Ejemplo n.º 1
        public AddPhotoResponse AddPhoto(AddPhotoRequest request)
            action = "/{0}/Photos.{1}";
            method = "POST";

            var response = SendRequest <PhotoResponse>(request.photo);

            return(new AddPhotoResponse(response));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <AddPhotoResponse> Add(AddPhotoRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            await _amazonS3Client.PutObjectAsync(new PutObjectRequest
                BucketName  = BucketName,
                Key         = request.PhotoName,
                InputStream = request.Content,
                ContentType = request.ContentType
            }, cancellationToken);

            var resourceUrl = $"{_publicUrl}/{BucketName}/{request.PhotoName}";

            return(new AddPhotoResponse(resourceUrl));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private async void photoList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.AddedItems.Count == 1)
                var photo = e.AddedItems[0] as FacebookAlbumPhotoViewModel;
                AddPhotoRequest request = new AddPhotoRequest();
                request.Transmit = "fb";

                Asset asset = new Asset() { Id = photo.ID, Main = _main, XdistancePercent = 1, YdistancePercent = 1, XoffsetPercent = 0, YoffsetPercent = 0 };

                request.Assets = new Asset[] { asset };

                TinderSession.CurrentSession.CurrentProfile.Photos = await ContentClient.PostAsync<List<Photo>>("media", request).ConfigureAwait(false);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <PhotoDto> Handle(AddPhotoCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var user = await _userRepository.Single(
                u => u.Id == request.AuthenticatedUser.Id,

            var newPhotoName     = $"{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}{Path.GetExtension(request.Photo.FileName)}";
            var addPhotoRequest  = new AddPhotoRequest(newPhotoName, request.Photo.OpenReadStream(), request.Photo.ContentType);
            var addPhotoResponse = await _photoStorage.Add(addPhotoRequest, cancellationToken);

            var photo = new Photo(newPhotoName, addPhotoResponse.Url);


            return(_mapper.Map <Photo, PhotoDto>(photo));
        public ActionResult <PhotoResponse> AddPhoto([Bind("ImageId,Title,ImageName")] AddPhotoRequest model)
            // only admins can create albums
            if (Account.Role != Role.Admin)
                return(Unauthorized(new { message = "Unauthorized" }));

            var photo = _mapper.Map <Photo>(model);

            _repository.Photo.CreatePhoto(ref photo, Account.Id);
            // only admins can create albums
            var photoResponse = _mapper.Map <PhotoResponse>(photo);

            _logger.LogInfo("Added Photo to Photo Album");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private async void photoList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.AddedItems.Count == 1)
                var             photo   = e.AddedItems[0] as FacebookAlbumPhotoViewModel;
                AddPhotoRequest request = new AddPhotoRequest();
                request.Transmit = "fb";

                Asset asset = new Asset()
                    Id = photo.ID, Main = _main, XdistancePercent = 1, YdistancePercent = 1, XoffsetPercent = 0, YoffsetPercent = 0

                request.Assets = new Asset[] { asset };

                TinderSession.CurrentSession.CurrentProfile.Photos = await ContentClient.PostAsync <List <Photo> >("media", request).ConfigureAwait(false);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        private async Task <SaveImageWrapper> SavePhotos(AddPhotoViewModel addPhotoViewModel, PostedItem postedItem)
            var saveImageWrapper = new SaveImageWrapper();

            if (addPhotoViewModel.StreamData == null)

            var photoStreams = new List <Stream> {

            var photoDimentionInfos = new List <PhotoDimensionInfo>()
                new PhotoDimensionInfo {
                    Width = 450, Height = 450, IsOriginal = false, ReSizeAndCrop = true

            var addPhotoRequest = new AddPhotoRequest(photoStreams, photoDimentionInfos, postedItem.Slug);

            var results = await _photoService.AddPhotoAsync(addPhotoRequest);

            //If any error found during uploading process we will not add anything to database. (ATOMIC)
            if (results.NewlyAddedPhotoErrorInfos != null && results.NewlyAddedPhotoErrorInfos.Count == 0)
                //2. Add photo objects to News Feed object
                if (results != null && results.NewlyAddedPhotoInfoDetails.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var photo in results.NewlyAddedPhotoInfoDetails)
                        var newPhoto = new Photo
                            Name          = photo.AddedPhotoName,
                            FileExtention = photo.ImageFormat,
                            Width         = photo.Width,
                            Height        = photo.Height,
                            Inserted      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                            PhotoType     = PhotoType.PostedItem,
                            Container     = "photo"


                        postedItem.Photo = newPhoto;

                //5. Save them to database
                var saveResults = await _applicationDbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
            else if (results.NewlyAddedPhotoErrorInfos.Count > 0)
                saveImageWrapper.ErrorMessage = results.NewlyAddedPhotoErrorInfos[0].ErrorMessage;

            //var response = new AddUserAvatarResponse();

