Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a new asset to the database (or possibly update an existing item)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int Add()
            AuditWizardDataAccess lwDataAccess = new AuditWizardDataAccess();

            if (AssetID == 0)
                // Add the asset to the database
                _assetID = lwDataAccess.AssetAdd(this);

                // ...and log this event in the audit trail
                AuditTrailEntry ate = new AuditTrailEntry();
                ate.Date      = DateTime.Now;
                ate.Class     = AuditTrailEntry.CLASS.asset;
                ate.Type      = AuditTrailEntry.TYPE.added;
                ate.Key       = _name;
                ate.AssetID   = _assetID;
                ate.AssetName = _name;
                ate.Username  = System.Environment.UserName;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Display
        /// =======
        /// Displays the audit history for this asset within this tab view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="displayNode">UltraTreeNode holding the asset for which history is to be displayed</param>
        public void Display(UltraTreeNode displayedNode)
            _displayedNode = displayedNode;
            Asset displayedAsset = _displayedNode.Tag as Asset;

            //	Call BeginUpdate to prevent drawing while we are populating the control
            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            // Delete all entries from the current data set being displayed

            // Recover the asset audit history records for this asset
            AuditTrailDAO lwDataAccess = new AuditTrailDAO();
            DataTable     historyTable = lwDataAccess.GetAssetAuditHistory(displayedAsset, new DateTime(0), new DateTime(0));

            // Add the entries in the data table as ATE records to our DataSet
            foreach (DataRow row in historyTable.Rows)
                AuditTrailEntry ate = new AuditTrailEntry(row);
                historyDataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Add(new object[] { ate, ate.Date, ate.GetTypeDescription(), ate.Username });

            //	Restore the cursor
            this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

            //	Call EndUpdate to resume drawing operations
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a list of changes between this object and an old version
        /// For suppliers we really aren't that interested  in changes to these details just adding
        /// and deletion of suppliers
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldObject"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <AuditTrailEntry> AuditChanges(Supplier oldObject)
            AuditWizardDataAccess lwDataAccess = new AuditWizardDataAccess();

            // Construct the return list
            List <AuditTrailEntry> listChanges = new List <AuditTrailEntry>();

            // Is this a new item or an update to an existing one
            if (SupplierID == 0)
                AuditTrailEntry ate = new AuditTrailEntry();
                ate.Date      = DateTime.Now;
                ate.Class     = AuditTrailEntry.CLASS.supplier;
                ate.Type      = AuditTrailEntry.TYPE.added;
                ate.Key       = _name;
                ate.AssetID   = 0;
                ate.AssetName = "";
                ate.Username  = System.Environment.UserName;

            // Add all of these changes to the Audit Trail
            foreach (AuditTrailEntry entry in listChanges)

            // Return the constructed list
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the selected document(s) from the database and if locally linked from the Documents folder
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void bnDeleteDocument_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure that you want to remove the specified documents?\n\nDocuments which have been copied to the AuditWizard documents folder will be deleted", "Confirm Remove", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                foreach (UltraListViewItem lvi in lvDocuments.SelectedItems)
                    Document document = lvi.Tag as Document;

                    if (_application != null)
                        AuditTrailEntry ate = new AuditTrailEntry();
                        ate.Date      = DateTime.Now;
                        ate.Class     = AuditTrailEntry.CLASS.application_changes;
                        ate.Type      = AuditTrailEntry.TYPE.deleted;
                        ate.Key       = _application.Name + "|Documents";
                        ate.AssetID   = 0;
                        ate.AssetName = "";
                        ate.OldValue  = document.Name;
                        ate.Username  = System.Environment.UserName;
                        new AuditTrailDAO().AuditTrailAdd(ate);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Called as we click the OK button - save the definition back to the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void bnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (_installedApplication.Publisher != tbPublisher.Text)
                string          oldPublisherName = _installedApplication.Publisher;
                ApplicationsDAO lwDataAccess     = new ApplicationsDAO();
                lwDataAccess.ApplicationUpdatePublisher(_installedApplication.ApplicationID, tbPublisher.Text);
                _installedApplication.Publisher = tbPublisher.Text;

