Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void initialize()
            this.selectedBrick = null;
            this.previousTap = null;
            this.blockTangibleLastInContact = null;
            this.lastFineCameraInformation = null;

            this.rotateOrZoom = false;
            this.holdingTouchPointID = -1;

            this.activeTouchPoints = new Dictionary<int, TouchPoint>();
            this.holdingTouchPointIds = new List<int>();

            this.lastCorkScrewOrientation = -1;

            Manipulations2D enabledManipulations = Manipulations2D.Rotate | Manipulations2D.Scale | Manipulations2D.Translate;
            manipulationProcessor = new ManipulationProcessor2D(enabledManipulations);

            manipulationProcessor.Pivot = new ManipulationPivot2D();
            manipulationProcessor.Pivot.Radius = 10;

            manipulationProcessor.Started += OnManipulationStarted;
            manipulationProcessor.Delta += OnManipulationDelta;
            manipulationProcessor.Completed += OnManipulationCompleted;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void processTouchPoints(ReadOnlyTouchPointCollection touches, List<BlobPair> blobPairs, GameTime gameTime)
            bool corkScrewOnTable = false;
            bool fineCameraOnTable = false;
                foreach (BlobPair bp in blobPairs)
                    switch (bp.thisBlobPairTangible.Name)
                        case ("Jenga Block"):
                        case ("Cork Screw"):
                            corkScrewOnTable = true;
                        case ("Fine Camera"):
                            fineCameraOnTable = true;
            catch (NullReferenceException e)

            if (!corkScrewOnTable)
                this.lastCorkScrewOrientation = -1;
            if (!fineCameraOnTable)
                this.lastFineCameraInformation = null;

            foreach (TouchPoint t in touches)
                if (t.IsTagRecognized)
                    switch (t.Tag.Value)
                        case JengaConstants.STACK_SIDE_0:
                        case JengaConstants.STACK_SIDE_1:
                            _viewManager.rotateToSide(1, t);
                        case JengaConstants.STACK_SIDE_2:
                            _viewManager.rotateToSide(2, t);
                        case JengaConstants.STACK_SIDE_3:
                            _viewManager.rotateToSide(3, t);
                        case JengaConstants.STACK_SIDE_4:
                            _viewManager.rotateToSide(4, t);

            //Get center positions of all finger touchpoints
            float x = 0, y = 0;
            int count = 0;
            int firstID = -1;

            foreach (TouchPoint activeTouchPoint in touches)
                if (activeTouchPoint.IsFingerRecognized){
                    x += activeTouchPoint.X;
                    y += activeTouchPoint.Y;
                    firstID = activeTouchPoint.Id;

            x = x / count;
            y = y / count;

            Tuple<SolidThing, Quaternion, float, Vector3> middleBlock = null;
            if (count > 0)
                middleBlock = getTouchedBlock(x, y);
            //Rotation or zoom block
            if (selectedBrick != null && middleBlock != null && selectedBrick.Item1.Equals(middleBlock.Item1) && activeTouchPoints.Count > 1)
                //holdingTouchPointID = -1;
                List<Manipulator2D> manipulatorList = new List<Manipulator2D>();
                foreach (TouchPoint t in touches)
                    if (t.IsFingerRecognized)
                        manipulatorList.Add(new Manipulator2D(t.Id, t.X, t.Y));
                Manipulator2D[] manipulators = null;
                manipulators = manipulatorList.ToArray();

                    rotateOrZoom = true;
                    manipulationProcessor.Pivot.X = selectedBrick.Item1.Position.X;
                    manipulationProcessor.Pivot.Y = selectedBrick.Item1.Position.Y;
                    manipulationProcessor.ProcessManipulators(Timestamp, manipulators);         //TODO FIXED COLLECTION MODIFIED                   
                catch (NullReferenceException e)
                catch (InvalidOperationException e) { }
            //Otherwise if we arent moving the block, move camera
            else if (holdingTouchPointID == -1)
                rotateOrZoom = false;
                if (activeTouchPoints.Count > 0 && count > 0)
                    Manipulator2D[] manipulators = null;
                    manipulators = new Manipulator2D[]{new Manipulator2D(firstID, x, y)};
                        manipulationProcessor.ProcessManipulators(Timestamp, manipulators);
                    catch (NullReferenceException e) { }
                    catch (InvalidOperationException e) { }
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void processFineCamera(BlobPair bp)
            bool leftRightDisabled = false;

            if (this.lastFineCameraInformation != null)
                float deltaDegrees = MathHelper.ToDegrees(bp.Orientation - this.lastFineCameraInformation.Orientation);
                deltaDegrees = deltaDegrees > 180 ? (float)(deltaDegrees - 360) : deltaDegrees;
                deltaDegrees = deltaDegrees < -180 ? (float)(deltaDegrees + 360) : deltaDegrees;
                deltaDegrees *= -1;

                float deltaX = bp.CenterX - this.lastFineCameraInformation.CenterX;
                float deltaY = bp.CenterY - this.lastFineCameraInformation.CenterY;

                float newHeightAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians((MathHelper.ToDegrees(_viewManager.HeightAngle)
                        + (JengaConstants.HEIGHT_REVERSED * deltaY / JengaConstants.PAN_SPEED_DIVISOR)));

                float newRotationAngle;
                if (leftRightDisabled)
                    newRotationAngle = (float)(Math.PI - bp.Orientation);
                    newRotationAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians((MathHelper.ToDegrees(_viewManager.RotationAngle)
                        + (JengaConstants.ROTATE_REVERSED * deltaX) / JengaConstants.PAN_SPEED_DIVISOR) + deltaDegrees);
                _viewManager.updateCameraPosition(newRotationAngle, newHeightAngle, _viewManager.CameraDistance);
            this.lastFineCameraInformation = bp;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void processCorkScrewTangible(BlobPair bp)
            if (this.selectedBrick != null)
                selectedBrick.Item1.LinearVelocity = Vector3.Zero;
                if (this.lastCorkScrewOrientation != -1)
                    float deltaDegrees = MathHelper.ToDegrees(bp.Orientation - this.lastCorkScrewOrientation);
                    deltaDegrees = deltaDegrees > 180 ? (float)(deltaDegrees - 360) : deltaDegrees;
                    deltaDegrees = deltaDegrees < -180 ? (float)(deltaDegrees + 360) : deltaDegrees;

