Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void CEPSearch_ThrowException()
            var dataset = new List <CEP>()
                new CEP()
                    ZipCode = "00000-000"
                },                                      // Unknown CEP.
                new CEP()
                    ZipCode = "abcde-fgh"
                },                                      // Broken CEP format.
                new CEP()
                    ZipCode = "@bcd3-fgH"
                },                                      // Broken CEP format #2.
                new CEP()
                    ZipCode = "00000000"
                },                                      // Empty CEP.
                new CEP()
                    ZipCode = "19360-00"
                },                                      // Missing digit.
                new CEP()
                    ZipCode = "1936000"
                },                                      // Missing digit #2.
                new CEP()
                    ZipCode = null
                },                                      // Null zipcode.
                new CEP(),                              // Empty CEP.

            foreach (var data in dataset)
                    var result = CEPSearch.ByZipCode(data.ZipCode);
                catch (CEPException)
                    Assert.IsTrue(true); continue;
                catch (Exception)

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void CEPSearch_AreEqual()
            var dataset = new List <CEP>()
                // Fully address.
                new CEP()
                    ZipCode      = "03102-000",
                    Address      = "Avenida Alcântara Machado",
                    Complement   = "até 600 - lado par",
                    Neighborhood = "Brás",
                    City         = "São Paulo",
                    State        = "SP",
                    Unity        = "(vazio)",
                    IBGE         = "3550308",
                    GIA          = "1004"

                // Without "Unity".
                new CEP()
                    ZipCode      = "90030-140",
                    Address      = "Avenida Alberto Bins",
                    Complement   = "até 714 - lado par",
                    Neighborhood = "Centro Histórico",
                    City         = "Porto Alegre",
                    State        = "RS",
                    IBGE         = "4314902",
                    GIA          = "(vazio)"

                // Without "Unity" and "GIA".
                new CEP()
                    ZipCode      = "40010-905",
                    Address      = "Avenida Estados Unidos",
                    Complement   = "45",
                    Neighborhood = "Comércio",
                    City         = "Salvador",
                    State        = "BA",
                    IBGE         = "2927408"

                // Without "Complement", "Unity" and "GIA".
                new CEP()
                    ZipCode      = "60060-095",
                    Address      = "Praça Abrahão de Carvalho",
                    Neighborhood = "Centro",
                    City         = "Fortaleza",
                    State        = "CE",
                    IBGE         = "2304400"

                // Without "Complement", "Neighborhood", "Unity" and "GIA".
                new CEP()
                    ZipCode = "79002-933",
                    Address = "Avenida Afonso Pena",
                    City    = "Campo Grande",
                    State   = "MS",
                    IBGE    = "5002704"

                // Only "ZipCode", "Address", "City" and "State".
                new CEP()
                    ZipCode = "69005-140",
                    Address = "Avenida 7 de Setembro",
                    City    = "Manaus",
                    State   = "AM"

                // Only "ZipCode", "City" and "State", no '-' on "ZipCode".
                new CEP()
                    ZipCode = "19400-000",
                    City    = "Presidente Venceslau",
                    State   = "SP"

                // Only "ZipCode", "City" and "State", space on "ZipCode".
                new CEP()
                    ZipCode = "19360 000",
                    City    = "Santo Anastácio",
                    State   = "SP"

            foreach (var data in dataset)
                var newLine = Environment.NewLine;
                var result  = CEPSearch.ByZipCode(data.ZipCode);

                var message = string.Format(
                    newLine +
                    newLine + "-----------------------------------" +
                    newLine + "| Expected for [" + data.ZipCode + "] --> [True]" +
                    newLine + "|" +
                    newLine + "| - " + data.Address +
                    newLine + "| - " + data.Complement +
                    newLine + "| - " + data.Neighborhood +
                    newLine + "| - " + data.City +
                    newLine + "| - " + data.State +
                    newLine + "| - " + data.Unity +
                    newLine + "| - " + data.IBGE +
                    newLine + "| - " + data.GIA +
                    newLine + "|" +
                    newLine + "| Obtained for [" + data.ZipCode + "] --> [False]" +
                    newLine + "| - " + result.Address +
                    newLine + "| - " + result.Complement +
                    newLine + "| - " + result.Neighborhood +
                    newLine + "| - " + result.City +
                    newLine + "| - " + result.State +
                    newLine + "| - " + result.Unity +
                    newLine + "| - " + result.IBGE +
                    newLine + "| - " + result.GIA +
                    newLine + "-----------------------------------"

                Assert.AreEqual(result, data, message);