                AuditTrailEntry ate = new AuditTrailEntry();
                ate.Date      = DateTime.Now;
                ate.Class     = AuditTrailEntry.CLASS.application_changes;
                ate.Type      = AuditTrailEntry.TYPE.changed;
                ate.Key       = _installedApplication.Name + "|Publisher";
                ate.AssetID   = 0;
                ate.AssetName = "";
                ate.OldValue  = oldPublisherName;
                ate.NewValue  = tbPublisher.Text;
                ate.Username  = System.Environment.UserName;
                new AuditTrailDAO().AuditTrailAdd(ate);

            // Save any changes made to the user defined data field values
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void tbNoteText_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (lvExistingNotes.SelectedItems.Count != 1)

            ListViewItem item         = lvExistingNotes.SelectedItems[0];
            Note         selectedNote = _notes.FindNoteById((int)item.Tag);

            if (selectedNote != null)
                string oldNoteText = selectedNote.Text;
                selectedNote.Text = tbNoteText.Text;

                if (_application != null)
                    AuditTrailEntry ate = new AuditTrailEntry();
                    ate.Date      = DateTime.Now;
                    ate.Class     = AuditTrailEntry.CLASS.application_changes;
                    ate.Type      = AuditTrailEntry.TYPE.changed;
                    ate.Key       = _application.Name + "|Notes";
                    ate.AssetID   = 0;
                    ate.AssetName = "";
                    ate.OldValue  = oldNoteText;
                    ate.NewValue  = selectedNote.Text;
                    ate.Username  = Environment.UserName;
                    new AuditTrailDAO().AuditTrailAdd(ate);

                LoadNotes(_scope, _parentID);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Browse for a document to associate with this instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void bnAddDocument_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FormAddDocument form = new FormAddDocument();

            if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                string documentFile = form.DocumentPath;
                string documentName = form.DocumentName;

                if (form.CopyToLocal)
                    string destinationFile = "";
                        // Create a hopefully unique name for this document based on the current time
                        destinationFile = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Documents");


                        string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(documentFile) + "_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(documentFile);
                        destinationFile = destinationFile + @"\" + filename;
                        File.Copy(documentFile, destinationFile);
                        documentFile = destinationFile;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Failed to copy " + documentFile + " to " + destinationFile + "\nThe error was " + ex.Message);

                // Add the document to the database and to the list of documents
                Document newDocument = new Document();
                newDocument.Scope    = _scope;
                newDocument.Name     = documentName;
                newDocument.Path     = documentFile;
                newDocument.ParentID = _parentID;


                if (_application != null)
                    AuditTrailEntry ate = new AuditTrailEntry();
                    ate.Date      = DateTime.Now;
                    ate.Class     = AuditTrailEntry.CLASS.application_changes;
                    ate.Type      = AuditTrailEntry.TYPE.added;
                    ate.Key       = _application.Name + "|Documents";
                    ate.AssetID   = 0;
                    ate.AssetName = "";
                    ate.Username  = System.Environment.UserName;
                    ate.NewValue  = newDocument.Name;
                    new AuditTrailDAO().AuditTrailAdd(ate);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Add an Audit Trail Entry to the data set associated with the grid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ate"></param>
        protected void AddAuditTrailEntry(AuditTrailEntry ate)
            // Get any filter dates
            DateTime startDate = _auditTrailFilterEventArgs.StartDate.Date;
            DateTime endDate   = _auditTrailFilterEventArgs.EndDate.Date.AddDays(1);

            // ...and check date in range first
            if (ate.Date < startDate.Date || ate.Date > endDate.Date)

            // Check the entry type against what we are expecting to add and reject if invalid
            if ((_auditTrailFilterEventArgs.RequiredClass != AuditTrailEntry.CLASS.all) &&
                (ate.Class != _auditTrailFilterEventArgs.RequiredClass))

            // Some items modified may be delimited by '|'.  Split these here
            // For Application Property Changes these will be in the form
            // For license changes this will be in the form
            String keyValue1 = "";
            String keyValue2 = "";
            String keyValue3 = "";

