public virtual void Render(Cloud cloud, Graphics g) { foreach (var block in cloud) { DrawWord(block.Data, g, block.LeftTop); } }
public ProviderResponse<Cloud> Connect(Cloud cloud) { ProviderResponse<Cloud> response = new ProviderResponse<Cloud>(); Cloud local = cloud.DeepCopy(); IVcapClient client = new VcapClient(local); try { VcapClientResult result = client.Login(); if (!result.Success) throw new Exception(result.Message); local.AccessToken = client.CurrentToken; var applications = client.GetApplications(); var provisionedServices = client.GetProvisionedServices(); var availableServices = client.GetSystemServices(); local.Applications.Synchronize(new SafeObservableCollection<Application>(applications), new ApplicationEqualityComparer()); local.Services.Synchronize(new SafeObservableCollection<ProvisionedService>(provisionedServices), new ProvisionedServiceEqualityComparer()); local.AvailableServices.Synchronize(new SafeObservableCollection<SystemService>(availableServices), new SystemServiceEqualityComparer()); foreach (Application app in local.Applications) { var instances = GetInstances(local, app); if (instances.Response != null) app.InstanceCollection.Synchronize(new SafeObservableCollection<Instance>(instances.Response), new InstanceEqualityComparer()); } response.Response = local; } catch (Exception ex) { response.Message = ex.Message; } return response; }
protected override void InitializeData() { Messenger.Default.Send(new NotificationMessageAction<Cloud>(Messages.SetChangePasswordData, c => { this.EMail = c.Email; = c; })); }
public void ShouldAddFriend(Cloud cloud) { // Use two test accounts Login2NewUsers(cloud, (gamer1, gamer2) => { // Expects friend status change event Promise restOfTheTestCompleted = new Promise(); gamer1.StartEventLoop(); gamer1.Community.OnFriendStatusChange += (FriendStatusChangeEvent e) => { Assert(e.FriendId == gamer2.GamerId, "Should come from P2"); Assert(e.NewStatus == FriendRelationshipStatus.Add, "Should have added me"); restOfTheTestCompleted.Done(CompleteTest); }; // Add gamer1 as a friend of gamer2 gamer2.Community.AddFriend(gamer1.GamerId) .ExpectSuccess(addResult => { // Then list the friends of gamer1, gamer2 should be in it return gamer1.Community.ListFriends(); }) .ExpectSuccess(friends => { Assert(friends.Count == 1, "Expects one friend"); Assert(friends[0].GamerId == gamer2.GamerId, "Wrong friend ID"); restOfTheTestCompleted.Resolve(); }); }); }
public void ShouldAssociateGodfather(Cloud cloud) { Login2NewUsers(cloud, (gamer1, gamer2) => { // Expects godchild event Promise restOfTheTestCompleted = new Promise(); gamer1.StartEventLoop(); gamer1.Godfather.OnGotGodchild += (GotGodchildEvent e) => { Assert(e.Gamer.GamerId == gamer2.GamerId, "Should come from player2"); Assert((object)e.Reward == (object)Bundle.Empty, "No reward should be associated"); restOfTheTestCompleted.Done(CompleteTest); }; // P1 generates a code and associates P2 with it gamer1.Godfather.GenerateCode() // Use code .ExpectSuccess(genCode => gamer2.Godfather.UseCode(genCode)) .ExpectSuccess(dummy => gamer2.Godfather.GetGodfather()) .ExpectSuccess(result => { Assert(result.GamerId == gamer1.GamerId, "P1 should be godfather"); Assert(result.AsBundle().Root.Has("godfather"), "Underlying structure should be accessible"); return gamer1.Godfather.GetGodchildren(); }) .ExpectSuccess(result => { Assert(result.Count == 1, "Should have only one godchildren"); Assert(result[0].GamerId == gamer2.GamerId, "P2 should be godchildren"); restOfTheTestCompleted.Resolve(); }); }); }
public void ShouldBeUsableToSearchForMatches(Cloud cloud) { Login2NewUsers(cloud, (gamer1, gamer2) => { string queryStr = "public:true AND owner_id:" + gamer1.GamerId; Match[] matches = new Match[2]; gamer1.Matches.Create(maxPlayers: 2) .Then(match1 => { Bundle matchProp = Bundle.CreateObject("public", true, "owner_id", gamer1.GamerId); matches[0] = match1; // Index the match return cloud.Index("matches").IndexObject(match1.MatchId, matchProp, Bundle.Empty); }) .Then(indexResult => { // Create another match return gamer1.Matches.Create(maxPlayers: 2); }) .Then(match2 => { // Index it matches[1] = match2; return cloud.Index("matches").IndexObject(match2.MatchId, Bundle.CreateObject("public", false), Bundle.Empty); }) .Then(indexResult2 => { // Check that we can find match1 by looking for public matches return cloud.Index("matches").Search(queryStr); }) .Then(found => { Assert(found.Hits.Count == 1, "Should find one match"); Assert(found.Hits[0].ObjectId == matches[0].MatchId, "Should find one match"); }) .CompleteTestIfSuccessful(); }); }
public void ShouldListScoreOfFriends(Cloud cloud) { // Create 2 users Login2NewUsers(cloud, (gamer1, gamer2) => { // Post 1 score each string board = RandomBoardName(); gamer1.Scores.Post(1000, board, ScoreOrder.HighToLow, "TestGamer1", false) .ExpectSuccess(dummy => gamer2.Scores.Post(1500, board, ScoreOrder.HighToLow, "TestGamer2", false)) // We need to wait a bit else the results may be misleading .ExpectSuccess(dummy => Wait<object>(1000)) // Ok so now the two friends are not friends, so the scores returned should not include the other .ExpectSuccess(dummy => gamer1.Scores.ListFriendScores(board)) .ExpectSuccess(scores => { Assert(scores.Count == 1, "Should have one score only"); Assert(scores[0].GamerInfo.GamerId == gamer1.GamerId, "Should contain my score"); // So let's become friends! return gamer2.Community.AddFriend(gamer1.GamerId); }) // And try again fetching scores .ExpectSuccess(dummy => Wait<object>(1000)) .ExpectSuccess(friendResult => gamer1.Scores.ListFriendScores(board)) .ExpectSuccess(scoresWhenFriend => { Assert(scoresWhenFriend.Count == 2, "Should have two scores only"); Assert(scoresWhenFriend[1].Rank == 2, "Second score should have rank 2"); CompleteTest(); }); }); }
public void ShouldCreateMatchWithMinimumArgs(Cloud cloud) { Login(cloud, gamer => { gamer.Matches.Create(maxPlayers: 2) .CompleteTestIfSuccessful(); }); }
public void ShouldCreateMatch(Cloud cloud) { string matchDesc = "Test match"; Login(cloud, gamer => { gamer.Matches.Create( description: matchDesc, maxPlayers: 2, customProperties: Bundle.CreateObject("test", "value"), shoe: Bundle.CreateArray(1, 2, 3)) .ExpectSuccess(match => { Assert(match.Creator.GamerId == gamer.GamerId, "Match creator not set properly"); Assert(match.CustomProperties["test"] == "value", "Missing custom property"); Assert(match.Description == matchDesc, "Invalid match description"); Assert(match.Moves.Count == 0, "Should not have any move at first"); Assert(match.GlobalState.AsDictionary().Count == 0, "Global state should be empty initially"); Assert(match.LastEventId != null, "Last event should not be null"); Assert(match.MatchId != null, "Match ID shouldn't be null"); Assert(match.MaxPlayers == 2, "Should have two players"); Assert(match.Players.Count == 1, "Should contain only one player"); Assert(match.Players[0].GamerId == gamer.GamerId, "Should contain me as player"); Assert(match.Seed != 0, "A 31-bit seed should be provided"); Assert(match.Shoe.AsArray().Count == 0, "The shoe shouldn't be available until the match is finished"); Assert(match.Status == MatchStatus.Running, "The match status is invalid"); CompleteTest(); }); }); }
public void ShouldHavePaginationInTxHistory(Cloud cloud) { LoginNewUser(cloud, gamer => { // Run 3 transactions serially gamer.Transactions.Post(Bundle.CreateObject("gold", 1)) .ExpectSuccess(dummy => gamer.Transactions.Post(Bundle.CreateObject("gold", 2, "silver", 10))) .ExpectSuccess(dummy => gamer.Transactions.Post(Bundle.CreateObject("gold", 3))) // All transactions have been executed. Default to page 1. .ExpectSuccess(dummy => gamer.Transactions.History(limit: 2)) .ExpectSuccess(tx => { // Even though there are three, only two results should be returned Assert(tx.Count == 2, "Expected two entries in history"); // Then fetch the next page Assert(!tx.HasPrevious, "Should not have previous page"); Assert(tx.HasNext, "Should have next page"); return tx.FetchNext(); }) .ExpectSuccess(tx => { Assert(tx.Offset == 2, "Expected offset: 2"); Assert(tx.Count == 1, "Expected one value at page 2"); Assert(tx.HasPrevious, "Should have previous page"); Assert(!tx.HasNext, "Should not have next page"); return tx.FetchPrevious(); }) .ExpectSuccess(tx => { Assert(tx.Count == 2, "Expected two entries in history"); Assert(!tx.HasPrevious, "Should not have previous page"); Assert(tx.HasNext, "Should have next page"); CompleteTest(); }); }); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { var cotc = FindObjectOfType<CotcGameObject> (); if (cotc == null) { throw new SystemException ("No Clan of the Cloud SDK object found on the scene"); } // Log unhandled exceptions (.Done block without .Catch -- not called if there is any .Then) Promise.UnhandledException += (object sender, ExceptionEventArgs e) => { Debug.LogError("Unhandled exception: " + e.Exception.ToString()); }; // Promise.Debug_OutputAllExceptions = true; // PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); // Initiate getting the main Cloud object cotc.GetCloud().Done(cloud => { Cloud = cloud; // Retry failed HTTP requests once after 1 sec, then 5, finally abort. Cloud.HttpRequestFailedHandler = (HttpRequestFailedEventArgs e) => { int count = (int?) e.UserData ?? 0; if (count == 0) e.RetryIn(1000); else if (count == 1) e.RetryIn(5000); else e.Abort(); e.UserData = ++count; }; Debug.Log("Setup done"); // PostSampleScoresForTesting(); InitCloud(); }); Debug.Assert(ConfirmationDialog != null); }
