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VersionOne .NET Object Model

Copyright (c) 2008-2015 VersionOne, Inc. All rights reserved.

The VersionOne .NET Object Model has been deprecated as of the Spring 2015 release of VersionOne and is no longer supported by VersionOne. It is now open-sourced and supported by the development community. Please see VersionOne .NET SDK for an alternative API library.

The ObjectModel library provide a strongly-typed model on top of the VersionOne SDK.NET API Client library. This allows developers to easily and quickly develop VersionOne integrations and complementary applications/utilities using domain objects (Project, Story, Iteration, etc) instead of more abstract objects (Asset, Attribute). The ObjectModel is suitable for fine-grained access, such as creating new VersionOne assets.

This product includes software developed at VersionOne ( This product is open source and is licensed under a modified BSD license, which reflects our intent that software built with a dependency on the VersionOne SDK.NET can be commercial or open source, as the authors see fit.

Table of Contents

  • System Requirements
  • How to get the library as a precompiled package
  • Getting Help

Other Resources

  • [[]] - Documentation on developing with VersionOne .NET Object Model
  • [[]] - Source code and user license
  • [[]] - Acknowledgments of included software and associated licenses

System Requirements

VersionOne .NET Object Model

  • .NET Framework 4.0

These libraries have only been tested in a Windows environment. They have not been tested under Mono.

How to get the library as a precompiled package

Do this if you only want to use the functionality, but are not interested in compiling from source or in contributing code to the project.

Use the NuGet package manager from Visual Studio or nuget.exe. Search for VersionOne.SDK.ObjectModel to find the precompiled package. Packages installed via NuGet have been tested by VersionOne against the product release version specified in the description of the package. Learn more about NuGet here:

How to get started in under 30 seconds

Want to test drive a pre-configured, live VersionOne instance with the library? Be our guests! Here's how:

  1. Create a blank Console project
  2. Add the VersionOne.SDK.ObjectModel NuGet package by following the steps just above
  3. Ensure under the project's propertis that the Client Profile is not the target framework! Instead, it should be .NET 4.
  4. Paste the following code into the auto-generated Program.cs and then run it!
  5. And, see more Getting Started examples in the code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using VersionOne.SDK.ObjectModel;

namespace SimpleConsoleApp
    public class RunMe
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            const string hostname = ""; // Must be https:// if the remote host is on HTTPS!
            const string instanceName = "v1sdktesting/";
            const string url = hostname + instanceName;

            const string username = "remote";
            const string password = "remote";

            var instance = new V1Instance(url, username, password);

            const string projectName = "Console App Project";
            var project = instance.Get.ProjectByName(projectName);

            if (project == null)
                throw new Exception(
                    "Please contact the VersionOne SDK developers and tell them to fix their example database!");

            var yourName = System.Environment.UserName;
            var storyName = string.Format("{0}'s story at {1}", yourName, 
                DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());
            var attributes = new Dictionary<string, object>
                        string.Format("{0} is adding this story from the console app...", yourName)

            var story = instance.Create.Story(storyName, project, attributes);

            var v1StoryId = story.ID.Token;

            Console.WriteLine("Created story with id {0}, name {1}, and description '{2}' in project named {3}",
            Console.WriteLine("Browse to this story on the web at:");
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");

Getting Help

Need to bootstrap on VersionOne SDK.NET quickly? VersionOne services brings a wealth of development experience to training and mentoring on VersionOne SDK.NET:

Have a question? Get help from the community of VersionOne developers:


A strongly-typed object model library on top of the VersionOne SDK.NET API Client library.







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