            String[] keyParts = ate.Key.Split(new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (keyParts.Length > 0)
                keyValue1 = keyParts[0];
            if (keyParts.Length > 1)
                keyValue2 = keyParts[1];
            if (keyParts.Length > 2)
                keyValue3 = keyParts[2];

            // OK this record has survived all filters so add it
            auditTrailDataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Add(new object[]
                                                 { ate,
                                                   ate.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"),
                                                   (keyValue3 == "") ? ate.OldValue : keyValue3 + " : " + ate.OldValue,
                                                   keyValue2 });
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Wrapper around adding an Audit Trail Entry to the list and re-creating the base ATE object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="listChanges"></param>
 /// <param name="ate"></param>
 /// <param name="key"></param>
 /// <param name="oldValue"></param>
 /// <param name="newValue"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected AuditTrailEntry AddChange(List <AuditTrailEntry> listChanges, AuditTrailEntry ate, String key, String oldValue, String newValue)
     ate.Key      = ate.Key + "|" + key;
     ate.OldValue = oldValue;
     ate.NewValue = newValue;
     ate = BuildATE();
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private static void CreateAuditTrailEntries(ref AnimlDocument document)
            document.AuditTrailEntrySet = new AuditTrailEntrySet();

            Author          author          = new Author("John Doe", UserType.Human);
            AuditTrailEntry auditTrailEntry = new AuditTrailEntry(DateTime.Now, author, Blobfish.Action.Created);

            auditTrailEntry.Comment = "Creation of the AnIML document.";
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the currently selected note (after confirmation)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void bnDeleteNote_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (lvExistingNotes.SelectedItems.Count != 1)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select a note from the list.", "Delete Note", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure that you want to delete this note?", "Confirm Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) != DialogResult.Yes)

            ListViewItem item         = lvExistingNotes.SelectedItems[0];
            Note         selectedNote = _notes.FindNoteById((int)item.Tag);

            if (selectedNote == null)


            if (_application != null)
                AuditTrailEntry ate = new AuditTrailEntry();
                ate.Date      = DateTime.Now;
                ate.Class     = AuditTrailEntry.CLASS.application_changes;
                ate.Type      = AuditTrailEntry.TYPE.deleted;
                ate.Key       = _application.Name + "|Notes";
                ate.AssetID   = 0;
                ate.AssetName = "";
                ate.OldValue  = selectedNote.Text;
                ate.Username  = Environment.UserName;
                new AuditTrailDAO().AuditTrailAdd(ate);

            int index = lvExistingNotes.SelectedIndices[0];

            tbNoteText.Text = "";

            if (lvExistingNotes.Items.Count > 0)
                lvExistingNotes.Items[0].Selected = true;
                lbNoteDate.Visible   = false;
                lbCharsLeft.Visible  = false;
                lbNotePrompt.Visible = true;
                bnDeleteNote.Enabled = false;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a raw Audit Trail Entry and initialize it
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected AuditTrailEntry BuildATE()
            AuditTrailEntry ate = new AuditTrailEntry();

            ate.Date      = DateTime.Now;
            ate.Class     = AuditTrailEntry.CLASS.application_changes;
            ate.Type      = AuditTrailEntry.TYPE.changed;
            ate.AssetID   = InstalledOnComputerID;
            ate.AssetName = this.InstalledOnComputer;
            ate.Username  = System.Environment.UserName;

Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the current license from the database
        /// </summary>
        public void Delete()
            // Delete from the database
            AuditWizardDataAccess lwDataAccess = new AuditWizardDataAccess();