public void ShouldRunGameBatch(Cloud cloud) { cloud.Game.Batches.Run("test", Bundle.CreateObject("value", 3)) .ExpectSuccess(batchResult => { Assert(batchResult["value"] == 6, "Result invalid (expected 3 x 2 = 6)"); CompleteTest(); }); }
protected override void InitializeData() { Messenger.Default.Send(new NotificationMessageAction<Cloud>(Messages.SetCreateServiceData, (cloud) => { = cloud; this.SystemServices.Synchronize(cloud.AvailableServices, new SystemServiceEqualityComparer()); })); }
protected override void InitializeData() { Messenger.Default.Send(new NotificationMessageAction<Cloud>(Messages.SetRegisterAccountData, (cloud) => { = cloud; this.EMail = cloud.Email; this.NewPassword = cloud.Password; })); }
public void ShouldRunGamerBatch(Cloud cloud) { Login(cloud, gamer => { gamer.Batches.Run("testGamer", Bundle.CreateObject("prefix", "Hello ")) .ExpectSuccess(batchResult => { Assert(batchResult["message"] == "Hello [email protected]", "Returned value invalid (" + batchResult["message"] + ", check hook on server"); CompleteTest(); }); }); }
public void TestInitialize() { factories = Substitute.For<Factories>(); providerFactory = Substitute.For<CloudProviderFactory>(); provider = Substitute.For<CloudProvider>(); providerFactory.Create().Returns(provider); exportAndImport = Substitute.For<ExportAndImport>(); settings = new Settings { CloudToken = "foo" }; factories.Settings.Returns(settings); sut = new CloudImpl(providerFactory, factories, exportAndImport); }
public AddCloudViewModel() : base(Messages.AddCloudDialogResult) { Cloud = new Cloud(); dispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher; ValidateAccountCommand = new RelayCommand(ValidateAccount, CanValidate); RegisterAccountCommand = new RelayCommand(RegisterAccount, CanRegister); ManageCloudUrlsCommand = new RelayCommand(ManageCloudUrls); cloudUrls = provider.CloudUrls; SelectedCloudUrl = cloudUrls.SingleOrDefault((i) => i.IsDefault); }
public void ShouldNotReadInexistingKey(Cloud cloud) { cloud.LoginAnonymously().ExpectSuccess(gamer => { gamer.GamerVfs.GetKey("nonexistingkey") .ExpectFailure(getRes => { Assert(getRes.HttpStatusCode == 404, "Wrong error code (404)"); Assert(getRes.ServerData["name"] == "KeyNotFound", "Wrong error message"); CompleteTest(); }); }); }
public void ShouldChangePassword(Cloud cloud) { cloud.Login( network: LoginNetwork.Email, networkId: RandomEmailAddress(), networkSecret: "Password123") .Then(gamer => gamer.Account.ChangePassword("Password124")) .Then(pswResult => { Assert(pswResult, "Change password failed"); }) .CompleteTestIfSuccessful(); }
public void ShouldReturnProperOutline(Cloud cloud) { Login(cloud, gamer => { gamer.Profile.Outline() .ExpectSuccess(outline => { Assert(outline.Network == gamer.Network, "Expected same network"); Assert(outline.NetworkId == gamer.NetworkId, "Expected same network ID"); Assert(outline["games"].Type == Bundle.DataType.Array, "Expected games array"); CompleteTest(); }); }); }
/// <summary> /// Logs in to CotC through facebook. This will bring an user interface allowing to sign in /// to facebook. /// </summary> /// <returns>task returning when the login has finished. The resulting Gamer object can then /// be used for many purposes related to the signed in account.</returns> /// <param name="cloud">needed to perform various tasks. Ensure that the SDK is initialized properly and fetch a /// cloud object.</param> public Promise<Gamer> LoginWithFacebook(Cloud cloud) { var task = new Promise<Gamer>(); LoginToFacebook(new List<string>() { "public_profile","email","user_friends" }).Then(aToken => { string userId = aToken.UserId, token = aToken.TokenString; Common.Log("Logged in through facebook"); cloud.Login(LoginNetwork.Facebook, userId, token) .ForwardTo(task); }).Catch(ex => { task.Reject(ex); }); return task; }
public void ShouldFetchTransactionHistory(Cloud cloud) { LoginNewUser(cloud, gamer => { gamer.Transactions.Post(Bundle.CreateObject("gold", 10), "Transaction run by integration test.") .ExpectSuccess(dummy => gamer.Transactions.History()) .ExpectSuccess(histResult => { Assert(histResult.Count == 1, "Expected one history entry"); Assert(histResult[0].Description == "Transaction run by integration test.", "Wrong description"); Assert(histResult[0].TxData["gold"] == 10, "Wrong tx data"); CompleteTest(); }); }); }
public ExportAndImportViewModel(Factories factories, CloudProviderFactory cloudProviderFactory, Vibration vibration, Cloud cloud, MessageDialog messageDialog, CloudMessages cloudMessages, BackgroundWorkerFactory workerFactory) { this.factories = factories; exportAndImport = new ExportAndImportImpl(factories); this.cloudProviderFactory = cloudProviderFactory; this.vibration = vibration; = cloud; this.messageDialog = messageDialog; this.cloudMessages = cloudMessages; this.workerFactory = workerFactory; }
public void ShouldFetchGameKey(Cloud cloud) { cloud.Game.GameVfs.GetKey("testkey") .ExpectSuccess(getResult => { Assert(getResult.Type != Bundle.DataType.String, "Not expecting string result"); Assert(getResult["test"] == 2, "Expected test: 2 key"); return cloud.Game.GameVfs.GetKey("stringkey"); }) .ExpectSuccess(v1Result => { Assert(v1Result["str"] == "val", "Expected JSON-decodable string"); CompleteTest(); }); }
public void ShouldWriteKeys(Cloud cloud) { Login(cloud, gamer => { gamer.GamerVfs.SetKey("testkey", "hello world") .ExpectSuccess(setRes => { gamer.GamerVfs.GetKey("testkey") .ExpectSuccess(getRes => { Assert(getRes == "hello world", "Wrong key value"); CompleteTest(); }); }); }); }
public void ShouldNotAssociateGodfatherWithHimself(Cloud cloud) { LoginNewUser(cloud, gamer => { // Should fail to godfather himself gamer.Godfather.GenerateCode() .ExpectSuccess(genCode => { gamer.Godfather.UseCode(genCode) .ExpectFailure(usedCode => { Assert(usedCode.HttpStatusCode == 400, "Expected HTTP 400"); Assert(usedCode.ServerData["name"] == "cantBeSelfGodchild", "Expected cantBeSelfGodchild"); CompleteTest(); }); }); }); }
public void ShouldWriteBinaryKey(Cloud cloud) { Login(cloud, gamer => { byte[] data = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; gamer.GamerVfs.SetKeyBinary("testkey", data) .ExpectSuccess(setRes => { gamer.GamerVfs.GetKeyBinary("testkey") .ExpectSuccess(getRes => { Assert(getRes.Length == 4, "Wrong key length"); Assert(getRes[2] == 3, "Wrong key value"); CompleteTest(); }); }); }); }
public ProviderResponse<bool> ChangePassword(Cloud cloud, string newPassword) { var response = new ProviderResponse<bool>(); try { IVcapClient client = new VcapClient(cloud); client.ChangePassword(newPassword); response.Response = true; } catch (Exception ex) { response.Message = ex.Message; } return response; }
void Awake() { Context = new Cloud(); for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { Context.Units.Add(new Unit { Target = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(UnitPrefab), Name = "Unit " + i, }); } View.SetContext(Context); }
public void ShouldListNetworkUsers(Cloud cloud) { Login(cloud, gamer => { Bundle data = Bundle.FromJson("{\"data\":[{\"name\":\"Test 1\",\"id\":\"10153057921478192\"},{\"name\":\"Test 2\",\"id\":\"10153366656847346\"},{\"name\":\"Test 3\",\"id\":\"339262546278220\"}],\"paging\":{\"next\":\"\"},\"summary\":{\"total_count\":760}}"); List<SocialNetworkFriend> friends = new List<SocialNetworkFriend>(); foreach (Bundle f in data["data"].AsArray()) { friends.Add(new SocialNetworkFriend(f)); } gamer.Community.ListNetworkFriends(LoginNetwork.Facebook, friends, true) .ExpectSuccess(response => { Assert(response.ByNetwork[LoginNetwork.Facebook].Count == 3, "Should have registered 3 facebook users"); CompleteTest(); }); }); }
public CleanTrashCommand(Cloud cloud, string path, IList <string> parames) : base(cloud, path, parames) { }
static LevelLoader() { // Mario loader loaders.Add("mario", (game, x, y) => { game.Mario = new Entities.Mario.Mario(game, x, y); }); LevelLoader_Block1(); LevelLoader_Block2(); // Enemy loaders loaders.Add("goomba", (game, x, y) => { game.WorldLoader.Enemies.Add(new Goomba(game, x, y)); }); loaders.Add("koopa", (game, x, y) => { game.WorldLoader.Enemies.Add(new Koopa(game, x, y)); }); loaders.Add("boss", (game, x, y) => { game.WorldLoader.Enemies.Add(new Bowser(game, x - 1, y - 1)); }); loaders.Add("lakitu", (game, x, y) => { game.WorldLoader.Enemies.Add(new Lakitu(game, x, y)); }); // Pipe loader loaders.Add("pipeTop", (game, x, y) => { Pipe pipe = new Pipe("Top", game) { Position = new Vector2(x, y) }; game.WorldLoader.Pipes.Add(pipe); game.Map.SetBlock(x, y, pipe); game.Map.SetHiddenBlock(x, y + 1, pipe); game.Map.SetHiddenBlock(x + 1, y, pipe); game.Map.SetHiddenBlock(x + 1, y + 1, pipe); }); loaders.Add("UGpipeTop", (game, x, y) => { Pipe pipe = new Pipe("UGTop", game); pipe.Position = new Vector2(x, y); game.WorldLoader.Pipes.Add(pipe); game.Map.SetBlock(x, y, pipe); game.Map.SetHiddenBlock(x, y + 1, pipe); game.Map.SetHiddenBlock(x + 1, y, pipe); game.Map.SetHiddenBlock(x + 1, y + 1, pipe); }); loaders.Add("pipeBody", (game, x, y) => { Pipe pipeBody = new Pipe("Body", game); pipeBody.Position = new Vector2(x, y); game.WorldLoader.Pipes.Add(pipeBody); game.Map.SetBlock(x, y, pipeBody); game.Map.SetHiddenBlock(x + 1, y, pipeBody); }); loaders.Add("SWPipeEntrance", (game, x, y) => { Pipe pipeBody = new Pipe("SWEntrance", game); pipeBody.Position = new Vector2(x, y); game.WorldLoader.Pipes.Add(pipeBody); game.Map.SetBlock(x, y, pipeBody); game.Map.SetHiddenBlock(x + 1, y, pipeBody); game.Map.SetHiddenBlock(x, y + 1, pipeBody); game.Map.SetHiddenBlock(x + 1, y + 1, pipeBody); }); loaders.Add("SWPipeBody", (game, x, y) => { Pipe pipeBody = new Pipe("SWBody", game); pipeBody.Position = new Vector2(x, y); game.WorldLoader.Pipes.Add(pipeBody); game.Map.SetBlock(x, y, pipeBody); game.Map.SetBlock(x, y + 1, pipeBody); }); //Item loaders loaders.Add("coin", (game, x, y) => { IItem coin = new Coin(game, new Vector2(x, y - 1)); coin.Position = new Vector2(x, y); game.WorldLoader.Items.Add(coin); }); loaders.Add("flagPole", (game, x, y) => { IItem flagPole = new FlagPole(game); flagPole.Position = new Vector2(x, y); flagPole.Bounds = new Rectangle(x, y, 1, 12 - y); game.WorldLoader.Items.Add(flagPole); }); // Background loaders loaders.Add("bush", (game, x, y) => { IBackground bush = new Bush(); bush.Position = new Vector2(x, y); game.WorldLoader.Background.Add(bush); }); loaders.Add("bushMid", (game, x, y) => { IBackground bushmid = new BushMid(); bushmid.Position = new Vector2(x, y); game.WorldLoader.Background.Add(bushmid); }); loaders.Add("bushLong", (game, x, y) => { IBackground bushlong = new BushLong(); bushlong.Position = new Vector2(x, y); game.WorldLoader.Background.Add(bushlong); }); loaders.Add("hill", (game, x, y) => { IBackground hill = new Hill(); hill.Position = new Vector2(x, y); game.WorldLoader.Background.Add(hill); }); loaders.Add("cloud", (game, x, y) => { IBackground cloud = new Cloud(); cloud.Position = new Vector2(x, y); game.WorldLoader.Background.Add(cloud); }); loaders.Add("cloudMid", (game, x, y) => { IBackground cloudMid = new CloudMid(); cloudMid.Position = new Vector2(x, y); game.WorldLoader.Background.Add(cloudMid); }); loaders.Add("cloudLong", (game, x, y) => { IBackground cloudlong = new CloudLong(); cloudlong.Position = new Vector2(x, y); game.WorldLoader.Background.Add(cloudlong); }); loaders.Add("castle", (game, x, y) => { IBackground castle = new ToadCastle(); castle.Position = new Vector2(x, y); game.WorldLoader.Background.Add(castle); }); loaders.Add("flag", (game, x, y) => { Flag flag = new Flag(new Vector2(x, y)); game.WorldLoader.Background.Add(flag); }); loaders.Add("lavaTop", (game, x, y) => { IBackground lavatop = new LavaTop { Position = new Vector2(x, y) }; game.WorldLoader.Background.Add(lavatop); }); loaders.Add("LavaBot", (game, x, y) => { IBackground lavatop = new LavaBot { Position = new Vector2(x, y) }; game.WorldLoader.Background.Add(lavatop); }); loaders.Add("BridgeChain", (game, x, y) => { IBackground bc = new BridgeChain { Position = new Vector2(x, y) }; game.WorldLoader.Background.Add(bc); }); loaders.Add("Hammer", (game, x, y) => { game.WorldLoader.Items.Add(new Hammer(game, new Vector2(x, y))); }); }
public static bool LoadCustomEntity(EntityData entityData, Level level) { LevelData levelData = level.Session.LevelData; Vector2 offset = new Vector2(levelData.Bounds.Left, levelData.Bounds.Top); if (Everest.Events.Level.LoadEntity(level, levelData, offset, entityData)) { return(true); } if (EntityLoaders.TryGetValue(entityData.Name, out EntityLoader loader)) { Entity loaded = loader(level, levelData, offset, entityData); if (loaded != null) { level.Add(loaded); return(true); } } if (entityData.Name == "everest/spaceController") { level.Add(new SpaceController()); return(true); } // The following entities have hardcoded "attributes." // Everest allows custom maps to set them. if (entityData.Name == "spinner") { if (level.Session.Area.ID == 3 || (level.Session.Area.ID == 7 && level.Session.Level.StartsWith("d-")) || entityData.Bool("dust")) { level.Add(new DustStaticSpinner(entityData, offset)); return(true); } CrystalColor color = CrystalColor.Blue; if (level.Session.Area.ID == 5) { color = CrystalColor.Red; } else if (level.Session.Area.ID == 6) { color = CrystalColor.Purple; } else if (level.Session.Area.ID == 10) { color = CrystalColor.Rainbow; } else if ("core".Equals(entityData.Attr("color"), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { color = (CrystalColor)(-1); } else if (!Enum.TryParse(entityData.Attr("color"), true, out color)) { color = CrystalColor.Blue; } level.Add(new CrystalStaticSpinner(entityData, offset, color)); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "trackSpinner") { if (level.Session.Area.ID == 10 || entityData.Bool("star")) { level.Add(new StarTrackSpinner(entityData, offset)); return(true); } else if (level.Session.Area.ID == 3 || (level.Session.Area.ID == 7 && level.Session.Level.StartsWith("d-")) || entityData.Bool("dust")) { level.Add(new DustTrackSpinner(entityData, offset)); return(true); } level.Add(new BladeTrackSpinner(entityData, offset)); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "rotateSpinner") { if (level.Session.Area.ID == 10 || entityData.Bool("star")) { level.Add(new StarRotateSpinner(entityData, offset)); return(true); } else if (level.Session.Area.ID == 3 || (level.Session.Area.ID == 7 && level.Session.Level.StartsWith("d-")) || entityData.Bool("dust")) { level.Add(new DustRotateSpinner(entityData, offset)); return(true); } level.Add(new BladeRotateSpinner(entityData, offset)); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "checkpoint" && entityData.Position == Vector2.Zero && !entityData.Bool("allowOrigin")) { // Workaround for mod levels with old versions of Ahorn containing a checkpoint at (0, 0): // Create the checkpoint and avoid the start position update in orig_Load. level.Add(new Checkpoint(entityData, offset)); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "cloud") { patch_Cloud cloud = new Cloud(entityData, offset) as patch_Cloud; if (entityData.Has("small")) { cloud.Small = entityData.Bool("small"); } level.Add(cloud); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "cobweb") { patch_Cobweb cobweb = new Cobweb(entityData, offset) as patch_Cobweb; if (entityData.Has("color")) { cobweb.OverrideColors = entityData.Attr("color")?.Split(',').Select(s => Calc.HexToColor(s)).ToArray(); } level.Add(cobweb); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "movingPlatform") { patch_MovingPlatform platform = new MovingPlatform(entityData, offset) as patch_MovingPlatform; if (entityData.Has("texture")) { platform.OverrideTexture = entityData.Attr("texture"); } level.Add(platform); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "sinkingPlatform") { patch_SinkingPlatform platform = new SinkingPlatform(entityData, offset) as patch_SinkingPlatform; if (entityData.Has("texture")) { platform.OverrideTexture = entityData.Attr("texture"); } level.Add(platform); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "crumbleBlock") { patch_CrumblePlatform platform = new CrumblePlatform(entityData, offset) as patch_CrumblePlatform; if (entityData.Has("texture")) { platform.OverrideTexture = entityData.Attr("texture"); } level.Add(platform); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "wire") { Wire wire = new Wire(entityData, offset); if (entityData.Has("color")) { wire.Color = entityData.HexColor("color"); } level.Add(wire); return(true); } if (!_LoadStrings.Contains(entityData.Name)) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warn, "LoadLevel", $"Failed loading entity {entityData.Name}"); } return(false); }
public RemoveBadLinksCommand(Cloud cloud, string path, IList <string> parames) : base(cloud, path, parames) { }
// =============================================== Simulation // Runs a single frame of the erosion simulation private void ErosionSimulation() { Vector2 gpc; int iterations = weatherlessDropletIterations; if (simulateWeather) { iterations = clouds.Count; } // Create a water Droplet for every cloud for (int cloudIndex = 0; cloudIndex < iterations; cloudIndex++) { if (simulateWeather) { Cloud cloud = clouds[cloudIndex]; // Create water droplet at random place below cloud float lonOffset = UnityEngine.Random.value * cloud.radius * 2f - cloud.radius; float latOffset = UnityEngine.Random.value * cloud.radius * 2f - cloud.radius; gpc = cloud.globalCoords + new Vector2(lonOffset, latOffset); gpc = GPCClampToBounds(gpc); } else { gpc = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.value * 360 - 180, UnityEngine.Random.value * 180 - 90); } Vector3 dir =; float speed = initialSpeed; float water = initialWaterVolume; float sediment = 0; int vertexIndex; int newVertexIndex; int face_start = GPCToFaceIndex(gpc); Vector3 pos = GetWorldSpaceFromGPC(gpc, face_start); // Simulate Droplet's Life for (int lifetime = 0; lifetime < maxDropletLifetime; lifetime++) { vertexIndex = GetClosestVertex(pos, face_start); // Calculate droplet's height and direction of flow float height = pos.magnitude; Direction direction = GetFlowDirection(face_start); // Update the droplet's direction and position (move position 1 unit regardless of speed) dir = (dir * inertia + direction.worldDirection * (1 - inertia)); dir = dir.normalized; direction.worldDirection = dir; newVertexIndex = GetNextVertex(direction.GPCDirection(), vertexIndex); gpc = positionToGPC(pos + (dir * (vertices[newVertexIndex] - vertices[vertexIndex]).magnitude)); // Stop