            //6. Lets get the full path on the blob for the new photo
            var originalPhotoDetails = results.NewlyAddedPhotoInfoDetails.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsOriginal);
            var photoName            = String.Format(ImageName_450x450_StringFormat, originalPhotoDetails.AddedPhotoName, postedItem.Slug, originalPhotoDetails.ImageFormat);

            var fullPhotoUrlOnAzureBlobServer = _photoService.GetFullPath(photoName);

            saveImageWrapper.Url = fullPhotoUrlOnAzureBlobServer;

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public bool SaveImageNameAndText(SaveImageNameAndTextRequest request)
            IList <string> srcArr = new List <string>();
            string username = HttpContext.Session.GetString("username");
            var    txt      = request.TextContent.Trim();
            int start = txt.IndexOf('【');
            int end   = txt.IndexOf('】');
            var title = txt.Substring(start, end + 1);

            string[] strs    = txt.Split(title);
            var      context = strs[1].Trim();

            if (context == null)

            var article = new AddArticleRequest()
                ClassId        = request.ClassId,
                TagId          = request.TagId,
                ArticleTitle   = title,
                ArticleContext = context,
                IsDelete       = false,
                CreateTime     = DateTime.Now.Date,
                UserName       = username,
                ViewCount      = 0,
                CommmentCount  = 0,
                Context        = request.Source

            var articleId = _articleService.AddArticle(AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <ArticleModel>(article));

            string strRegExPattern = @"<img[^>]+(src)\s*=\s*""?([^ "">]+)""?(?:[^>]+(width|height)\s*=\s*""?([^ "">]+)""?\s+(height|width)\s*=\s*""?([^ "">]+)""?)?(?:[^>]+(alt)\s*=\s*""?([^"">]+)""?)?";

            Regex re = new Regex(strRegExPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            Match m  = re.Match(request.Source);

            while (m.Success)
                m = m.NextMatch();

            if (srcArr.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var src in srcArr)
                    var photo = new AddPhotoRequest()
                        ArticleId = articleId,
                        Url       = src
                    _photoService.AddPhoto(AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <PhotoModel>(photo));
                var photo = new AddPhotoRequest()
                    ArticleId = articleId,
                    Url       = "images/pic_home_news_1.jpg"
                _photoService.AddPhoto(AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <PhotoModel>(photo));

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public virtual async Task <AddPhotoResponse> AddPhotoAsync(AddPhotoRequest addPhotoRequest)
            var addPhotoResponse = new AddPhotoResponse();

            foreach (var photoStream in addPhotoRequest.PhotoStreams)
                var result = ValidateImage(photoStream);

                if (result.IsValid)
                    var image = GetImage(photoStream);

                    var fileExtension = image.Format.ToString().ToLower();
                    var fileName      = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    var fileNameAzure = String.Format("{0}.{1}", fileName, fileExtension);

                    addPhotoResponse.NewlyAddedPhotoInfoDetails.Add(new PhotoInfoDetails
                        AddedPhotoName   = fileName,
                        ImageFormat      = fileExtension,
                        Width            = image.Width,
                        Height           = image.Height,
                        IsOriginal       = true,
                        PhotoNameInAzure = fileNameAzure

                    //1. Lets add the original image first
                    await UploadToBlobAzureStorage(fileNameAzure, image);

                    foreach (var photoDimentionInfo in addPhotoRequest.PhotoDimentionInfos)
                        var clonedImage = image.Clone();

                        if (photoDimentionInfo.ReSizeAndCrop)

                            var newImageInfo = CalculateAspectRatioFit(clonedImage.Width, clonedImage.Height, photoDimentionInfo.Width, photoDimentionInfo.Height);

                            if (Math.Abs(photoDimentionInfo.Height - (int)newImageInfo.height) <= 1)
                                clonedImage.Resize(0, photoDimentionInfo.Height);
                                clonedImage.Resize(photoDimentionInfo.Width, 0);

                            //2. Crop it
                            //var newImageInfo = CalculateAspectRatioFit(clonedImage.Width, clonedImage.Height, photoDimentionInfo.Width, photoDimentionInfo.Height);

                            var x = Math.Abs((int)((photoDimentionInfo.Width - clonedImage.Width) / 2));
                            var y = Math.Abs((int)((photoDimentionInfo.Height - clonedImage.Height) / 2));

                            var mG = new MagickGeometry(x, y, photoDimentionInfo.Width, photoDimentionInfo.Height);

                            clonedImage.Resize(photoDimentionInfo.Width, 0);

                        //2. lets add the resized images here
                        var fileNameWithDimension = String.Format("{0}_{1}-{2}x{3}.{4}", fileName, addPhotoRequest.Slug, photoDimentionInfo.Width, photoDimentionInfo.Height, fileExtension);

                        await UploadToBlobAzureStorage(fileNameWithDimension, clonedImage);