            // ...and audit the deletion
            AuditTrailEntry ate = BuildATE();

            ate.Type = AuditTrailEntry.TYPE.deleted;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static void AddAuditTrailEntry <T>(this IAuditTrailable <T> auditTrailable, AuditTrailContext dbContext) where T : Entity
            var entityEntry = dbContext.Entry(auditTrailable);
            AuditTrailEntry <T> auditTrailEntry;

            if (EntityState.Added == entityEntry.State)
                auditTrailEntry = new AuditTrailEntry <T>
                    Subject   = auditTrailable.GetEntity(),
                    Timestamp = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant(),
                    EntryType = AuditTrailEntryType.Insert,
                    FromValue = "",
                    ToValue   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entityEntry.Entity, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings {
                        ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore

            var changedProperties = entityEntry.Properties.Where(p => p.IsModified).ToList();

            if (changedProperties.Count == 0)
            var(from, to) = changedProperties.Aggregate((From: "", To: ""), (carry, p) =>
                if (!p.IsModified || p.CurrentValue.GetType() == typeof(ICollection <AuditTrailEntry <T> >))

                return($"{carry.From}{Environment.NewLine}{p.Metadata.Name}: {p.OriginalValue}",
                       $"{carry.To}{Environment.NewLine}{p.Metadata.Name}: {p.CurrentValue}");

            auditTrailable.AuditTrailEntries ??= new List <AuditTrailEntry <T> >();
            auditTrailEntry = new AuditTrailEntry <T>
                Subject   = auditTrailable.GetEntity(),
                Timestamp = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant(),
                EntryType = entityEntry.State switch
                    EntityState.Added => AuditTrailEntryType.Insert,
                    EntityState.Modified => AuditTrailEntryType.Update,
                    EntityState.Deleted => AuditTrailEntryType.Delete,
                    _ => AuditTrailEntryType.Update,
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a raw Audit Trail Entry and initialize it
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected AuditTrailEntry BuildATE()
            AuditTrailEntry ate = new AuditTrailEntry();

            ate.Date      = DateTime.Now;
            ate.Class     = AuditTrailEntry.CLASS.asset;
            ate.Type      = AuditTrailEntry.TYPE.changed;
            ate.Key       = _name;
            ate.AssetID   = _assetID;
            ate.AssetName = _name;
            ate.Username  = System.Environment.UserName;

Ejemplo n.º 16
        private AuditTrailEntry CreateAteForAssetNameChange(Asset objAsset)
            AuditTrailEntry ate = new AuditTrailEntry();

            ate.Date      = DateTime.Now;
            ate.Class     = AuditTrailEntry.CLASS.asset;
            ate.Type      = AuditTrailEntry.TYPE.changed;
            ate.Key       = objAsset.Name;
            ate.AssetID   = objAsset.AssetID;
            ate.AssetName = objAsset.Name;;
            ate.Username  = System.Environment.UserName;

Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void Submit(string comment)
            AssertOperation(Current, OperationCode.Submit);

            var action = GetCurrentAction(Current, OperationCode.Submit);

            if (action.Transit.ActivityTemplateId != Current.ActivityTemplate.ActivityTemplateId)
                var nextActivityInstance = NewActivityInstance(action.Transit);

                _originateActivityInstance = Current;

                Current = nextActivityInstance;

            var actionRecord = new ActionRecord()
                ActivityInstanceId = Current.ActivityInstanceId,
                RequiredRole       = Current.ActivityTemplate.RequiredRole.Id


            var auditTrail = new AuditTrailEntry()
                IsNew = true


            _isDirty = true;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the current license from the database
        /// </summary>
        public void Delete()
            // Delete from the database
            AuditWizardDataAccess lwDataAccess = new AuditWizardDataAccess();


            // ...and audit the deletion
            AuditTrailEntry ate = new AuditTrailEntry();

            ate.Date      = DateTime.Now;
            ate.Class     = AuditTrailEntry.CLASS.supplier;
            ate.Type      = AuditTrailEntry.TYPE.deleted;
            ate.Key       = _name;
            ate.AssetID   = 0;
            ate.AssetName = "";
            ate.Username  = System.Environment.UserName;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete this asset from the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int Delete()
            AuditWizardDataAccess lwDataAccess = new AuditWizardDataAccess();