Simulating droplet if it's not moving if (dir.x == 0 && dir.y == 0) { break; } // Find droplets new height and calculate the delta height int currFaceStart = face_start; face_start = GetFace(gpc, newVertexIndex); if (face_start == -1) { face_start = GPCToFaceIndex(gpc); } pos = GetWorldSpaceFromGPC(gpc, face_start); float newHeight = pos.magnitude; float deltaHeight = newHeight - height; // Calculate the droplet's sediment capacity (higher when moving fast down a slope and contains lots of water) float sedimentCapacity = Mathf.Max(-deltaHeight * speed * water * sedimentCapacityFactor, minSedimentCapacity); // We don't want to do any erosion or depositing if we havn't changed faces // If carrying more sediment than capacity, or if flowing uphill: if ((sediment > sedimentCapacity || deltaHeight > 0) && currFaceStart != face_start) { // If moving uphill (deltaHeight > 0) try fill up to the current height, otherwise deposit a fraction of the excess sediment float amountToDeposit = (deltaHeight > 0) ? Mathf.Min(deltaHeight, sediment) : (sediment - sedimentCapacity) * depositSpeed; sediment -= amountToDeposit; // Add Sediment to this vertex (not to radius to fill small pits) vertices[vertexIndex] += vertices[vertexIndex].normalized * amountToDeposit; } else if (currFaceStart != face_start) { // Erode a fraction of the droplet's current carry capacity. // Clamp the erosion to the change in height so that it doesn't dig a hole in the terrain behind the droplet float amountToErode = Mathf.Min((sedimentCapacity - sediment) * erodeSpeed, -deltaHeight); // Use erosion brush to erode from all nodes inside the droplet's erosion radius for (int brushPointIndex = 0; brushPointIndex < erosionBrushIndices[vertexIndex].Length; brushPointIndex++) { int nodeIndex = erosionBrushIndices[vertexIndex][brushPointIndex]; float weighedErodeAmount = amountToErode * erosionBrushWeights[vertexIndex][brushPointIndex]; float deltaSediment = (vertices[nodeIndex].magnitude < weighedErodeAmount) ? vertices[nodeIndex].magnitude : weighedErodeAmount; vertices[nodeIndex] -= vertices[nodeIndex].normalized * deltaSediment; FixNormals(nodeIndex); sediment += deltaSediment; } } // Update droplet's speed and water content speed = Mathf.Sqrt(speed * speed + deltaHeight * gravity); water *= (1 - evaporateSpeed); } } }
private void MoveTimer_Tick(object sender, object e) { cheat = togleCheat.IsOn; canvasWidth(); canvasHeight(); date = cheat ? new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, timePicker.Time.Hours, timePicker.Time.Minutes, 0, 0) : DateTime.Now; //new DateTime(2018, 04, 26, 17, 11, 0, 0); b = getCurrentColor(date); currentBackGroundColor = Color.FromArgb(255, (byte)(b / 2), (byte)(b / 2), b); mainClcl = Colors.WhiteSmoke; secClcl = Colors.Gray; getFrequency(); if (!cheat && cheatTaggled) { clouds = new List <Cloud>(); width = 1700; float x = width / frequency; for (float i = 0; i < frequency; i++) { var cl = new Cloud(x / 2 + i * x, cloudHeight * k + random(-1 * (cloudHeight * k) / 2, (cloudHeight * k) / 1.5f), (int)random(4, 12), cloudHeight, 0); clouds.Add(cl); } cheatTaggled = !cheatTaggled; } float maxWidth = (float)this.maxWidth(); dk3 = -3; var lastId = clouds.Count - 1; if (clouds[0].maxX < -25) { clouds[0].makeCloud(width + 100, cloudHeight * k + random(-1 * (cloudHeight * k) / 3, (cloudHeight * k) / 1.5f), (int)random(4, 12), lastId); clouds = Ofset(clouds); } foreach (Cloud cl in clouds) { cl.move(dk3); } float animSpeed = 0.15f; float animSpeed2 = 0.3f; if (forward && dk < 5) { dk += animSpeed; } else if (forward) { forward = !forward; dk -= animSpeed; } else if (!forward && dk >= 0) { dk -= animSpeed; } else { forward = !forward; } if (dk2 < (20 / animSpeed2 - 20 % animSpeed2) * animSpeed2) { dk2 += animSpeed2; } else { dk2 = 0; } }
private Stream OpenReadStream(Cloud cloud, long?start, long?end) { Stream stream = cloud.GetFileDownloadStream(_fileInfo, start, end).Result; return(stream); }
internal void Render() { if (bounds == null) { bounds = GetBounds(); } float now = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; for (int i = 0; i < clouds.Length; i++) { Cloud cloud = clouds[i]; if (cloud != null) { //cloud is visible if (cloud.obj == null) { //create gameobject and set texture cloud.obj = CreateGameObject(i); = cloud.obj.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); = textures[cloud.texture]; cloud.position.x = UnityEngine.Random.Range(bounds[0] - BOUNDS_PADDING, bounds[1] + BOUNDS_PADDING); cloud.position.z = UnityEngine.Random.Range(bounds[2] - BOUNDS_PADDING, bounds[3] + BOUNDS_PADDING); cloud.spawnTime = 0; cloudsVisible++; } //update cloud position float modifier = Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Sin(cloud.seed + now / 4f), 2) * 0.5f; cloud.position.x += cloud.direction.x * Time.deltaTime * (1 - modifier); cloud.obj.transform.position = cloud.position; float alpha; //fade out if (cloud.fadeOut) { alpha = Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Abs(cloud.fadeOutAt - now) / FADEOUT_DURATION); if (now > cloud.fadeOutAt) { cloud.fadeOut = false; cloudsVisible++; cloud.spawnTime = now; cloud.position.x = UnityEngine.Random.Range(bounds[0] - BOUNDS_PADDING, bounds[1] + BOUNDS_PADDING / 2); cloud.position.z = UnityEngine.Random.Range(bounds[2] - BOUNDS_PADDING / 2, bounds[3] + BOUNDS_PADDING / 2); } } else { if (!IsInsideBounds(cloud.position)) { cloud.fadeOut = true; cloud.fadeOutAt = now; cloudsVisible--; } //fade in alpha = Mathf.Clamp01((now - cloud.spawnTime) / FADEIN_DURATION); } cloud.color.a = alpha;"_TintColor", cloud.color); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { if (args.Length != 4) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("invalid arguments"); Console.ReadLine(); #endif return; } string pipeName = args[0]; string connectionTarget = args[1]; string portNoStr = args[2]; string param3 = args[3]; #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(pipeName)}={pipeName},{nameof(connectionTarget)}={connectionTarget},{nameof(portNoStr)}={portNoStr},{nameof(param3)}={param3}"); #endif int portNo = int.Parse(portNoStr); PeerName peerName = null; Cloud cloud = null; switch (connectionTarget.ToLower()) { case "global": cloud = Cloud.Global; peerName = PeerName.CreateFromPeerHostName(param3); break; case "local": cloud = Cloud.AllLinkLocal; peerName = new PeerName(param3, PeerNameType.Secured); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("invalid argument", "param 1"); } using (var namedPipePipeToPeer = new NamedPipeClientStream(".", pipeName + "PipeToPeer")) { namedPipePipeToPeer.Connect(); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("connect named pipe 'PipeToPeer'"); #endif using (var namedPipePeerToPipe = new NamedPipeClientStream(".", pipeName + "PeerToPipe")) { namedPipePeerToPipe.Connect(); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("connect named pipe 'PeerToPipe'"); #endif var peerNameResolver = new PeerNameResolver(); while (namedPipePipeToPeer.IsConnected && namedPipePeerToPipe.IsConnected) { int result = namedPipePipeToPeer.ReadByte(); if (result < 0) { break; } #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("read"); #endif // 読み込み実行 if (result == 0xFF) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("resolve start"); #endif foreach (var record in peerNameResolver.Resolve(peerName, cloud)) { namedPipePeerToPipe.Write(record.Data, 0, record.Data.Length); namedPipePeerToPipe.Flush(); namedPipePeerToPipe.WaitForPipeDrain(); #if DEBUG var buffer = record.Data; var length = record.Data.Length; Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(buffer)}[{length}]={BitConverter.ToString(buffer, 0, length).Replace("-", string.Empty)}"); #endif } namedPipePeerToPipe.WriteByte(0xFF);//終端 namedPipePeerToPipe.Flush(); namedPipePeerToPipe.WaitForPipeDrain(); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("resolve end"); #endif } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine(ex); Console.ReadLine(); #endif } #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("end"); #endif }
public async Task <StoreItemResult> MoveItemAsync(string sourceName, IStoreCollection destinationCollection, string destinationName, bool overwrite, IHttpContext httpContext) { // Return error if (!IsWritable) { return(new StoreItemResult(DavStatusCode.PreconditionFailed)); } // Determine the object that is being moved var item = await GetItemAsync(sourceName, httpContext); if (item == null) { return(new StoreItemResult(DavStatusCode.NotFound)); } var destinationStoreCollection = destinationCollection as MailruStoreCollection; if (destinationStoreCollection != null) { if (!destinationStoreCollection.IsWritable) { return(new StoreItemResult(DavStatusCode.PreconditionFailed)); } var itemexist = destinationStoreCollection.FindSubItem(destinationName); DavStatusCode result; if (itemexist != null) { if (!overwrite) { return(new StoreItemResult(DavStatusCode.Forbidden)); } await Cloud.Instance(httpContext).Remove(itemexist); result = DavStatusCode.NoContent; } else { result = DavStatusCode.Created; } if (destinationStoreCollection.FullPath == FullPath) { await Cloud.Instance(httpContext).Rename(item, destinationName); } else { await Cloud.Instance(httpContext).Move(item, destinationStoreCollection.FullPath); } return(new StoreItemResult(result, new MailruStoreItem(LockingManager, null, IsWritable))); } else { // Attempt to copy the item to the destination collection var result = await item.CopyAsync(destinationCollection, destinationName, overwrite, httpContext); if (result.Result == DavStatusCode.Created || result.Result == DavStatusCode.NoContent) { await DeleteItemAsync(sourceName, httpContext); } return(result); } }
