Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void SetSchedule()
            Com.VerySimple.Phreeze.Phreezer phreeze = new Com.VerySimple.Phreeze.Phreezer(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBConn"].ConnectionString);
            // run sql that checks for any search package where the first notification is null or second notification is null and no agent examination has been completed

            using (MySqlDataReader reader = phreeze.ExecuteReader("select s.s_id, s.a_id, s.o_id, s.r_id, s.att_id, s.ua_id, s.s_first_notification, s.s_second_notification, s.s_search_package_date, s.s_created, s.s_modified, orig.a_id, orig.a_username, orig.a_first_name, orig.a_last_name, orig.a_email, o.o_customer_id, o.o_client_name, o.o_id, o.o_internal_id, r.r_request_type_code from `schedule` s inner join `account` a on a.a_id = s.a_id and a.a_underwriter_codes not like '%dir-%' inner join `order` o on o.o_id = s.o_id inner join `request` r on r.r_id = s.r_id join account orig on orig.a_id = o.o_originator_id left join attachment att on att.att_request_id = r.r_id and (att.att_purpose_code = 'Committment' or att.att_purpose_code = 'ExamSheet') left join upload_log ul on ul.att_id = att.att_id and ul.ua_id <> o.o_originator_id where s.s_search_package_date is not null and att.att_request_id is null and ul.ul_id is null and (s.s_first_notification is null or s.s_second_notification is null) group by s.s_id, s.a_id, s.o_id, s.r_id, s.att_id, s.ua_id, s.s_first_notification, s.s_second_notification, s.s_search_package_date, s.s_created, s.s_modified, orig.a_id, orig.a_username, orig.a_first_name, orig.a_last_name, orig.a_email, o.o_customer_id, o.o_client_name, o.o_id, o.o_internal_id, r.r_request_type_code"))
                while (reader.Read())
                    string id = reader["s_id"].ToString();
                    ScheduledEvents.TimerDelegate p = Scheduler;
                    DateTime nw = DateTime.Now;
                    bool     isFirstNotification = reader.IsDBNull(6);

                    // actual date set in database
                    DateTime dt = (DateTime)reader["s_search_package_date"];
                    //dt = dt.AddHours((isFirstNotification) ? 72 : 168);
                    dt = (isFirstNotification) ? AddWorkDays(dt, 3) : AddWorkDays(dt, 7);

                    TimeSpan ts = dt.Subtract(nw);
                    if (ts.TotalMilliseconds < 0)
                        log4net.LogManager.GetLogger("SetSchedule").Info("Schedule Now Id: " + id);
                    else if (!timers.Contains(id))
                        log4net.LogManager.GetLogger("SetSchedule").Info("Schedule Later Id: " + id + " in " + ts.TotalMilliseconds.ToString() + " milliseconds");
                        SetTimer(p, ((long)ts.TotalMilliseconds), true, id);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void Scheduler(object stateInfo)
            Com.VerySimple.Phreeze.Phreezer phreeze1 = new Com.VerySimple.Phreeze.Phreezer(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBConn"].ConnectionString);
            Com.VerySimple.Phreeze.Phreezer phreeze2 = new Com.VerySimple.Phreeze.Phreezer(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBConn"].ConnectionString);
            string id = stateInfo.ToString();

            log4net.LogManager.GetLogger("Scheduler").Info("Schedule ID: " + id);

            XmlDocument settingsDoc = new XmlDocument();

            using (MySqlDataReader reader = phreeze1.ExecuteReader("SELECT ss_data FROM system_setting where ss_code = 'SYSTEM';"))
                if (reader.Read())

            // run sql that checks if the first notification is null or second notification is null and no agent examination has been completed for the given id
            using (MySqlDataReader reader = phreeze1.ExecuteReader("select s.s_id, s.a_id, s.o_id, s.r_id, s.att_id, s.ua_id, s.s_first_notification, s.s_second_notification, s.s_search_package_date, s.s_created, s.s_modified, orig.a_id, orig.a_username, orig.a_first_name, orig.a_last_name, orig.a_email, o.o_customer_id, o.o_client_name, o.o_id, o.o_internal_id, r.r_request_type_code from `schedule` s inner join `account` a on a.a_id = s.a_id and a.a_underwriter_codes not like '%dir-%' inner join `order` o on o.o_id = s.o_id inner join `request` r on r.r_id = s.r_id join account orig on orig.a_id = o.o_originator_id left join attachment att on att.att_request_id = r.r_id and (att.att_purpose_code = 'Committment' or att.att_purpose_code = 'ExamSheet') left join upload_log ul on ul.att_id = att.att_id and ul.ua_id <> o.o_originator_id where s.s_id = " + id + " and s.s_search_package_date is not null and att.att_request_id is null and ul.ul_id is null and (s.s_first_notification is null or s.s_second_notification is null) group by s.s_id, s.a_id, s.o_id, s.r_id, s.att_id, s.ua_id, s.s_first_notification, s.s_second_notification, s.s_search_package_date, s.s_created, s.s_modified, orig.a_id, orig.a_username, orig.a_first_name, orig.a_last_name, orig.a_email, o.o_customer_id, o.o_client_name, o.o_id, o.o_internal_id, r.r_request_type_code"))
                if (reader.Read())
                    bool isFirstNotification = reader.IsDBNull(6);

