixSparseCSC A = RandomMatrices_DSCC.rectangle(N, N, N * N / 4, rand);

            RandomMatrices_DSCC.ensureNotSingular(A, rand);

            // Create the LU decomposition
            LUSparseDecomposition_F64 <DMatrixSparseCSC> decompose =

            // Decompose the matrix.
            // If you care about the A matrix being modified call decompose.inputModified()
            if (!decompose.decompose(A))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The matrix is singular");

            // Extract new copies of the L and U matrices
            DMatrixSparseCSC L = decompose.getLower(null);
            DMatrixSparseCSC U = decompose.getUpper(null);
            DMatrixSparseCSC P = decompose.getRowPivot(null);

            // Storage for an intermediate step
            DMatrixSparseCSC tmp = (DMatrixSparseCSC)A.createLike();

            // Storage for the inverse matrix
            DMatrixSparseCSC Ainv = (DMatrixSparseCSC)A.createLike();

            // Solve for the inverse: P*I = L*U*inv(A)
            TriangularSolver_DSCC.solve(L, true, P, tmp, null, null, null);
            TriangularSolver_DSCC.solve(U, false, tmp, Ainv, null, null, null);

            // Make sure the inverse has been found. A*inv(A) = identity should be an identity matrix
            DMatrixSparseCSC found = (DMatrixSparseCSC)A.createLike();

            CommonOps_DSCC.mult(A, Ainv, found);
        public DMatrixSparseCSC getR(DMatrixSparseCSC R, bool compact)
            if (R == null)
                R = new DMatrixSparseCSC(0, 0, 0);

            if (m > n)
                // there should only be only zeros past row n
                R.numRows = compact ? n : m;
            else if (n > m && V.numRows != m)
                DMatrixSparseCSC tmp = new DMatrixSparseCSC(m, n, 0);
                CommonOps_DSCC.extractRows(R, 0, m, tmp);
        public DMatrixSparseCSC getQ(DMatrixSparseCSC Q, bool compact)
            if (Q == null)
                Q = new DMatrixSparseCSC(1, 1, 0);

            if (compact)
                Q.reshape(V.numRows, n, 0);
                Q.reshape(V.numRows, m, 0);
            DMatrixSparseCSC I = CommonOps_DSCC.identity(V.numRows, Q.numCols);

            for (int i = V.numCols - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                QrHelperFunctions_DSCC.rank1UpdateMultR(V, i, beta[i], I, Q, gwork, gx);

            // Apply P transpose to Q
            CommonOps_DSCC.permutationInverse(structure.pinv, structureP, V.numRows);
            CommonOps_DSCC.permuteRowInv(structureP, Q, I);

            // Remove fictitious rows
            if (V.numRows > m)
                CommonOps_DSCC.extractRows(I, 0, m, Q);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void solve(DMatrixRMaj B, DMatrixRMaj X)
            DMatrixSparseCSC L = cholesky.getL();

            int N = L.numRows;

            double[] b = TriangularSolver_DSCC.adjust(gb, N);
            double[] x = TriangularSolver_DSCC.adjust(gx, N);

            int[] Pinv = reduce.getArrayPinv();

            for (int col = 0; col < B.numCols; col++)
                int index = col;
                for (int i = 0; i < N; i++, index += B.numCols)
                    b[i] = B.data[index];

                if (Pinv != null)
                    CommonOps_DSCC.permuteInv(Pinv, b, x, N);
                    TriangularSolver_DSCC.solveL(L, x);
                    TriangularSolver_DSCC.solveTranL(L, x);
                    CommonOps_DSCC.permute(Pinv, x, b, N);
                    TriangularSolver_DSCC.solveL(L, b);
                    TriangularSolver_DSCC.solveTranL(L, b);

                index = col;
                for (int i = 0; i < N; i++, index += X.numCols)
                    X.data[index] = b[i];
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void minus(DMatrixSparseCSC A, DMatrixSparseCSC B, DMatrixSparseCSC output)
     CommonOps_DSCC.add(1, A, -1, B, output, null, null);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void mult(DMatrixSparseCSC A, DMatrixSparseCSC B, DMatrixSparseCSC output)
     CommonOps_DSCC.mult(A, B, output);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void transpose(DMatrixSparseCSC input, DMatrixSparseCSC output)
     CommonOps_DSCC.transpose(input, output, null);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static void main(String[] args)
            IMersenneTwister rand = new MersenneTwisterFast(234);

            // easy to work with sparse format, but hard to do computations with
            DMatrixSparseTriplet work = new DMatrixSparseTriplet(5, 4, 5);

            work.addItem(0, 1, 1.2);
            work.addItem(3, 0, 3);
            work.addItem(1, 1, 22.21234);
            work.addItem(2, 3, 6);

            // convert into a format that's easier to perform math with
            DMatrixSparseCSC Z = ConvertDMatrixStruct.convert(work, (DMatrixSparseCSC)null);

            // print the matrix to standard out in two different formats

            // Create a large matrix that is 5% filled
            DMatrixSparseCSC A = RandomMatrices_DSCC.rectangle(ROWS, COLS, (int)(ROWS * COLS * 0.05), rand);
            //          large vector that is 70% filled
            DMatrixSparseCSC x = RandomMatrices_DSCC.rectangle(COLS, XCOLS, (int)(XCOLS * COLS * 0.7), rand);

            Console.WriteLine("Done generating random matrices");
            // storage for the initial solution
            DMatrixSparseCSC y = new DMatrixSparseCSC(ROWS, XCOLS, 0);
            DMatrixSparseCSC z = new DMatrixSparseCSC(ROWS, XCOLS, 0);

            // To demonstration how to perform sparse math let's multiply:
            //                  y=A*x
            // Optional storage is set to null so that it will declare it internally
            long       before = DateTimeHelper.CurrentTimeMilliseconds;
            IGrowArray workA  = new IGrowArray(A.numRows);
            DGrowArray workB  = new DGrowArray(A.numRows);

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                CommonOps_DSCC.mult(A, x, y, workA, workB);
                CommonOps_DSCC.add(1.5, y, 0.75, y, z, workA, workB);
            long after = DateTimeHelper.CurrentTimeMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine("norm = " + NormOps_DSCC.fastNormF(y) + "  sparse time = " + (after - before) + " ms");

            DMatrixRMaj Ad = ConvertDMatrixStruct.convert(A, (DMatrixRMaj)null);
            DMatrixRMaj xd = ConvertDMatrixStruct.convert(x, (DMatrixRMaj)null);
            DMatrixRMaj yd = new DMatrixRMaj(y.numRows, y.numCols);
            DMatrixRMaj zd = new DMatrixRMaj(y.numRows, y.numCols);

            before = DateTimeHelper.CurrentTimeMilliseconds;
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                CommonOps_DDRM.mult(Ad, xd, yd);
                CommonOps_DDRM.add(1.5, yd, 0.75, yd, zd);
            after = DateTimeHelper.CurrentTimeMilliseconds;
            Console.WriteLine("norm = " + NormOps_DDRM.fastNormF(yd) + "  dense time  = " + (after - before) + " ms");