private async Task <SpecialCommandResult> ExecuteByLink(string path, string link) { var k = await Cloud.CloneItem(path, link); return(new SpecialCommandResult(k.IsSuccess)); }
//private static readonly log4net.ILog Logger = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(FishCommand)); public ListCommand(Cloud cloud, string path, IList <string> parames) : base(cloud, path, parames) { }
public VcapClient(Cloud cloud) { credMgr = new VcapCredentialManager(); credMgr.SetTarget(cloud.Url); = cloud; }
public SharedFolderLinkCommand(Cloud cloud, string path, IList <string> parames) : base(cloud, path, parames) { }
public override async Task <SpecialCommandResult> Execute() { Cloud.CleanTrash(); return(await Task.FromResult(SpecialCommandResult.Success)); }
public void SaveToFile(string path) { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path)) using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(sw, Resource.XmlWriterSettings)) { writer.WriteStartElement("party"); writer.WriteStartElement("characters"); Cloud.WriteToXml(writer); Tifa.WriteToXml(writer); Barret.WriteToXml(writer); Aeris.WriteToXml(writer); RedXIII.WriteToXml(writer); CaitSith.WriteToXml(writer); Yuffie.WriteToXml(writer); Vincent.WriteToXml(writer); Cid.WriteToXml(writer); Sephiroth.WriteToXml(writer); writer.WriteEndElement(); // characters for (int i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) { writer.WriteElementString("slot" + i, this[i].Name); } foreach (Character c in Reserves) { if (c != null) { writer.WriteElementString("reserve", c.Name); } } Inventory.WriteToXml(writer); Materiatory.WriteToXml(writer); writer.WriteElementString("gil", Gil.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("time", Clock.TotalMilliseconds.ToString()); writer.WriteStartElement("config"); writer.WriteStartElement("menu"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int r, g, b; Menu.Menu.GetCornerColor(i, out r, out g, out b); writer.WriteStartElement("corner" + i.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("r", r.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("g", g.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("b", b.ToString()); writer.WriteEndElement(); // corner } writer.WriteEndElement(); // menu writer.WriteEndElement(); // config writer.WriteEndElement(); // party } }
Vector3 RightMostOfScreen; // Vector3 of middle-right most position at the edge of the camera view #endregion // ###################################################################### // MonoBehaviour Functions // ###################################################################### #region Monobehavior // Use this for initialization void Start() { // init m_CloudList m_CloudList = new Cloud[transform.childCount]; // Random first direction int RandomDirection = Random.Range(0, 2); // Survey all chilren and put them to m_CloudList int index = 0; foreach (Transform child in transform) { // Create new Cloud class m_CloudList[index] = new Cloud(); // Random speed m_CloudList[index].m_MoveSpeed = Random.Range(m_MinSpeed, m_MaxSpeed); // Left/right direction if (RandomDirection == 0) { m_CloudList[index].m_MoveSpeed *= -1; if (m_Behavior == eCloudFlowBehavior.SwitchLeftRight) { RandomDirection = 1; } } else { if (m_Behavior == eCloudFlowBehavior.SwitchLeftRight) { RandomDirection = 0; } } // Set this gameObject to current m_CloudList.m_Cloud m_CloudList[index].m_Cloud = child.gameObject; // If this is Large Cloud then duplicate current Cloud, we will use it to make seamless move on the screen if (m_EnableLargeCloudLoop == true) { m_CloudList[index].m_CloudFollower = (GameObject)Instantiate(child.gameObject); } // Keep original LocalPosition to use later when we have to pool this cloud when it move off the screen edge m_CloudList[index].m_OriginalLocalPos = m_CloudList[index].m_Cloud.transform.localPosition; // Increase index index++; } // Move Duplicated clouds as children of this gameObject if (m_EnableLargeCloudLoop == true) { foreach (Cloud child in m_CloudList) { child.m_CloudFollower.transform.parent = this.transform; } } // Make sure we have Orthographic Camera FindTheOrthographicCamera(); }
//</Snippet1> /// <summary> /// Parse the command line arguments /// </summary> private static bool ParseCommandLine(string[] args) { //Command line format: const string usage = "Usage: RegisterPeerName.exe <Peer Name Classifier> <PeerNameType:Secured|UnSecured> <Port #> <Comment> <Cloud Name:Available|AllLinkLocal|Global>"; try { if (args.Length < 5) { Console.WriteLine(usage); return(false); } peerNameClassifier = args[0]; //Create a secure or unsecure PeerName using the command line arguments: <PeerNameClassifier> and <PeerNameType:Secured|UnSecured> string peerNameTypeArgument = args[1].ToLower(); if (peerNameTypeArgument.Equals("secured")) { peerNameType = PeerNameType.Secured; } else if (peerNameTypeArgument.Equals("unsecured")) { peerNameType = PeerNameType.Unsecured; } else { Console.WriteLine("PeerNameType argument is invalid.\n"); Console.WriteLine(usage); return(false); } // read the port number portNumber = int.Parse(args[2]); // read the commment to assign to the peername comment = args[3]; // determine the cloud to register the peername into string cloudNameArgument = args[4].ToLower(); if (cloudNameArgument.Equals("available")) { cloudName = Cloud.Available; } else if (cloudNameArgument.Equals("alllinklocal")) { cloudName = Cloud.AllLinkLocal; } else if (cloudNameArgument.Equals("global")) { cloudName = Cloud.Global; } else { Console.WriteLine("Cloud Name argument is invalid.\n"); Console.WriteLine(usage); return(false); } } catch (Exception e) { // P2P is not supported on Windows Server 2003 if (e.InnerException != null) { Console.WriteLine("Error occured while attempting to register the PeerName: {0}", e.Message); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); Console.WriteLine("Inner Exception is {0}", e.InnerException); } else { Console.WriteLine("Error occured while attempting to register the PeerName: {0}", e.Message); Console.WriteLine(usage); Console.WriteLine("Exception is {0}", e); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } return(false); } return(true); }
public static void UseLambda(this Cloud cloud) { // case 1. use EngineObjectHookContext cloud.UseHook("Todo", EngineHookType.BeforeSave, (context) => { var todo = context.TheObject; var by = context.By; return(Task.FromResult(context.TheObject)); }); cloud.BeforeSave("Todo", (context) => { return(Task.FromResult(context.TheObject)); }); // case 2. use TheObject cloud.UseHook("Todo", EngineHookType.BeforeSave, (AVObject todoObj) => { return(Task.FromResult(todoObj)); }); cloud.BeforeSave("Todo", (AVObject todoObj) => { return(Task.FromResult(todoObj)); }); // case 3. use TheObject and user cloud.UseHook("Todo", EngineHookType.BeforeSave, (AVObject todoObj, AVUser by) => { return(Task.FromResult(todoObj)); }); cloud.BeforeSave("Todo", (AVObject todoObj, AVUser by) => { return(Task.FromResult(todoObj)); }); // case 3. use sub-class AVObject.RegisterSubclass <Todo>(); cloud.UseHook <Todo>(EngineHookType.BeforeSave, (Todo theTodoObj) => { // theTodoObj is an Todo instance. return(Task.FromResult(theTodoObj)); }); cloud.UseHook <Todo>(EngineHookType.BeforeSave, (Todo theTodoObj, AVUser by) => { return(Task.FromResult(theTodoObj)); }); cloud.BeforeSave <Todo>((todo) => { // todo is an Todo instance. return(Task.FromResult(todo)); }); cloud.BeforeSave <Todo>((todo, by) => { // todo is an Todo instance. return(Task.FromResult(todo)); }); cloud.BeforeUpdate("Todo", review => { var updatedKeys = review.GetUpdatedKeys(); if (updatedKeys.Contains("comment")) { var comment = review.Get <string>("comment"); if (comment.Length > 140) { throw new EngineException(400, "comment 长度不得超过 140 字符"); } } return(Task.FromResult(true)); }); EngineHookDelegateSynchronous afterPostHook = (post) => { }; cloud.AfterSave("Post", (EngineObjectHookDeltegateSynchronous)(async post => { // 直接修改并保存对象不会再次触发 after update hook 函数 post["foo"] = "bar"; await post.SaveAsync(); // 如果有 FetchAsync 操作,则需要在新获得的对象上调用相关的 disable 方法 // 来确保不会再次触发 Hook 函数 await post.FetchAsync(); post.DisableAfterHook(); post["foo"] = "bar"; // 如果是其他方式构建对象,则需要在新构建的对象上调用相关的 disable 方法 // 来确保不会再次触发 Hook 函数 post = AVObject.CreateWithoutData <AVObject>(post.ObjectId); post.DisableAfterHook(); await post.SaveAsync(); })); }
