Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected void lbSaveBrand_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string urlKey = txtUrlKey.Text.Trim();

            txtUrlKey.BackColor = Color.Empty;

            // If urlKey is empty, regenerate with given category name
            if (urlKey == string.Empty)
                urlKey         = AdminStoreUtility.GetFriendlyUrlKey(txtName.Text.Trim());
                txtUrlKey.Text = urlKey;

            // Make sure urlKey is unique
            if (((GetStringState(MODE) == NEW) && (BrandService.GetBrandByUrlKey(urlKey) != null)) ||
                ((GetStringState(MODE) == EDIT) && (BrandService.GetBrandByUrlKey(urlKey) != null) && (BrandService.GetBrandByUrlKey(urlKey).Id != GetIntState(BRAND_ID))))
                enbNotice.Message = "Url Key is not unique.";

                Brand brand = new Brand();

                brand.Name             = Server.HtmlEncode(txtName.Text.Trim());
                brand.FlashImageHeight = -1;
                brand.FlashImageWidth  = -1;
                brand.UrlRewrite       = urlKey;

                string logoFilename = string.Empty;
                //added string empty to avoid the exception
                brand.FlashImage = string.Empty;
                if (fuLogo.HasFile)
                    logoFilename = brand.UrlRewrite.Trim().ToLower() + "-logo" + Path.GetExtension(fuLogo.FileName).ToLower();
                    fuLogo.SaveAs(MediaSettings.BrandMediaLocalPath + logoFilename);
                    brand.FlashImage = logoFilename;

                // Get old logo filename
                if (!fuLogo.HasFile && imgLogo.Alt != string.Empty)
                    brand.FlashImage = imgLogo.Alt;

                // Remove logo file
                if (cbRemoveLogo.Checked && imgLogo.Alt != string.Empty)
                    File.Delete(MediaSettings.BrandMediaLocalPath + imgLogo.Alt);
                    brand.FlashImage     = string.Empty;
                    cbRemoveLogo.Checked = false;

                brand.Description       = txtDesc.Text.Trim();
                brand.HasMicrosite      = cbMicrosite.Checked;
                brand.MetaDescription   = txtMetaDesc.Text.Trim();
                brand.MetaTitle         = txtMetaTitle.Text.Trim();
                brand.MetaKeywords      = txtMetaKeywords.Text.Trim();
                brand.EnforceStockCount = cbEnforceStockCount.Checked;
                brand.DeliveryId        = Convert.ToInt32(ddlDelivery.SelectedValue);
                brand.Enabled           = cbEnabled.Checked;

                if (GetStringState(MODE) == NEW)
                    int brandId = BrandService.InsertBrand(brand);
                    brand.Id = brandId;
                    SetState(BRAND_ID, brand.Id);

                    enbNotice.Message = "Brand was created successfully.";
                else // Edit mode
                    brand.Id = GetIntState(BRAND_ID);

                    if (NotChosenProducts.Count > 0)
                        BrandService.UpdateProductWithBrand(AppConstant.DEFAULT_BRAND, NotChosenProducts);

                    enbNotice.Message = "Brand was updated successfully.";

                if (ChosenProducts.Count > 0)
                    BrandService.UpdateProductWithBrand(brand.Id, ChosenProducts);


            hfCurrentPanel.Value = "general";