Ejemplo n.º 1
    CActorArm _oActorArm; // The arm connected to us.  Null if we're not active

    #endregion Fields

    #region Methods

    public static CHandTarget FindOrCreateRightSideHandTarget(CHandTarget oHandTargetL)
        // Find or create a 'right side mirrored copy' of design-time-defined left-side hand target.   Bone structure only has hand targets defined for the left body side to prevent duplication.  Mirror the left node into a mirrored right node for processing of the right body side

        // Create a right side node that will store the mirrored copy of the source left-side node.
        string sNameHandTargetRight = oHandTargetL.gameObject.name + "-Right";				// Right-side hand targets are generated & mirrored as needed.  Their name is suffixed with '-Right'
        CHandTarget oHandTargetR = CUtility.FindOrCreateNode(oHandTargetL.transform.parent, sNameHandTargetRight, typeof(CHandTarget)) as CHandTarget;
        oHandTargetR.transform.parent = oHandTargetL.transform.parent;			// Right side gets same parent as left side

        //=== Calculate the mirrored position of right side ===
        Vector3 vecTarget = oHandTargetL.transform.localPosition;
        vecTarget.x = -vecTarget.x;
        oHandTargetR.transform.localPosition = vecTarget;

        //=== Adjust hand target rotation to requested body side ===
        Vector3 vecRotTarget = oHandTargetL.transform.localRotation.eulerAngles;
        vecRotTarget.y = Mathf.PI - vecRotTarget.y;
        vecRotTarget.z = -vecRotTarget.z;
        oHandTargetR.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(vecRotTarget);

        //=== Create a copy of the anim area subnode if it exists ===
        //Transform oAnimAreaLT = oHandTargetL.transform.FindChild("AnimArea");
        //if (oAnimAreaLT != null) {
        //	BoxCollider oBoxColR = CUtility.FindOrCreateNode(oHandTargetR.transform, oAnimAreaLT.name, typeof(BoxCollider)) as BoxCollider;
        //	oBoxColR.enabled = false;
        //	oBoxColR.isTrigger = true;
        //	oBoxColR.transform.localScale = oAnimAreaLT.localScale;
        //	oBoxColR.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
        //	oBoxColR.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        return oHandTargetR;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void ArmRaycastPin_End()
     // Check at end of raycast procedure to unpin if nothing was found
     //_bPinByClosestVert = true;							// Go to vert-pinning mode now to finalize the pin (much less acurate but survives body movement)
     if (_oBodyArmPin == null) {							//###CHECK!! Correct cancellation??
         _oHandTarget.ConnectHandToHandTarget(null);		// Destroy arm from pin at end of raycast search if we're not connected to anything
         _oHandTarget = null;				//???
         _oObj.PropSet(EActorArm.Pinned, 0);		// Unpin??
         //_oConfJoint_Extremity.angularXMotion = _oConfJoint_Extremity.angularYMotion = _oConfJoint_Extremity.angularZMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Limited;	// If raycasting results in no pin to raycast vert we re-enable angular constraint??? ###TODO!!!! ###DESIGN!!
Ejemplo n.º 3
    //---------------------------------------------------------------------------	CREATE / DESTROY
    public override void OnStart_DefineLimb()
        _nDrivePos = 0.1f * C_DrivePos;				// Weaken the hand drive so hand doesn't fly from pin to pin		//###TUNE
        //_memVecRayHitInfo = new CMemAlloc<Vector3>(2);

        //=== Init Bones and Joints ===
        CJointDriver oJointChestUpper = _oBody._oActor_Chest._oJointExtremity;
        _aJoints.Add(_oJointCollar	        = CJointDriver.Create(this, oJointChestUpper,	    _sSidePrefixL+"Collar",	        30, 2.5f, -010,  050,  030,  021, 1));		// X = Collar Up/Down OK, Z has 17 back and 25 forward (avg looks ok)
        _aJoints.Add(_oJointShoulderBend    = CJointDriver.Create(this, _oJointCollar,		    _sSidePrefixL+"ShldrBend",	    15, 2.0f, -085,  035,  000,  110, 1));		// X = Shoulder Up/Down OK, Z = Back goes to -40, Forward to 110!!!  (###IMPROVE: Another joint?)
        _aJoints.Add(_oJointShoulderTwist   = CJointDriver.Create(this, _oJointShoulderBend,    _sSidePrefixL+"ShldrTwist",	    20, 1.5f, -000,  000,  080,  000, 1));		// Y = Shoulder twist goes from -95 to 80 so max.  ###PROBLEM: Shimmer in high rotation!
        _aJoints.Add(_oJointForearmBend	    = CJointDriver.Create(this, _oJointShoulderTwist,	_sSidePrefixL+"ForearmBend",	10, 1.5f, -020,  135,  000,  000, 1));		// X = Elbow bend from -20 to 135. ok.
        _aJoints.Add(_oJointForearmTwist    = CJointDriver.Create(this, _oJointForearmBend,	    _sSidePrefixL+"ForearmTwist",	20, 1.0f, -000,  000,  080,  000, 1));		// Y = Forearm twist from -90 to 80 so max.		###IMPROVE: Could rotate the axes on the twists so we use XL/XH
        _aJoints.Add(_oJointExtremity       = CJointDriver.Create(this, _oJointForearmTwist,	_sSidePrefixL+"Hand",			10, 0.5f, -070,  080,  010,  029, 1));		// X = Hand -down(-70) / +up (+80), Y = Hand twist +/-10, Z = Hand side-to-side -28 to +30

