Ejemplo n.º 1
        static unsafe int _RunConsole(Action <string> outAction, StringBuilder outStr, string exe, string args, string curDir, Encoding encoding)
            exe = _NormalizeFile(true, exe, out _, out _);
            //args = APath.ExpandEnvVar(args); //rejected

            var ps = new ProcessStarter_(exe, args, curDir, rawExe: true);

            Handle_ hProcess = default;
            var     sa       = new Api.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES(null)
                bInheritHandle = 1

            if (!Api.CreatePipe(out Handle_ hOutRead, out Handle_ hOutWrite, sa, 0))
                throw new AuException(0);

            byte *b = null; char *c = null;

            try {
                Api.SetHandleInformation(hOutRead, 1, 0);                 //remove HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT

                ps.si.dwFlags   |= Api.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES | Api.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
                ps.si.hStdOutput = hOutWrite;
                ps.si.hStdError  = hOutWrite;
                ps.flags        |= Api.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE;

                if (!ps.StartLL(out var pi, inheritHandles: true))
                    throw new AuException(0);
                hOutWrite.Dispose();                 //important: must be here
                hProcess = pi.hProcess;

                //variables for 'prevent getting partial lines'
                bool needLines = outStr == null /*&& !flags.Has(RCFlags.RawText)*/;
                int  offs = 0; bool skipN = false;

                int bSize = 8000;
                b = (byte *)AMemory.Alloc(bSize);

                for (bool ended = false; !ended;)
                    if (bSize - offs < 1000)                      //part of 'prevent getting partial lines' code
                        b = (byte *)AMemory.ReAlloc(b, bSize *= 2);
                        AMemory.Free(c); c = null;

                    if (Api.ReadFile(hOutRead, b + offs, bSize - offs, out int nr))
                        if (nr == 0)
                        nr += offs;
                        if (ALastError.Code != Api.ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE)
                            throw new AuException(0);
                        //process ended
                        if (offs == 0)
                        nr    = offs;
                        offs  = 0;
                        ended = true;

                    //prevent getting partial lines. They can be created by the console program, or by the above code when buffer too small.
                    int moveFrom = 0;
                    if (needLines)
                        if (skipN)                          //if was split between \r and \n, remove \n now
                            skipN = false;
                            if (b[0] == '\n')
                                Api.memmove(b, b + 1, --nr);
                            if (nr == 0)
                        int i;
                        for (i = nr; i > 0; i--)
                            var k = b[i - 1]; if (k == '\n' || k == '\r')
                        if (i == nr)                          //ends with \n or \r
                            offs = 0;
                            if (b[--nr] == '\r')
                                skipN = true;
                            else if (nr > 0 && b[nr - 1] == '\r')
                        else if (i > 0)                            //contains \n or \r
                            moveFrom = i;
                            offs     = nr - i;
                            if (b[--i] == '\n' && i > 0 && b[i - 1] == '\r')
                            nr = i;
                        else if (!ended)
                            offs = nr;

                    if (c == null)
                        c = (char *)AMemory.Alloc(bSize * 2);
                    if (encoding == null)
                        if ((encoding = s_oemEncoding) == null)
                            var oemCP = Api.GetOEMCP();
                            try { encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(oemCP); }
                            catch { encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(437); }
                            s_oemEncoding = encoding;
                    int nc = encoding.GetChars(b, nr, c, bSize);

                    if (moveFrom > 0)
                        Api.memmove(b, b + moveFrom, offs);                                  //part of 'prevent getting partial lines' code
                    var s = new string(c, 0, nc);
                    if (needLines)
                        if (s.FindAny("\r\n") < 0)
                            foreach (var k in s.Segments(SegSep.Line))