            // ...and audit the deletion
            AuditTrailEntry ate = new AuditTrailEntry();

            ate.Date      = DateTime.Now;
            ate.Class     = AuditTrailEntry.CLASS.asset;
            ate.Type      = AuditTrailEntry.TYPE.deleted;
            ate.Key       = _name;
            ate.AssetID   = 0;
            ate.AssetName = "";
            ate.Username  = System.Environment.UserName;

            // Delete the asset
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public async Task <HttpStatusCodeResult> Audit(int modelId, string socialName)
            string securityToken = Request.Headers["securityToken"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(securityToken))
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

            string phrase = securityToken.Decrypt(EncryptionKey, EncryptionIV);

            if (phrase != Request.Url.Host)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized));

            var entry = new AuditTrailEntry
                TimeStamp             = DateTime.Now,
                Browser               = Request.Browser.Browser,
                BrowserVersion        = Request.Browser.Version,
                BrowserMajorVersion   = Request.Browser.MajorVersion,
                BrowserIsMobileDevice = Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice,
                BrowserPlatform       = Request.Browser.Platform,
                UrlReferrer           = Request.UrlReferrer?.ToString(),
                UserAgent             = Request.UserAgent,
                UserHostAddress       = Request.UserHostAddress,
                SocialName            = socialName,
                ModelId               = modelId

            using (var db = new DatabaseContext())
                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            await entry.GeolocateIpAddress(new IpInfoGeolocator(GeolocationApiUrl));

            return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.OK));
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// This report will contain information on asset history records dated between the specified start
        /// and end dates
        /// </summary>
        protected void GenerateChangesBetweenReportData()
            // Create a string representation of the publisher filter list passed to us
            // We need to get the entire licensing information at this point
            AuditTrailDAO lwDataAccess = new AuditTrailDAO();
            DataTable     historyTable = lwDataAccess.GetAssetAuditHistory(new Asset(), _startDate, _endDate);

            // For each row in the returned table we need to first see if we need to filter it based on
            // and locations/assets specified
            foreach (DataRow row in historyTable.Rows)
                // Create the object for this History record
                AuditTrailEntry entry = new AuditTrailEntry(row);

                // Check for this being filtered by location/asset
                if (FilterRecord(entry.Location, entry.AssetName))
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// generate the most recent history records for each asset
        /// </summary>
        protected void GenerateMostRecentReportData()
            // Get a complete list of groups and assets and then apply our filters to this list
            LocationsDAO lwDataAccess = new LocationsDAO();

            AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE displayType = AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.userlocation;
            DataTable            table       = lwDataAccess.GetGroups(new AssetGroup(displayType));
            AssetGroup           assetGroups = new AssetGroup(table.Rows[0], displayType);

            assetGroups.Populate(true, false, true);

            // Now apply the filter to these groups
            assetGroups.ApplyFilters(_selectedGroups, _selectedAssets, _ignoreChildAssets);

            // Now that we have a definitive list of the assets (as objects) which we want to include in the
            // report we could really do with expanding this list so that ALL of the assets are in a single list
            // and not distributed among the publishers
            AssetList listAssets = assetGroups.GetAllAssets();

            // OK - get the last audit trail records for these assets - the last audit date is stored in the
            // Asset object so we don't need to get that again
            foreach (Asset asset in listAssets)
                // Skip any assets not audited yet
                if (asset.LastAudit.Ticks == 0)

                // Get the audit trail records for this asset
                DataTable historyTable = new AuditTrailDAO().GetAssetAuditHistory(asset, asset.LastAudit, DateTime.Now);

                // Add the entries in the data table as ATE records to our DataSet
                foreach (DataRow row in historyTable.Rows)
                    AuditTrailEntry ate = new AuditTrailEntry(row);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// This function is called to add an audit trail entry to the DataSet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="thisApplication"></param>
        protected void AddChangesRecord(AuditTrailEntry record)
            // Get the Table from the DataSet
            DataTable historyTable = _reportDataSet.Tables["History"];