        //ConfigFingerRoot(1, "Index");			// Thumb is handled below		###DESIGN!!! Fingers in Unity PhysX is just a no-go because of extremely poor latency... what to do?????
        //ConfigFingerRoot(2, "Mid");
        //ConfigFingerRoot(3, "Ring");			//??? ###HACK!! Disabled man's carpal1&2 in 3dsMax so we can use same code as women's!
        //ConfigFingerRoot(4, "Pinky");

        //CJointDriver oJointFingerBoneParent = _oJointExtremity;
        //oJointFingerBoneParent = ConfigFingerBone(oJointFingerBoneParent, 0, 0, "Thumb", 005f, -030f,  005f,  025f);
        //oJointFingerBoneParent = ConfigFingerBone(oJointFingerBoneParent, 0, 1, "Thumb", 010f, -015f,  000f,  000f);
        //oJointFingerBoneParent = ConfigFingerBone(oJointFingerBoneParent, 0, 2, "Thumb", 010f, -015f,  000f,  000f);

        //=== Init Hotspot ===
        if (_eBodySide == 0)
            _oHotSpot = CHotSpot.CreateHotspot(this, _oBody._oBodyBase.FindBone("chestUpper/lCollar/lShldrBend/lShldrTwist/lForearmBend/lForearmTwist/lHand"), "Left Hand", true, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
            _oHotSpot = CHotSpot.CreateHotspot(this, _oBody._oBodyBase.FindBone("chestUpper/rCollar/rShldrBend/rShldrTwist/rForearmBend/rForearmTwist/rHand"), "Right Hand", true, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));

        //=== Init CObject ===
        _oObj = new CObject(this, _oBody._oBodyBase._nBodyID, typeof(EActorArm), "Arm", "Arm" + _sSidePrefixU);
        _oObj.PropGroupBegin("", "", true);
        AddBaseActorProperties();						// The first properties of every CActor subclass are Pinned, pos & rot
        //_oObj.PropAdd(EActorArm.HandTarget,			"HandTarget",			typeof(EHandTargets), (int)EHandTargets.ManualPosition, "");
        _oObj.PropAdd(EActorArm.Hand_UpDown,		"Hand-UpDown",			0,	-100,	100, "");
        _oObj.PropAdd(EActorArm.Hand_LeftRight,		"Hand-LeftRight",		0,	-100,	100, "");
        _oObj.PropAdd(EActorArm.Hand_Twist,			"Hand-Twist",			0,	-100,	100, "");
        //_oObj.PropAdd(EActorArm.Fingers_Close,		"Fingers-Close",		0,	-100,	100, "", CProp.Hide);		//###BROKEN
        //_oObj.PropAdd(EActorArm.Fingers_Spread,		"Fingers-Spread",		0,	-100,	100, "", CProp.Hide);
        //_oObj.PropAdd(EActorArm.Fingers_ThumbPose,	"Fingers-ThumbPose",	typeof(EThumbPose), (int)EThumbPose.AlongsideFingers, "", CProp.Hide);
        //_oObj.PropAdd(EActorArm.UserControl,		"User Control",			0,		0,		1, "");

        _oHandTarget_RaycastPin = CActorArm.FindHandTarget(_oBody, EHandTargets.RaycastPin, _eBodySide == EBodySide.Right);	// Find the raycast pin hand target as we use it heavily and it is reparented
Ejemplo n.º 4
 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------	ARM RAYCAST PINNING: User selecting where to place the closest arm of the selected body on a body surface through raycasting
 public void ArmRaycastPin_Begin()
     _oHandTarget = _oHandTarget_RaycastPin;
     _oHandTarget.transform.position = _oJointExtremity.transform.position;			// Manually set the hand target position to the hand position so slerp in Update doesn't start from some old stale position  ###MOVE?
     _oBodyArmPin = null;
     //_nArmPinBodyColVert = -1;
     //_nTimeStartPinSet = 0;			// Reset our start-of-slerp time to zero so it's initialize at first real pin position
     //_bPinByClosestVert = false;		// We start pinning by ray position as it's much more accurate.  When user releases pinning key we go to vert pinning which will handle changes in body orientation  ###IMPROVE: Always have 'ray precision' pinning by storing offset and rotating to closest vert normal?
     _oConfJoint_Extremity.angularXMotion = _oConfJoint_Extremity.angularYMotion = _oConfJoint_Extremity.angularZMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Free;	// We free rotation constraint so hand is just attraced by position (and repelled by colliders)  Greatly simplifies hand raycasting!!