Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override string GetShortDescription(string VariableName)
            //This is a merger between the base table type and the specific column referenced by the unique variable name.
            //The table is extracted from the first part of the variable, with KS and QS 7 digits and CT 6 digits.
            //The text reads as:
            //[VariableText] from the 2011 Census table [TableName] [TableDescription]
            //NOTE: this is limited to 256 chars, but isn't a problem with the way the description is built.
            const string Text = "{0} ({1}) from the 2011 Census table {2} ({3})";

            DataRow VRow         = VariableMetaData.Rows.Find(VariableName);
            string  VariableText = VRow["ColumnVariableDescription"] as string;

            string TableName = VariableName.Substring(0, 7);

            if (TableName.StartsWith("C"))
                TableName = TableName.Substring(0, 6);

            //no primary key on catalogue, so have to do it the hard way
            //var TRow = from DataRow myRow in Catalogue.Rows
            //           where (string)myRow["TableName"] == TableName
            //           select myRow;
            DataRow TRow             = Catalogue.AsEnumerable().Where(t => t.Field <string>("TableName") == TableName).FirstOrDefault();
            string  TableDescription = TRow["Description"] as string;

            return(string.Format(Text, VariableText, VariableName, TableDescription, TableName));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override string GetLongDescription(string VariableName)
            //This is a merger between the base table type and the specific column referenced by the unique variable name.
            //The table is extracted from the first part of the variable, with KS and QS 7 digits and CT 6 digits.
            //The data we have is TableName (KS101EW), TableDescripton text (Usual resident pop), Variable (KS101EW001), VariableDescription (Males),
            //OA Url (link to data), ColumnVariableMeasurementUnit (count), ColumnVariableStatisticalUnit (people)
            //URL to NOMIS table description: https://www.nomisweb.co.uk/census/2011/ks101ew and pdf here: https://www.nomisweb.co.uk/census/2011/ks101ew.pdf
            //Bulk download is here: https://www.nomisweb.co.uk/census/2011/bulk/r2_2
            //NOTE: the long description is an unlimited db varchar, so length is not a problem.
            const string Text =
                "<h1>{0} ({1})</h1>"
                + "<ul>"
                + "<li>Table ID: {2}</li>"
                + "<li>Variable ID: {3}</li>"
                + "<li>Source: Census 2011</li>"
                + "<li>Units: {4}</li>"
                + "<li>Keywords: {5}</li>"
                + "<li>Coverage: England and Wales</li>"
                + "<li>Geography: Middle layer super output area (MSOA)</li>"
                + "<li>NOMIS Website: <a href=\"{6}\">{7}</a></li>"
                + "</ul>"
                + "<p><a href=\"{8}\">Download full description (PDF)</a></p>"
                + "<p>Census 2011 data from NOMIS using the field \"{9}\" from the table \"{10}\" ({11})</p>";

            string NOMISWebsite = "https://www.nomisweb.co.uk/census/2011/bulk/r2_2";

            DataRow VRow          = VariableMetaData.Rows.Find(VariableName);
            string  VariableText  = VRow["ColumnVariableDescription"] as string;
            string  VariableUnits = VRow["ColumnVariableStatisticalUnit"] as string;

            string TableName = VariableName.Substring(0, 7);

            if (TableName.StartsWith("C"))
                TableName = TableName.Substring(0, 6);

            string FullDescriptionURL = "https://www.nomisweb.co.uk/census/2011/" + TableName.ToLower() + ".pdf";

            DataRow TRow             = Catalogue.AsEnumerable().Where(t => t.Field <string>("TableName") == TableName).FirstOrDefault();
            string  TableDescription = TRow["Description"] as string;

            string Keywords = VariableText + " " + TableDescription;

            return(string.Format(Text, VariableText, VariableName, TableName, VariableName, VariableUnits, Keywords, NOMISWebsite, NOMISWebsite, FullDescriptionURL, VariableText, TableDescription, TableName));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the keywords for this data
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override string GetKeywords(string VariableName)
            DataRow VRow         = VariableMetaData.Rows.Find(VariableName);
            string  VariableText = VRow["ColumnVariableDescription"] as string;

            string TableName = VariableName.Substring(0, 7);

            if (TableName.StartsWith("C"))
                TableName = TableName.Substring(0, 6);

            DataRow TRow             = Catalogue.AsEnumerable().Where(t => t.Field <string>("TableName") == TableName).FirstOrDefault();
            string  TableDescription = TRow["Description"] as string;

            string Keywords = "census 2011 NOMIS r2.2 " + VariableText + " " + TableDescription + " " + VariableName;

            //remove duplicate words and process out colons
            string[]         split = Keywords.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
            HashSet <string> words = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (string s in split)
            Keywords = "";
            foreach (string s in words)
                if (s.Length < 4)
                string s2 = s.Replace(':', ' ');
                Keywords += s2.ToLower() + " ";

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override string GetTitle(string VariableName)
            //NOTE: title needs to be no more than 64 chars
            string TableName = VariableName.Substring(0, 7);

            if (TableName.StartsWith("C"))
                TableName = TableName.Substring(0, 6);

            DataRow TRow             = Catalogue.AsEnumerable().Where(t => t.Field <string>("TableName") == TableName).FirstOrDefault();
            string  TableDescription = TRow["Description"] as string;

            DataRow VRow         = VariableMetaData.Rows.Find(VariableName);
            string  VariableText = VRow["ColumnVariableDescription"] as string;

            //string Title = TableDescription + " : " + VariableText; //results in over 1100 which are over 64 chars
            //string Title = VariableText; //results in 327 which are over 64 chars
            //we're going to have to resort to some heuristics
            string Title = VariableText;

            if (Title.Length > 64)
                //heuristic 1, look for colon separated chunks and take the last bit of text before the final colon e.g. Medical and care establishment: Other: Children's home (including secure units)
                int PosColon = Title.LastIndexOf(':');
                if (PosColon > 0)
                    Title = Title.Substring(PosColon + 2);
                //still results in 197 which are over, so heuristic 2, do some semi colon splitting e.g. Managers, directors and senior officials;     Corporate managers and directors;         Health and Social Services Managers and Directors
                if (Title.Length > 64)
                    int PosSemi = Title.LastIndexOf(';');
                    if (PosSemi > 0)
                        Title = Title.Substring(PosSemi + 2);

                    //still got 71 which are too long at this point, so going to have to use the final fallback of truncating
                    //heuristic 3, drop words off the end until it's short enough
                    if (Title.Length > 64)
                        while (Title.Length > 60)
                            int LastPos = Title.LastIndexOf(' ');
                            Title = Title.Substring(0, LastPos);
                            Title = Title.Trim();
                        Title = Title + "...";
            Title = Title.Trim();

            if (Title.Length > 64)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error: Title>64 chars: " + Title);
