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Anarchy is an opensource Discord API wrapper that focuses on making bot programming easy

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Anarchy is an opensource Discord API wrapper that focuses on making bot programming easy.
Since the start it has been our goal to make it simple, so that people can easily modify it to their needs.
At the moment we don't have any bugtesters but me, so the wrapper will most likely contain a few bugs here and there.

Oh and also: if you're using a bot token make sure to prefix the token with 'Bot '.


Logging in

// The DiscordClient is the most basic client there is. The gateway is NOT available for this client
DiscordClient client = new DiscordClient();
client.Token = "your token here" //Tokens are evaluated whenever they are put in here. It'll trigger an AccessDeniedException if it's invalid

// Same as DiscordClient, but it has gateway support (to use this you need to include Discord.Gateway)
DiscordSocketClient socketClient = new DiscordSocketClient();
socketClient.Login("your token here"); //This is passed to the Token property, meaning that an AccessDeniedException will also be triggered here if the token is invalid 

Joining/leaving a server

DiscordClient client = new DiscordClient("your token here");
client.JoinGuild("fortnite"); //We're just gonna use Fortnite as an example

Sending a message

DiscordClient client = new DiscordClient("your token here");
Channel channel = client.GetChannel(449751593483632642);
channel.TriggerTyping(); //This is optional
channel.SendMessage("Hello, World");

Creating guilds and channels

DiscordClient client = new DiscordClient("your token here");

// Often when creating a new thing in the server it has a properties object that has some settings
Guild newGuild = client.CreateGuild(new GuildCreationProperties() { Name = "cool stuff", Icon = Image.FromFile("icon.png"), Region = "eu-central" });
Channel newChannel = newGuild.CreateChannel(new ChannelProperties() { Name = "my new channel", Type = ChannelType.Text });

Using gateway events

static void Main(string[] args)
   // There are obviously more gateway events, i just picked a few
   DiscordSocketClient client = new DiscordSocketClient();
   client.OnLoggedIn += Client_OnLoggedIn;
   client.OnLoggedOut += Client_OnLoggedOut;
   client.OnJoinedGuild += Client_OnJoinedGuild;
   client.OnLeftGuild += Client_OnLeftGuild;
   client.Login("your token here");


private static void Client_OnLoggedIn(DiscordSocketClient client, UserEventArgs args)
   Console.WriteLine($"Logged into {args.User}");

private static void Client_OnLoggedOut(DiscordSocketClient client, UserEventArgs args)
   Console.WriteLine($"Logged out of {args.User}");

private static void Client_OnJoinedGuild(DiscordSocketClient client, GuildEventArgs args)
   Console.WriteLine($"Joined guild: {args.Guild}");

private static void Client_OnLeftGuild(DiscordSocketClient client, GuildEventArgs args)
   Console.WriteLine($"Left guild: {args.Guild}");

Downloading all members in a server

private static List<User> Users = new List<User>();

static void Main()
   // DiscordClient can also be used to do this, but it is incredibly slow compared to the gateway method
   DiscordSocketClient client = new DiscordSocketClient();
   client.OnLoggedIn += Client_OnLoggedIn;
   client.Login("your token here");

private static void Client_OnLoggedIn(DiscordSocketClient client, UserEventArgs args)
   // Not running this async will result in a permenant freeze of the gateway
   Task.Run(() => Users = client.GetAllGuildMembers(420));

Example projects can be found in 'Example projects'

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Anarchy is an opensource Discord API wrapper that focuses on making bot programming easy






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