            // Add the row to the data set
                historyTable.Rows.Add(new object[]
                                      { record
                                        , record.Location
                                        , record.AssetName
                                        , record.Date.ToShortDateString()
                                        , 0                                                                             // Days not applicable to this report
                                        , record.ClassString
                                        , record.GetTypeDescription() });
            catch (Exception e)
Ejemplo n.º 24
        private void AddNewNote(string noteText)
            Note note = new Note {
                ParentID = _parentID, Scope = _scope, Text = noteText

            note.NoteID = new NotesDAO().NoteAdd(note);

            tbNoteText.Text = note.Text;

            lbNoteDate.Visible  = true;
            lbCharsLeft.Visible = true;

            lbNoteDate.Text = String.Format(
                "Last update: {0} by {1}",
                note.DateOfNote.ToString("dd MMM HH:mm"),

            lbCharsLeft.Text = String.Format("{0} chars remaining", 4000 - tbNoteText.Text.Length);

            if (_application != null)
                AuditTrailEntry ate = new AuditTrailEntry();
                ate.Date      = DateTime.Now;
                ate.Class     = AuditTrailEntry.CLASS.application_changes;
                ate.Type      = AuditTrailEntry.TYPE.added;
                ate.Key       = _application.Name + "|Notes";
                ate.AssetID   = 0;
                ate.AssetName = "";
                ate.NewValue  = note.Text;
                ate.Username  = Environment.UserName;
                new AuditTrailDAO().AuditTrailAdd(ate);

            lbNotePrompt.Visible = false;
            bnDeleteNote.Enabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        private void historyGridView_InitializeRow(object sender, InitializeRowEventArgs e)
            // Get the application object being displayed - this is always a tree node in this view
            AuditTrailEntry ate = e.Row.Cells["DataObject"].Value as AuditTrailEntry;

            // The icon displayed will depend on the type of entry - we can have
            //		application installs/uninstalls
            //		audited data changes
            //		audit/reaudit
            if (ate.Class == AuditTrailEntry.CLASS.application_installs)
                e.Row.Cells["Operation"].Appearance.Image = Properties.Resources.application_16;

            else if (ate.Class == AuditTrailEntry.CLASS.audited || ate.Class == AuditTrailEntry.CLASS.reaudited)
                e.Row.Cells["Operation"].Appearance.Image = Properties.Resources.computer16;

                // Recover the Description
                string description = ate.GetTypeDescription();

                // Strip off everything after the last colon (if any)
                int delimiter = description.LastIndexOf(':');
                if (delimiter != -1)
                    description = description.Substring(0, delimiter);

                // Now check this against the database to see if we can find an icon for it
                IconMapping iconMapping = _iconMappings.GetIconMapping(description);
                if (iconMapping != null)
                    e.Row.Cells["Operation"].Appearance.Image = IconMapping.LoadIcon(iconMapping.Icon, IconMapping.Iconsize.Small);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the current location from the database
        /// </summary>
        public bool Delete()
            AuditWizardDataAccess lwDataAccess = new AuditWizardDataAccess();

            // As locations are hierarchical we cannot just delete a location without first deleting ALL
            // children and we cannot do that if any of our descendants are still being referenced
            // Get a list of all of our children
            AssetGroupList children = new AssetGroupList(lwDataAccess.GetGroups(this), GroupType);

            // Loop through each child and try and delete them first before we delete ourselves - this actually
            // causes recursion through this deletion function as children may have children and so on...
            foreach (AssetGroup childGroup in children)
                if (!childGroup.Delete())

            // Only now can we delete ourselves as all of our children have been handled.
            if (lwDataAccess.GroupDelete(this) != 0)

            // ...and audit the deletion
            AuditTrailEntry ate = new AuditTrailEntry();

            ate.Date      = DateTime.Now;
            ate.Class     = AuditTrailEntry.CLASS.location;
            ate.Type      = AuditTrailEntry.TYPE.deleted;
            ate.Key       = _name;
            ate.AssetID   = 0;
            ate.AssetName = "";
            ate.Username  = System.Environment.UserName;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        private void backgroundWorker_ImportHistoryLine(string[] fields)
            // Does the Asset exist?
            Asset newAsset = new Asset();

            newAsset.Name = fields[0];
            AssetDAO lwDataAccess = new AssetDAO();

            newAsset.AssetID = lwDataAccess.AssetFind(newAsset);