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) { if (IsHeld == true) { return; } if (IsPlayer) { RatBrain brain = GetComponent <RatBrain>(); if (brain.IsYote == false) { return; } } if (_killMode == true) { Debug.Log("killhit " +; } if (collision.collider.CompareTag("Player") && _killMode && Kills) { RatPlayer yeeter = this.LastYeeter.GetComponent <RatPlayer>(); RatPlayer hit = collision.collider.GetComponent <RatPlayer>(); hit.Kill(); if (hit != yeeter) { yeeter.AwardPoint(); } Cinemachine.CinemachineImpulseSource impulse = GetComponent <Cinemachine.CinemachineImpulseSource>(); impulse?.GenerateImpulse(this.MyRigidbody.velocity); AudioManager.Instance.PlaySound(HitSFX, this.transform.position); if (!IsPlayer) { PoolManager.Instance.releaseObject(this.gameObject); } Cloud.Spawn(collision.contacts[0].point, Cloud.Size.Large); _killMode = false; } else { if (_killMode) { AudioManager.Instance.PlaySound(HitGroundSFX, collision.contacts[0].point, AudioManager.MixerGroup.SFX, 0.8f); Cloud.Spawn(collision.contacts[0].point, Cloud.Size.Small); } _killMode = false; } if (SpinOnThrow) { this.Animator?.Play("ItemSpin"); } else { this.Animator?.Play("ItemIdle"); } if (collision.collider.CompareTag("Planet")) { var r2d = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); r2d.velocity =; r2d.Sleep(); } if (IsPlayer) { ReleaseAndSetKinematic(); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { cb = CotcSdk.GetComponent <CotcGameObject>(); cb.GetCloud().Done(cloud => { Cloud = cloud; }); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { //Game Menu if (!isStarted) { if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter)) { isStarted = true; instructionText.Text = "- enter to retry -"; MediaPlayer.Play(backgroundSong); } return; } if (gameOver && Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter)) { Restart(); return; } else if (gameOver) { return; } //Increase speed time by time timer += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; if (timer > timeSpan && gameSpeed < 15) { gameSpeed += 2; timeSpan = timer * 2; } //Add the cloud if (onTimeToAddCloud(gameTime)) { var cloud = new Cloud(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Background/Cloud")) { Position = GetRandomCloudPosition() }; gameObjects.Add(cloud); } //Add the new tree if (onTimeToAddTree(gameTime)) { var tree = GetRandomTreeTexture(treeTextures); gameObjects.Add(tree); } //Add the new flydino if (onTimeToAddFlyDino(gameTime)) { var flyDino = new FlyDino(flyDinoAnimation) { Position = GetRandomFlyDinoPosition(), }; gameObjects.Add(flyDino); } //Update the game objects for (int i = 0; i < gameObjects.Count; i++) { // //Update the game speed // if (gameObjects[i] is FlyDino) { /*The FlyDino will be faster.*/ gameObjects[i].Speed = gameSpeed + gameSpeed * 0.4f; } else if (gameObjects[i] is Cloud) { /*The Cloud will be slower than everything. It make sense in real life :) */ gameObjects[i].Speed = gameSpeed - gameSpeed * 0.3f; } else { gameObjects[i].Speed = gameSpeed; } gameObjects[i].Update(gameTime, gameObjects); // //Remove the out-screen object // if (gameObjects[i] is Tree || gameObjects[i] is FlyDino || gameObjects[i] is Cloud) { if (gameObjects[i].Position.X + gameObjects[i].Rectangle.Width <= 0) { gameObjects.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } // //Check collision // if (gameObjects[i] is Dino) { if (gameObjects[i].CheckCollision(gameObjects)) { gameOver = true; MediaPlayer.Stop(); } } } // // Calculate scrore // currentScore.Value = (int)timer; if (currentScore.Value > highScore.Value) { highScore.Value = currentScore.Value; } base.Update(gameTime); }
// Called from LoadLevel, patched via MonoModRules.PatchLevelLoader public static bool LoadCustomEntity(EntityData entityData, Level level) { LevelData levelData = level.Session.LevelData; Vector2 offset = new Vector2(levelData.Bounds.Left, levelData.Bounds.Top); if (Everest.Events.Level.LoadEntity(level, levelData, offset, entityData)) { return(true); } // Everest comes with a few core utility entities out of the box. if (entityData.Name == "everest/spaceController") { level.Add(new SpaceController()); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "everest/spaceControllerBlocker") { level.Add(new SpaceControllerBlocker()); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "everest/flagTrigger") { level.Add(new FlagTrigger(entityData, offset)); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "everest/changeInventoryTrigger") { level.Add(new ChangeInventoryTrigger(entityData, offset)); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "everest/coreMessage") { level.Add(new CustomCoreMessage(entityData, offset)); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "everest/memorial") { level.Add(new CustomMemorial(entityData, offset)); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "everest/npc") { level.Add(new CustomNPC(entityData, offset, new EntityID(levelData.Name, entityData.ID))); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "everest/dialogTrigger" || entityData.Name == "dialog/dialogtrigger" || entityData.Name == "cavern/dialogtrigger") { level.Add(new DialogCutsceneTrigger(entityData, offset, new EntityID(levelData.Name, entityData.ID))); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "everest/crystalShatterTrigger" || entityData.Name == "outback/destroycrystalstrigger") { level.Add(new CrystalShatterTrigger(entityData, offset)); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "everest/completeAreaTrigger" || entityData.Name == "outback/completeareatrigger") { level.Add(new CompleteAreaTrigger(entityData, offset)); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "everest/lavaBlockerTrigger" || entityData.Name == "cavern/lavablockertrigger") { level.Add(new LavaBlockerTrigger(entityData, offset)); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "everest/coreModeTrigger" || entityData.Name == "cavern/coremodetrigger") { level.Add(new CoreModeTrigger(entityData, offset)); return(true); } // The following entities have hardcoded "attributes." // Everest allows custom maps to set them. if (entityData.Name == "spinner") { if (level.Session.Area.ID == 3 || (level.Session.Area.ID == 7 && level.Session.Level.StartsWith("d-")) || entityData.Bool("dust")) { level.Add(new DustStaticSpinner(entityData, offset)); return(true); } CrystalColor color = CrystalColor.Blue; if (level.Session.Area.ID == 5) { color = CrystalColor.Red; } else if (level.Session.Area.ID == 6) { color = CrystalColor.Purple; } else if ("core".Equals(entityData.Attr("color"), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { color = (CrystalColor)(-1); } else if (!Enum.TryParse(entityData.Attr("color"), true, out color)) { color = CrystalColor.Blue; } level.Add(new CrystalStaticSpinner(entityData, offset, color)); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "trackSpinner") { if (level.Session.Area.ID == 3 || (level.Session.Area.ID == 7 && level.Session.Level.StartsWith("d-")) || entityData.Bool("dust")) { level.Add(new DustTrackSpinner(entityData, offset)); return(true); } level.Add(new BladeTrackSpinner(entityData, offset)); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "rotateSpinner") { if (level.Session.Area.ID == 3 || (level.Session.Area.ID == 7 && level.Session.Level.StartsWith("d-")) || entityData.Bool("dust")) { level.Add(new DustRotateSpinner(entityData, offset)); return(true); } level.Add(new BladeRotateSpinner(entityData, offset)); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "checkpoint" && entityData.Position == Vector2.Zero && !entityData.Bool("allowOrigin")) { // Workaround for mod levels with old versions of Ahorn containing a checkpoint at (0, 0): // Create the checkpoint and avoid the start position update in orig_Load. level.Add(new Checkpoint(entityData, offset)); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "triggerSpikesOriginalUp") { level.Add(new TriggerSpikesOriginal(entityData, offset, TriggerSpikesOriginal.Directions.Up)); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "triggerSpikesOriginalDown") { level.Add(new TriggerSpikesOriginal(entityData, offset, TriggerSpikesOriginal.Directions.Down)); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "triggerSpikesOriginalLeft") { level.Add(new TriggerSpikesOriginal(entityData, offset, TriggerSpikesOriginal.Directions.Left)); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "triggerSpikesOriginalRight") { level.Add(new TriggerSpikesOriginal(entityData, offset, TriggerSpikesOriginal.Directions.Right)); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "darkChaserEnd") { level.Add(new BadelineOldsiteEnd(entityData, offset)); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "cloud") { patch_Cloud cloud = new Cloud(entityData, offset) as patch_Cloud; if (entityData.Has("small")) { cloud.Small = entityData.Bool("small"); } level.Add(cloud); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "cobweb") { patch_Cobweb cobweb = new Cobweb(entityData, offset) as patch_Cobweb; if (entityData.Has("color")) { cobweb.OverrideColor = entityData.HexColor("color"); } level.Add(cobweb); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "movingPlatform") { patch_MovingPlatform platform = new MovingPlatform(entityData, offset) as patch_MovingPlatform; if (entityData.Has("texture")) { platform.OverrideTexture = entityData.Attr("texture"); } level.Add(platform); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "sinkingPlatform") { patch_SinkingPlatform platform = new SinkingPlatform(entityData, offset) as patch_SinkingPlatform; if (entityData.Has("texture")) { platform.OverrideTexture = entityData.Attr("texture"); } level.Add(platform); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "crumbleBlock") { patch_CrumblePlatform platform = new CrumblePlatform(entityData, offset) as patch_CrumblePlatform; if (entityData.Has("texture")) { platform.OverrideTexture = entityData.Attr("texture"); } level.Add(platform); return(true); } if (entityData.Name == "wire") { Wire wire = new Wire(entityData, offset); if (entityData.Has("color")) { wire.Color = entityData.HexColor("color"); } level.Add(wire); return(true); } return(false); }