                    Vector3 newPosition = selectedBrick.Item1.Position;
                    Vector3 direction = _viewManager.Position - selectedBrick.Item1.Position;
                    float deltaAdd = deltaDegrees * JengaConstants.TANGIBLE_ZOOM_SCALE_FACTOR;
                    newPosition = Vector3.Add(Vector3.Multiply(direction, deltaAdd), selectedBrick.Item1.Position);
                    if (Vector3.Subtract(_viewManager.Position, newPosition).Length() > JengaConstants.MIN_CAMERA_DISTANCE
                        || Vector3.Subtract(_viewManager.Position, newPosition).Length() > Vector3.Subtract(_viewManager.Position, selectedBrick.Item1.Position).Length())
                        selectedBrick.Item1.IsActive = true;
                        selectedBrick.Item1.SetWorld(newPosition, selectedBrick.Item2);

            this.lastCorkScrewOrientation = bp.Orientation;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void processBlockTangible(BlobPair bp)
            this.blockTangibleLastInContact = new Tuple<BlobPair, long>(bp, Timestamp);
            if (selectedBrick != null)
                Quaternion q = selectedBrick.Item1.Orientation;

                double yaw = Math.Atan2(2.0 * (q.Y * q.Z + q.W * q.X), q.W * q.W - q.X * q.X - q.Y * q.Y + q.Z * q.Z);
                double pitch = Math.Asin(-2.0 * (q.X * q.Z - q.W * q.Y));
                double roll = Math.Atan2(2.0 * (q.X * q.Y + q.W * q.Z), q.W * q.W + q.X * q.X - q.Y * q.Y - q.Z * q.Z);

                float scaleFactor = ((Timestamp - begin) / JengaConstants.TIME_FOR_BLOCK_TO_CENTER);
                scaleFactor = scaleFactor > 1 ? 1 : scaleFactor;
                scaleFactor = 1 - scaleFactor;
                //float scaleFactor = 0;
                float totalRotation;

                //roll = roll < 0 ? (roll + (2 * Math.PI)) : roll;
                //totalRotation = (float)(((bp.Orientation - roll) * scaleFactor) + roll);

                float cameraRotationOffset = MathHelper.ToDegrees(_viewManager.RotationAngle) % 360;
                cameraRotationOffset = cameraRotationOffset < 0 ? 360 + cameraRotationOffset : cameraRotationOffset;
                cameraRotationOffset = 360 - cameraRotationOffset;

                totalRotation = MathHelper.ToRadians(MathHelper.ToDegrees(bp.Orientation) - cameraRotationOffset);

                Quaternion finalOrientation = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(new Vector3(0, 0, 1.0f), totalRotation);

                Segment s;
                s.P1 = _game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Unproject(new Vector3(bp.CenterX, bp.CenterY, 0f),
                    _viewManager.Projection, _viewManager.DefaultView, Matrix.Identity);
                s.P2 = _game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Unproject(new Vector3(bp.CenterX, bp.CenterY, 1f),
                    _viewManager.Projection, _viewManager.DefaultView, Matrix.Identity);

                Vector3 diff, point;
                Vector3.Subtract(ref s.P2, ref s.P1, out diff);
                Vector3.Multiply(ref diff, this.selectedBrick.Item3, out diff);         //TODO FIX NULL REFERENCE(selectedblock)
                Vector3.Add(ref s.P1, ref diff, out point);
                Vector3 offset = Vector3.Multiply(this.selectedBrick.Item4, scaleFactor);

                Vector3 position = Vector3.Add(point, offset);

                Vector3 directionVector = _viewManager.Position - this.selectedBrick.Item1.Position;
                Vector3 differenceVector = this.selectedBrick.Item1.Position - position;
                float distance = Vector3.Dot(directionVector, differenceVector);
                Vector3 additionOntoCurrent = Vector3.Multiply(directionVector, distance);
                Vector3 finalVector = Vector3.Add(position, additionOntoCurrent);

                position = finalVector;

                //Uncomment this for snapping to middle of tangible block
                /*if (!((_viewManager.Position - position).Length() > JengaConstants.MIN_CAMERA_DISTANCE 
                    && JengaConstants.TAP_BLOCK_TO_RAISE)){
                    Vector3 newItem4 = Vector3.Subtract(this.selectedBrick.Item1.Position, point);
                    Vector3 direction = Vector3.Subtract(_viewManager.Position, point);

                    Vector3 newOffset = direction * (Vector3.Dot(direction, newItem4));
                    position = Vector3.Add(point, newOffset);
                //Uncomment this for snapping to middle of tangible block
                if (!(Vector3.Subtract(position, selectedBrick.Item1.Position).Length() > JengaConstants.MAX_TANGIBLE_DISTANCE))
                    selectedBrick = new Tuple<SolidThing, Quaternion, float, Vector3>
                        (selectedBrick.Item1, finalOrientation, selectedBrick.Item3, selectedBrick.Item4);

                    selectedBrick.Item1.SetVelocity(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero);
                    selectedBrick.Item1.SetWorld(position, selectedBrick.Item2);
                    selectedBrick.Item1.IsActive = true;