            // If the asset exists then add the history record for it
            if (newAsset.AssetID != 0)
                // Create an Audit Trail Entry record based on the data passed in to us.
                    AuditTrailDAO auditTrailDAO = new AuditTrailDAO();

                    AuditTrailEntry ate = new AuditTrailEntry();
                    //ate.Date = DateTime.ParseExact(fields[1], "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", null);
                    ate.Date      = Convert.ToDateTime(fields[1]);
                    ate.Class     = AuditTrailEntry.CLASS.asset;
                    ate.AssetID   = newAsset.AssetID;
                    ate.AssetName = newAsset.Name;
                    ate.Type      = AuditTrailEntry.TranslateV7Type((AuditTrailEntry.V7_HIST_OPS)Convert.ToInt32(fields[2]));
                    ate.Key       = fields[3];
                    ate.OldValue  = fields[4];
                    ate.NewValue  = fields[5];
                    ate.Username  = fields[6];
                catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a list of changes between this object and an old version
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldObject"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <AuditTrailEntry> ListChanges(ApplicationInstance oldObject)
            // Construct the return list
            List <AuditTrailEntry> listChanges = new List <AuditTrailEntry>();

            // The Publisher, Application Name, Version and Installed Asset must not change
            // as these are basic properties of the application instance.
            // Build a blank AuditTrailEntry
            AuditTrailEntry ate = BuildATE();

            if (this.Serial.ProductId != oldObject.Serial.ProductId)
                ate = AddChange(listChanges, ate, "Serial Number", oldObject.Serial.ProductId, Serial.ProductId);

            // CD Key
            if (this.Serial.CdKey != oldObject.Serial.CdKey)
                ate = AddChange(listChanges, ate, "CD Key", oldObject.Serial.CdKey, Serial.CdKey);

            // Return the constructed list
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void Execute(AuditTrailEntryCreatedEvent @event, IDbContext unitOfWork)
            if (@event == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("event");
            if (unitOfWork == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("unitOfWork");

            var auditTrailEntry = new AuditTrailEntry
                Id          = @event.EntityId,
                SubjectId   = @event.SubjectId,
                UserId      = @event.UserId,
                Summary     = @event.Summary,
                Timestamp   = @event.Timestamp,
                SubjectName = @event.SubjectName,
                UserName    = @event.UserName

Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a list of changes between this object and an old version
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldObject"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void AuditChanges(Asset oldObject)
            AuditWizardDataAccess lwDataAccess = new AuditWizardDataAccess();

            // Construct the return list
            List <AuditTrailEntry> listChanges = new List <AuditTrailEntry>();

            // The following fields are auditable for an Asset
            //	Stock Status
            //	Category
            //  Type
            //	Make
            //	Model
            //	Serial
            //	Supplier
            // Build a blank AuditTrailEntry
            AuditTrailEntry ate = BuildATE();

            // We only audit changes made for existing assets so ignore if we weren't passed an original
            if (oldObject != null)
                // Stock Status
                if (_stockStatus != oldObject._stockStatus)
                    AddChange(listChanges, ate, "Stock Status", Asset.GetStockStatusText(oldObject._stockStatus), Asset.GetStockStatusText(_stockStatus));

                // Asset Category / Tuype is the same thing
                if (_assetTypeID != oldObject._assetTypeID)
                    AddChange(listChanges, ate, "Asset Type", oldObject.TypeAsString, this.TypeAsString);

                // Make
                if (_make != oldObject._make)
                    AddChange(listChanges, ate, "Make", oldObject._make, this._make);

                // Model
                if (_model != oldObject._model)
                    AddChange(listChanges, ate, "Model", oldObject._model, this._model);

                // Serial
                if (_serial != oldObject._serial)
                    AddChange(listChanges, ate, "Serial Number", oldObject._serial, this._serial);

                // Add all of these changes to the Audit Trail
                foreach (AuditTrailEntry entry in listChanges)

            // Return the constructed list