Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task ClientWithExistingTokenReusesItForMakingRequests()
            var options = new ClientOptions
                ClientId          = "test",
                Key               = "best",
                UseBinaryProtocol = false,
                NowFunc           = TestHelpers.NowFunc()
            var rest  = new AblyRest(options);
            var token = new TokenDetails("123")
                Expires = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddHours(1)

            rest.AblyAuth.CurrentToken = token;

            rest.ExecuteHttpRequest = request =>

            await rest.StatsAsync();

            await rest.StatsAsync();

            await rest.StatsAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task Init_WithAuthUrl_CallsTheUrlOnFirstRequest()
            bool called  = false;
            var  options = new ClientOptions
                AuthUrl           = new Uri("http://testUrl"),
                UseBinaryProtocol = false

            var rest = new AblyRest(options);

            rest.ExecuteHttpRequest = request =>
                if (request.Url.Contains(options.AuthUrl.ToString()))
                    called = true;

                if (request.Url.Contains("requestToken"))
                    return(("{ \"access_token\": { \"expires\": \"" + DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddHours(1).ToUnixTimeInMilliseconds() + "\"}}").ToAblyResponse());


            await rest.StatsAsync();

            Assert.True(called, "Rest with Callback needs to request token using callback");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task ClientWithExpiredTokenAutomaticallyCreatesANewOne()
            bool newTokenRequested = false;
            var  options           = new ClientOptions
                AuthCallback = (x) =>
                    newTokenRequested = true;
                    return(Task.FromResult <object>(new TokenDetails("new.token")
                        Expires = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(1)
                UseBinaryProtocol = false,
                NowFunc           = TestHelpers.NowFunc()
            var rest = new AblyRest(options);

            rest.ExecuteHttpRequest    = request => "[{}]".ToAblyResponse();
            rest.AblyAuth.CurrentToken = new TokenDetails()
                Expires = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(-2)

            await rest.StatsAsync();

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static async Task RestStatsSamples()
            var rest = new AblyRest("{{API_KEY}}");
            PaginatedResult <Stats> results = await rest.StatsAsync(new StatsRequestParams { Unit = StatsIntervalGranularity.Hour });

            Stats thisHour = results.Items[0];

            Console.WriteLine($"Published this hour {thisHour.Inbound.All.All.Count}");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task RestApiSamples()
            var          client  = new AblyRest(PlaceholderKey);
            IRestChannel channel = client.Channels.Get("test");

                await channel.PublishAsync("name", "data");
            catch (AblyException)
                // Log error

            // History
            var historyPage = await channel.HistoryAsync();

            foreach (var message in historyPage.Items)
                // Do something with each message

            // Get next page
            var nextHistoryPage = await historyPage.NextAsync();

            // Current presence
            var presence = await channel.Presence.GetAsync();

            var first            = presence.Items.FirstOrDefault();
            var clientId         = first.ClientId; // 'clientId' of the first member present
            var nextPresencePage = await presence.NextAsync();

            foreach (var presenceMessage in nextPresencePage.Items)
                // Do stuff with next page presence messages

            // Presence history
            var presenceHistory = await channel.Presence.HistoryAsync();

            foreach (var presenceMessage in presenceHistory.Items)
                // Do stuff with presence messages

            var nextPage = await presenceHistory.NextAsync();

            foreach (var presenceMessage in nextPage.Items)
                // Do stuff with next page messages

            // Publishing encrypted messages
            var          secret           = Crypto.GenerateRandomKey();
            IRestChannel encryptedChannel = client.Channels.Get("encryptedChannel", new ChannelOptions(secret));
            await encryptedChannel.PublishAsync("name", "sensitive data"); // Data will be encrypted before publish

            var history = await encryptedChannel.HistoryAsync();

            var data = history.Items.First().Data;

            // "sensitive data" the message will be automatically decrypted once received

            // Generate a token
            var token = await client.Auth.RequestTokenAsync();

            var tokenString = token.Token; // "xVLyHw.CLchevH3hF....MDh9ZC_Q"
            var tokenClient = new AblyRest(new ClientOptions {
                TokenDetails = token

            var tokenRequest = await client.Auth.CreateTokenRequestAsync();

            // Stats
            var stats = await client.StatsAsync();

            var firstItem     = stats.Items.First();
            var nextStatsPage = await stats.NextAsync();

            var time = await client.TimeAsync();