public override Task <SpecialCommandResult> Execute() { Cloud.RemoveDeadLinks(); return(Task.FromResult(SpecialCommandResult.Success)); }
public static int Upload(UploadOptions cmdoptions) { string user = cmdoptions.Login; string password = cmdoptions.Password; string listname = cmdoptions.FileList; string targetpath = cmdoptions.Target; if (targetpath.StartsWith(@"\\\")) { targetpath = Regex.Replace(targetpath, @"\A\\\\\\.*?\\.*?\\", @"\"); } targetpath = WebDavPath.Clean(targetpath); var settings = new CloudSettings { TwoFaHandler = null, Protocol = Protocol.WebM1Bin }; var credentials = new Credentials(user, password); var cloud = new Cloud(settings, credentials); using (var file = new StreamReader(listname)) { string line; while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) { System.Console.WriteLine($"Source: {line}"); var fileInfo = new FileInfo(line); string targetfile = WebDavPath.Combine(targetpath, fileInfo.Name); System.Console.WriteLine($"Target: {targetfile}"); using (var source = System.IO.File.Open(line, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { var hasher = new MailRuSha1Hash(); hasher.Append(source); var hash = hasher.HashString; if (cloud.AddFile(hash, targetfile, fileInfo.Length, ConflictResolver.Rename).Result.Success) { System.Console.WriteLine("Added by hash"); } else { source.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var buffer = new byte[64000]; long wrote = 0; using (var target = cloud.GetFileUploadStream(WebDavPath.Combine(targetfile, fileInfo.Name), fileInfo.Length).Result) { int read; while ((read = source.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) { target.Write(buffer, 0, read); wrote += read; System.Console.Write($"\r{wrote / fileInfo.Length * 100}%"); } } } System.Console.WriteLine(" Done."); //source.CopyTo(target); } } } return(0); }
private void Update() { if (camera.transform.position.y > this.transform.position.y - 100) { camera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Skybox; } else { camera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.SolidColor; } time += Time.deltaTime * cloudSpeed; // dayLight = Mathf.Clamp(dayLight + Time.deltaTime * (WorldTime.IsDay() ? 1 : -1), 0, 1); for (int c = 0; c < clouds.Count; ++c) { Cloud cloud = clouds[c]; Vector2 seed = new Vector2(cloud.transform.position.x, time + cloud.transform.position.z) / 100; seed.x += (time + cloud.transform.position.y) * 0.1f; seed.y += (time + cloud.transform.position.y) * 0.1f; float h = Mathf.PerlinNoise(seed.x, seed.y); h = 1;// Mathf.Lerp(-5, 10, h); cloud.transform.position += new Vector3(Random.Range(-1f, 1f), Random.Range(-1f, 1f), Random.Range(-1f, 1f)) * 0.25f * Time.deltaTime; float alpha; if (cloud.currentOpacity == cloud.targetOpacity) { if (cloud.currentOpacity < 0) { cloud.targetOpacity = cloud.maxOpacity; } } else { cloud.currentOpacity = Mathf.MoveTowards(cloud.currentOpacity, cloud.targetOpacity, Time.deltaTime * (cloud.targetOpacity < 0?10:0.1f)); } alpha = (cloudOpacity[c] * cloudiness * h * cloud.currentOpacity); float distance = ((Vector3.Distance(cloud.transform.position, Camera.main.transform.position) - 10) / 1000); alpha = Mathf.Lerp(0, alpha, distance); alpha = Mathf.Clamp(alpha, 0, maxAlpha); if (alpha > 0) { if (!cloud.gameObject.activeSelf) { cloud.gameObject.SetActive(true); } Color color = cloud.color * dayLight; color.a = alpha; //cloud.color = color; cloud.renderer.color = color; } else { if (cloud.gameObject.activeSelf) { cloud.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } // cloud.targetOpacity = Mathf.MoveTowards(cloud.targetOpacity, cloud., Time.deltaTime / 10); } }
public void ConstructorTest() { // coordinates is null { string parameterName = "coordinates"; DoubleMatrix coordinates = null; DoubleMatrix weights = DoubleMatrix.Dense(1, 1, 1.0 / 4.0); Basis basis = Basis.Standard(2); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis, copyData: true); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentNullException), expectedPartialMessage: ArgumentExceptionAssert.NullPartialMessage, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis, copyData: false); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentNullException), expectedPartialMessage: ArgumentExceptionAssert.NullPartialMessage, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentNullException), expectedPartialMessage: ArgumentExceptionAssert.NullPartialMessage, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentNullException), expectedPartialMessage: ArgumentExceptionAssert.NullPartialMessage, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentNullException), expectedPartialMessage: ArgumentExceptionAssert.NullPartialMessage, expectedParameterName: parameterName); } // weights is null { string parameterName = "weights"; DoubleMatrix coordinates = DoubleMatrix.Dense(4, 2); DoubleMatrix weights = null; Basis basis = Basis.Standard(2); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis, copyData: true); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentNullException), expectedPartialMessage: ArgumentExceptionAssert.NullPartialMessage, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis, copyData: false); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentNullException), expectedPartialMessage: ArgumentExceptionAssert.NullPartialMessage, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentNullException), expectedPartialMessage: ArgumentExceptionAssert.NullPartialMessage, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentNullException), expectedPartialMessage: ArgumentExceptionAssert.NullPartialMessage, expectedParameterName: parameterName); } // basis is null { string parameterName = "basis"; DoubleMatrix coordinates = DoubleMatrix.Dense(4, 2); DoubleMatrix weights = DoubleMatrix.Dense(4, 1, 1.0 / 4.0); Basis basis = null; ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis, copyData: true); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentNullException), expectedPartialMessage: ArgumentExceptionAssert.NullPartialMessage, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis, copyData: false); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentNullException), expectedPartialMessage: ArgumentExceptionAssert.NullPartialMessage, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentNullException), expectedPartialMessage: ArgumentExceptionAssert.NullPartialMessage, expectedParameterName: parameterName); } // weights is not a column vector { var STR_EXCEPT_PAR_MUST_BE_COLUMN_VECTOR = ImplementationServices.GetResourceString( "STR_EXCEPT_PAR_MUST_BE_COLUMN_VECTOR"); string parameterName = "weights"; DoubleMatrix coordinates = DoubleMatrix.Dense(4, 2); DoubleMatrix weights = DoubleMatrix.Dense(1, 4); Basis basis = Basis.Standard(2); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis, copyData: true); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), expectedPartialMessage: STR_EXCEPT_PAR_MUST_BE_COLUMN_VECTOR, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis, copyData: false); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), expectedPartialMessage: STR_EXCEPT_PAR_MUST_BE_COLUMN_VECTOR, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), expectedPartialMessage: STR_EXCEPT_PAR_MUST_BE_COLUMN_VECTOR, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), expectedPartialMessage: STR_EXCEPT_PAR_MUST_BE_COLUMN_VECTOR, expectedParameterName: parameterName); } // weights must have the number of rows of coordinates { var STR_EXCEPT_PAR_MUST_HAVE_SAME_NUM_OF_ROWS = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, ImplementationServices.GetResourceString( "STR_EXCEPT_PAR_MUST_HAVE_SAME_NUM_OF_ROWS"), "coordinates"); string parameterName = "weights"; DoubleMatrix coordinates = DoubleMatrix.Dense(4, 2); DoubleMatrix weights = DoubleMatrix.Dense(5, 1); Basis basis = Basis.Standard(2); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis, copyData: true); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), expectedPartialMessage: STR_EXCEPT_PAR_MUST_HAVE_SAME_NUM_OF_ROWS, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis, copyData: false); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), expectedPartialMessage: STR_EXCEPT_PAR_MUST_HAVE_SAME_NUM_OF_ROWS, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), expectedPartialMessage: STR_EXCEPT_PAR_MUST_HAVE_SAME_NUM_OF_ROWS, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), expectedPartialMessage: STR_EXCEPT_PAR_MUST_HAVE_SAME_NUM_OF_ROWS, expectedParameterName: parameterName); } // weights must have non negative entries { var STR_EXCEPT_PAR_ENTRIES_MUST_BE_NON_NEGATIVE = ImplementationServices.GetResourceString( "STR_EXCEPT_PAR_ENTRIES_MUST_BE_NON_NEGATIVE"); string parameterName = "weights"; DoubleMatrix coordinates = DoubleMatrix.Dense(4, 2); DoubleMatrix weights = DoubleMatrix.Dense(4, 1, -1.0); Basis basis = Basis.Standard(2); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis, copyData: true); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), expectedPartialMessage: STR_EXCEPT_PAR_ENTRIES_MUST_BE_NON_NEGATIVE, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis, copyData: false); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), expectedPartialMessage: STR_EXCEPT_PAR_ENTRIES_MUST_BE_NON_NEGATIVE, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), expectedPartialMessage: STR_EXCEPT_PAR_ENTRIES_MUST_BE_NON_NEGATIVE, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), expectedPartialMessage: STR_EXCEPT_PAR_ENTRIES_MUST_BE_NON_NEGATIVE, expectedParameterName: parameterName); } // weights must have entries summing up to 1 { var STR_EXCEPT_PAR_ENTRIES_MUST_SUM_TO_1 = ImplementationServices.GetResourceString( "STR_EXCEPT_PAR_ENTRIES_MUST_SUM_TO_1"); string parameterName = "weights"; DoubleMatrix coordinates = DoubleMatrix.Dense(4, 2); DoubleMatrix weights = DoubleMatrix.Dense(4, 1, new double[4] { .3, .6, .2, .1 }); Basis basis = Basis.Standard(2); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis, copyData: true); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), expectedPartialMessage: STR_EXCEPT_PAR_ENTRIES_MUST_SUM_TO_1, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis, copyData: false); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), expectedPartialMessage: STR_EXCEPT_PAR_ENTRIES_MUST_SUM_TO_1, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), expectedPartialMessage: STR_EXCEPT_PAR_ENTRIES_MUST_SUM_TO_1, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), expectedPartialMessage: STR_EXCEPT_PAR_ENTRIES_MUST_SUM_TO_1, expectedParameterName: parameterName); } // basis must have dimension equal to the coordinates number of columns { var STR_EXCEPT_PAR_MUST_HAVE_SAME_NUM_OF_ROWS = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, ImplementationServices.GetResourceString( "STR_EXCEPT_PAR_MUST_HAVE_SAME_NUM_OF_COLUMNS"), "coordinates"); string parameterName = "basis"; DoubleMatrix coordinates = DoubleMatrix.Dense(4, 2); DoubleMatrix weights = DoubleMatrix.Dense(4, 1, 1.0 / 4.0); Basis basis = Basis.Standard(5); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis, copyData: true); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), expectedPartialMessage: STR_EXCEPT_PAR_MUST_HAVE_SAME_NUM_OF_ROWS, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis, copyData: false); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), expectedPartialMessage: STR_EXCEPT_PAR_MUST_HAVE_SAME_NUM_OF_ROWS, expectedParameterName: parameterName); ArgumentExceptionAssert.Throw( () => { new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis); }, expectedType: typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), expectedPartialMessage: STR_EXCEPT_PAR_MUST_HAVE_SAME_NUM_OF_ROWS, expectedParameterName: parameterName); } // Valid input and copyData is true { DoubleMatrix coordinates = DoubleMatrix.Dense(4, 2); DoubleMatrix weights = DoubleMatrix.Dense(4, 1, 1.0 / 4.0); Basis basis = Basis.Standard(2); { var cloud = new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis, copyData: true); DoubleMatrixAssert.AreEqual( expected: basis.GetBasisMatrix(), actual: cloud.Basis.GetBasisMatrix(), delta: CloudTest.Accuracy); DoubleMatrixAssert.AreEqual( expected: coordinates, actual: cloud.Coordinates, delta: CloudTest.Accuracy); DoubleMatrixAssert.AreEqual( expected: weights, actual: cloud.Weights, delta: CloudTest.Accuracy); coordinates[0, 0] = Double.PositiveInfinity; Assert.AreNotEqual( notExpected: coordinates[0, 0], actual: cloud.Coordinates[0, 0], delta: CloudTest.Accuracy); } { var cloud = new Cloud( coordinates, weights); DoubleMatrixAssert.AreEqual( expected: basis.GetBasisMatrix(), actual: cloud.Basis.GetBasisMatrix(), delta: CloudTest.Accuracy); DoubleMatrixAssert.AreEqual( expected: coordinates, actual: cloud.Coordinates, delta: CloudTest.Accuracy); DoubleMatrixAssert.AreEqual( expected: weights, actual: cloud.Weights, delta: CloudTest.Accuracy); } { var cloud = new Cloud( coordinates); DoubleMatrixAssert.AreEqual( expected: basis.GetBasisMatrix(), actual: cloud.Basis.GetBasisMatrix(), delta: CloudTest.Accuracy); DoubleMatrixAssert.AreEqual( expected: coordinates, actual: cloud.Coordinates, delta: CloudTest.Accuracy); DoubleMatrixAssert.AreEqual( expected: weights, actual: cloud.Weights, delta: CloudTest.Accuracy); } } // Valid input and copyData is false { DoubleMatrix coordinates = DoubleMatrix.Dense(4, 2); DoubleMatrix weights = DoubleMatrix.Dense(4, 1, 1.0 / 4.0); Basis basis = Basis.Standard(2); { var cloud = new Cloud( coordinates, weights, basis, copyData: false); DoubleMatrixAssert.AreEqual( expected: basis.GetBasisMatrix(), actual: cloud.Basis.GetBasisMatrix(), delta: CloudTest.Accuracy); DoubleMatrixAssert.AreEqual( expected: coordinates, actual: cloud.Coordinates, delta: CloudTest.Accuracy); DoubleMatrixAssert.AreEqual( expected: weights, actual: cloud.Weights, delta: CloudTest.Accuracy); coordinates[0, 0] = Double.PositiveInfinity; Assert.AreEqual( expected: coordinates[0, 0], actual: cloud.Coordinates[0, 0], delta: CloudTest.Accuracy); } } }
public LocalToServerCopyCommand(Cloud cloud, string path, IList <string> parames) : base(cloud, path, parames) { }
public WheatherPage() { this.InitializeComponent(); canvasControl.Draw += CanvasControl_Draw1; canvasControl.Invalidate(); Window.Current.VisibilityChanged += Current_VisibilityChanged; canvasWidth(); canvasHeight(); rand = new Random(); sun = new Sun(0, 0, 44, 12); moon = new Moon(150, 75, 44); precip = new Precipitation(cloudHeight * k, 500, 1600); tempType = localSettings.Values["tempType"] != null ? localSettings.Values["tempType"].ToString() : "c"; windType = localSettings.Values["windType"] != null ? localSettings.Values["windType"].ToString() : "kph"; presType = localSettings.Values["presType"] != null ? localSettings.Values["presType"].ToString() : "mb"; precipType = localSettings.Values["precipType"] != null ? localSettings.Values["precipType"].ToString() : "mm"; visType = localSettings.Values["visType"] != null ? localSettings.Values["visType"].ToString() : "km"; days = localSettings.Values["days"] != null?Convert.ToInt32(localSettings.Values["days"].ToString()) : 5; cityName = localSettings.Values["cityName"] != null ? localSettings.Values["cityName"].ToString() : "kiev"; weatherAPI = new WeatherAPI(cityName, days); try { respond = weatherAPI.getRespond(); allWeather = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AllWeather>(respond); JObject respondObject = JObject.Parse(respond); IList <JToken> respondForecastList = respondObject["forecast"]["forecastday"].Children().ToList(); forecastDays = new ObservableCollection <ForecastDay>(); foreach (JToken respondForecast in respondForecastList) { ForecastDay forecastDay = respondForecast.ToObject <ForecastDay>(); forecastDay.makeFormatedDate(); forecastDays.Add(forecastDay); } ; foreach (ForecastDay item in forecastDays) { SelectedForecastDay SelectedforecastDay = new SelectedForecastDay( item.dateFormated, getNeedProperty <Day>("maxtemp_", tempType, + "° ", getNeedProperty <Day>("mintemp_", tempType, + "° ", getNeedProperty <Day>("avgtemp_", tempType, + "° " + tempType.ToUpper(), getNeedProperty <Day>("maxwind_", windType, + " " + windType, getNeedProperty <Day>("totalprecip_", precipType, + " " + precipType, getNeedProperty <Day>("avgvis_", visType, + "° " + visType, + "%",, "ms-appx:///Assets/weather/" +, + "", item.astro.moonset, item.astro.moonrise, item.astro.sunrise, item.astro.sunset); _forecastDays.Add(SelectedforecastDay); } location.Text = + ", " +; currentTempreture.Text = getNeedProperty <CurrentWeather>("temp_", tempType, allWeather.current) + "° " + tempType; currentDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("ddd d", new CultureInfo("en-US")); currentCondition.Text = allWeather.current.condition.text; currentWind.Text = "Wind" + getNeedProperty <CurrentWeather>("wind_", windType, allWeather.current) + " " + windType + " " + allWeather.current.wind_dir; currentPresure.Text = "Presure " + getNeedProperty <CurrentWeather>("pressure_", presType, allWeather.current) + " " + presType; currentHumidity.Text = "Humidity " + allWeather.current.humidity + "%" + " " + getNeedProperty <CurrentWeather>("precip_", precipType, allWeather.current) + " " + precipType; currentTempFeelslike.Text = "Feelslike " + getNeedProperty <CurrentWeather>("feelslike_", tempType, allWeather.current) + "° " + tempType; currentVis.Text = "Visibility " + getNeedProperty <CurrentWeather>("vis_", visType, allWeather.current) + " " + visType; conditionsString = weatherAPI.getConditions(); conditions2 = new ObservableCollection <Condition>(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Condition> >(conditionsString)); foreach (Condition cond in JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Condition> >(conditionsString)) { conditionPicker.Items.Add(cond.night); } conditionPicker.SelectedItem = allWeather.current.condition.text; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); } getFrequency(); clouds = new List <Cloud>(); width = 1700; float x = width / frequency; for (float i = 0; i < frequency; i++) { var cl = new Cloud(x / 2 + i * x, cloudHeight * k + random(-1 * (cloudHeight * k) / 2, (cloudHeight * k) / 1.5f), (int)random(4, 12), cloudHeight, 0); clouds.Add(cl); } moveTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(1); moveTimer.Tick += MoveTimer_Tick; moveTimer.Start(); }
private void initClouds() { clouds[0] = new Cloud(40, 500); clouds[1] = new Cloud(300, 350); clouds[2] = new Cloud(600, 670); }