/// <summary>
        /// Match the given qualifier attribute against the candidate bean definition.
        /// </summary>
        protected bool CheckQualifier(ObjectDefinitionHolder odHolder, Attribute attribute)
            Type type = attribute.GetType();
            RootObjectDefinition       od        = (RootObjectDefinition)odHolder.ObjectDefinition;
            AutowireCandidateQualifier qualifier = od.GetQualifier(type.FullName);

            if (qualifier == null)
                qualifier = od.GetQualifier(type.Name);
            if (qualifier == null)
                Attribute targetAttribute = null;
                // TODO: Get the resolved factory method
                //if (od.GetResolvedFactoryMethod() != null) {
                //    targetAttribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(od.GetResolvedFactoryMethod(), type);
                if (targetAttribute == null)
                    // look for matching attribute on the target class
                    if (_objectFactory != null)
                        Type objectType = od.ObjectType;
                        if (objectType != null)
                            targetAttribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(objectType, type);
                    if (targetAttribute == null && od.ObjectType != null)
                        targetAttribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(od.ObjectType, type);
                if (targetAttribute != null && targetAttribute.Equals(attribute))

            IDictionary <string, object> attributes = AttributeUtils.GetAttributeProperties(attribute);

            if (attributes.Count == 0 && qualifier == null)
                // if no attributes, the qualifier must be present
            foreach (var entry in attributes)
                string propertyName  = entry.Key;
                object expectedValue = entry.Value;
                object actualValue   = null;
                // check qualifier first
                if (qualifier != null)
                    actualValue = qualifier.GetAttribute(propertyName);
                if (actualValue == null)
                    // fall back on bean definition attribute
                    actualValue = od.GetAttribute(propertyName);
                if (actualValue == null && propertyName.Equals(AutowireCandidateQualifier.VALUE_KEY) &&
                    expectedValue is string && odHolder.MatchesName((string)expectedValue))
                    // fall back on bean name (or alias) match
                if (actualValue == null && qualifier != null)
                    // fall back on default, but only if the qualifier is present
                    actualValue = AttributeUtils.GetDefaultValue(attribute, propertyName);
                if (actualValue != null)
                    actualValue = TypeConversionUtils.ConvertValueIfNecessary(expectedValue.GetType(), actualValue, null);
                if (!expectedValue.Equals(actualValue))