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A lightweight, powerful, and flexible pattern-based localization library for .NET, supporting progressive refinement of translated output across multiple levels of culture definitions and functionality sets, in-the-field translation adjustments by customers, and "hot" translation updates without application recompile or restart.



Translates client-supplied localization tag into its corresponding localized value.


Implements ILocalizerResolver interface, caching localized output of each tag. If current Localizer instance does not define a translation for a given tag, it delegates resolution to a fallback instance configured via its constructor argument. If fallback localizer instance does not exist (as is in case of the default localizer instance), a Trim()ed text of the tag itself is cached and returned as its localized value.

Each localization tag is treated as a stack of individual terms separated by tics ' (terms themselves cannot contain tics). When translating a tag, Localizer attempts to resolve it from the most specific to the least specific form, until it finds a matching translation template defined. For example, translating a tag foo'bar'baz would cause the following resolution attempts until a matching translation template is found:

  • foo'bar'baz
  • foo'bar
  • foo

Translation template bodies can contain nested localizer tags enclosed in curly braces { }. Curly braces must be doubled up {{ }} in order to include them in translation output. Nested localizer tags can be literal, or built up out of the current tag's terms by specifying their zero-based index. All localizer tags nested in a translation template body are resolved against the current Localizer instance, and their translated output is substituted in the result. Translation template bodies matching nested localizer tags can themselves nest other localizer tags, and are resolved recursively until no further nesting is encountered.

For example, resolving StoriesInCurrent'Iteration tag against this set of translation templates

Story=Backlog Item
StoriesInCurrent={{0}} {Plural'Story} in current {1}

produces {0} Backlog Items in current Sprint output.

Localizer maintains a map of tags and their corresponding translation templates. Map content is managed via Add() and Remove() methods.

Please refer to [tests/LocalizerTester.cs] (tests/LocalizerTester.cs) for more information.


Maintains a graph of culture-specific Localizer instances configured to fallback from one another for missing translations as follows:

  • specific culture
  • neutral culture
  • default (invariant) culture, established via defaultculture constructor argument

For example, translation fallback chain of a Localizer instance for fr-FR culture produced by LocalizationManager instance configured with en default culture is fr-FR >> fr >> en.

When building a new Localizer instance for the requested culture, LocalizationManager fills the newly-created instance with translation templates retrieved using the ITemplateSetLoader instance configured via its loader constructor argument. It loads and applies translation template sets in the order specified via its setnames constructor argument. A translation template for a given localization tag defined in the currently loaded template set overrides those for the same tag from the sets that had preceded it.

If an optional dictionary of localizer tags and their translations is supplied via overrides constructor argument, LocalizationManager uses these values to override the contents of default Localizer instance immediately after having created it.

Please refer to [tests/SetOverrideTester.cs] (tests/SetOverrideTester.cs) and [tests/CulturalTester.cs] (tests/CulturalTester.cs) for more information.


Represents a set of localizer translation templates. Each individual template defines a specific translation for a single localization tag. Template set instances implement IDisposable and, thus, must be properly Dispose()ed of.


Implements ITemplateSet interface for text files. Each line in a text file represents a single template, with a tag and its corresponding translation separated by the equals sign, =. The translation value following the equals sign is optional. Lines starting with a semicolon ; are treated as comments. If a localizer tag needs to contain an equals sign, it must be doubled up as ==. An underscore _ at the end of the line allows a translation value to span multiple lines, preserving line breaks.

Here's an example of a template set text file illustrating these cases:

;Comment=Lines starting with semicolon are ignored
LongText=First line_
Second line
Command={1} {2}
Fixed=Never Change
This==has==equals==signs=Equals-sign free


Defines a mechanism for retrieving a specific localizer template set setname for a given culture.


Implements ITemplateSetLoader interface for building localizer template sets from a set of text files (formatted according to TextTemplateSet specification above) located in a folder specified by the path constructor argument. For each requested culture and setname combination, it either produces an ITemplateSet instance (backed by TextTemplateSet) from a file named <culture>.<setname>.txt, or yields null if no such file exists. Text file content must be encoded using UTF8.

Sample Web Application Implementation


Localization service that implements ILocalizerResolver interface for a typical web application, normally configured as a singleton via a DI container. It lazily creates an instance of LocalizationManager configured for en default culture with Base and Custom template sets, and uses an instance of FileTemplateSetLoader to load localizer template sets from text files in a folder on disk specified by the stringsPath constructor argument. A Custom template set allows your customers to adjust existing "canned" Base localization in the field as needed by overriding specific localization terms. WebLocalizer implements the ILocalizerResolver.Resolve() method by delegating to a Localizer instance produced by LocalizationManager for the current UI culture specified via CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture. It uses an instance of FileSystemWatcher configured to watch over the localizer template set files under the folder specified by stringsPath. When one of these files changes, the current LocalizationManager instance is discarded, and the updated localizer template sets are re-loaded during subsequent lazy LocalizationManager instantiation. This feature allows you to update your localization templates at run-time without a web application restart.


Implements an ILocalizerResolver.Resolve() stub, returning the original tag verbatim without localizing it.

web application

This sample web application uses a global variable to keep a singleton WebLocalizer instance (created by the Application_Start() event handler) configured for the Strings folder under the current web application root.

Current culture is set up for each HTTP request by the Application_BeginRequest() event handler, based on Accept-Language header sent by the client browser.

When noloc query string parameter is present, the sample application uses an instance of NoopLocalizer instead of WebLocalizer to satisfy all localization requests, effectively disabling localization for the duration of current HTTP request. You can use this as a debugging technique to expose hard-coded text literals that need to be and had not been localized.

A default route is set up to treat the entire sub-path under the application root as a localizer tag value. Alternatively, a localizer tag can be supplied via tag query string parameter.

Example requests

A web request for ~/<some-tag> or ~/?tag=<some-tag> produces following JSON output:

  tag: "<some-tag>",
  value: "<localized-value>",
  locale: "<current-locale>"


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