                    // send email and update first notification or second notification dates
                    if (isFirstNotification)
                        log4net.LogManager.GetLogger("Scheduler").Info("First Notification: " + reader["s_id"].ToString());
                        phreeze2.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE `schedule` SET s_first_notification = NOW(), s_modified = NOW() WHERE s_id = " + reader["s_id"].ToString());

                        string to = reader["a_email"].ToString() + ", [email protected]";
                        //to = "[email protected], [email protected]";

                        string workingID = (reader["o_internal_id"].ToString().Equals(""))? "WEB-" + reader["o_id"].ToString() : reader["o_internal_id"].ToString();

                        string url     = settingsDoc.SelectSingleNode("//field[@name='RootUrl']").InnerText + "MyOrder.aspx?id=" + reader["o_id"].ToString();
                        string subject = "First Notification for Agent Examination for Affinity Order '" + reader["o_client_name"].ToString().Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "") + "' #" + workingID;

                        Com.VerySimple.Email.Mailer mailer = new Com.VerySimple.Email.Mailer(settingsDoc.SelectSingleNode("//field[@name='SmtpHost']").InnerText);

                        string msg = "Dear " + reader["a_first_name"].ToString() + ",\r\n\r\n"
                                     + "Your Affinity " + reader["r_request_type_code"].ToString() + " for '" + reader["o_client_name"].ToString() + "', ID #"
                                     + workingID + " needs a completed Agent Examination form.\r\n\r\n"
                                     + "Friendly: " + reader["o_client_name"].ToString() + "\r\n"
                                     + "Tracking Code: " + reader["o_customer_id"].ToString() + "\r\n\r\n"
                                     + "You may view the full details of your order anytime online at " + url + ".  "
                                     + "If you would prefer to not receive this notification, you may also login "
                                     + "to your Affinity account and customize your email notification preferences.\r\n\r\n"
                                     + settingsDoc.SelectSingleNode("//field[@name='EmailFooter']").InnerText;
                        //+ "\r\n\r\nThis email would have gone to: " + reader["a_email"].ToString();

                            , to
                            , subject
                            , msg);
                        log4net.LogManager.GetLogger("Scheduler").Info("Second Notification: " + reader["s_id"].ToString());
                        phreeze2.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE `schedule` SET s_second_notification = NOW(), s_modified = NOW() WHERE s_id = " + reader["s_id"].ToString());

                        string to = reader["a_email"].ToString() + ", [email protected]";
                        //to = "[email protected], [email protected]";

                        string workingID = (reader["o_internal_id"].ToString().Equals(""))? "WEB-" + reader["o_id"].ToString() : reader["o_internal_id"].ToString();

                        string url     = settingsDoc.SelectSingleNode("//field[@name='RootUrl']").InnerText + "MyOrder.aspx?id=" + reader["o_id"].ToString();
                        string subject = "Second Notification for Agent Examination for Affinity Order '" + reader["o_client_name"].ToString().Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "") + "' #" + workingID;

                        Com.VerySimple.Email.Mailer mailer = new Com.VerySimple.Email.Mailer(settingsDoc.SelectSingleNode("//field[@name='SmtpHost']").InnerText);

                        string msg = "Dear " + reader["a_first_name"].ToString() + ",\r\n\r\n"
                                     + "Your Affinity " + reader["r_request_type_code"].ToString() + " for '" + reader["o_client_name"].ToString() + "', ID #"
                                     + workingID + " needs a completed Agent Examination form.\r\n\r\n"
                                     + "Friendly: " + reader["o_client_name"].ToString() + "\r\n"
                                     + "Tracking Code: " + reader["o_customer_id"].ToString() + "\r\n\r\n"
                                     + "You may view the full details of your order anytime online at " + url + ".  "
                                     + "If you would prefer to not receive this notification, you may also login "
                                     + "to your Affinity account and customize your email notification preferences.\r\n\r\n"
                                     + settingsDoc.SelectSingleNode("//field[@name='EmailFooter']").InnerText
                                     + "\r\n\r\nThis email would have gone to: " + reader["a_email"].ToString();

                            , to
                            , subject
                            , msg);