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BLiP command-line (CLI) tool, used for managing data of BLiP's bots. blip-CLI helps to make easy and quickly your development flow and the execution of some repetitive tasks.



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BLiP command-line (CLI) tool, used for managing data of BLiP's bots. The blip-CLI is a cross-platform command line interface helps to make easy and quickly your development flow and the execution of some repetitive tasks BLiP's API.

Basic usage

After download and unzip blip-cli, you can try it out using some of the available commands.

For instance, you can ping a bot using using:

blip ping -n

where -n parameter represents the bot node


Installers and Binaries

You can download the BLiP CLI as a zip file. The zip file contains both the .NET Core runtime and BLiP CLI binaries.

Platform Latest Build
Windows x64 zip
Windows x86 zip
Linux x64 Ubuntu zip
macOS coming soon

Main features

Command Description Sample
ping Ping some node and show elapsed time blip ping -n
formatKey Returns authorization key (or access key) from an access key (authorization key) blip formatKey -i testehttppost -a some-authorization-key
saveNode Save nodes informations to reuse on next requests. (Saved only locally) blip saveNode -n -a some-authorization-key
copy Copy data (like documents, bucket, IA) from a bot to another blip copy -f papagaio --fromAuthorization some-authorization-key -t papagaio --toAuthorization some-authorization-key -c document
export Download the chatbot's data (like NLP model, tracks*, bucket*) to given directory. * not implemented yet blip export -a some-authorization-key -m nlpModel -o directory/to/download/
export to excel Export chatbot data (like NLP model, tracks*, bucket*) to given directory in excel format. * not implemented yet blip export -a some-authorization-key -m nlpModel -o directory/to/download/ --excel file name (without extension)

Building from source

In order to run BLiP CLI code you must have .NET Core 2.0 (or greater) installed on machine. To download the .NET Core runtime without the SDK, visit

Is recommended use Visual Studio 2017 (version 15.5) or greater.

Generating BLiP Executable from source

Possible configurations: release or debug

System Runtime
Windows 10 x64 win10-x64
Windows 10 x86 win10-x86
Windows 8.1 x64 win81-x64
Windows 8.1 x86 win81-x86
Ubuntu x64 ubuntu-x64

Using dotnet

Base command:

dotnet publish src/Take.Blip.CLI/Take.Blip.CLI/Take.Blip.CLI.csproj --framework netcoreapp2.0 --runtime %runtime% --configuration %config%


dotnet publish src/Take.Blip.CLI/Take.Blip.CLI/Take.Blip.CLI.csproj --framework netcoreapp2.0 --runtime win10-x64 --configuration release

Using Windows (Batch File)

./build <runtime> <configuration>

If no parameters are given, the Batch file defaults to release and win10-x64.

Using Linux (Shellscript)

sh <runtime> <configuration>

If no parameters are given, the ShellScript file defaults to release and ubuntu-x64.

Questions & Comments

For all feedback, use the Issues on this repository.


Apache 2.0 License


BLiP command-line (CLI) tool, used for managing data of BLiP's bots. blip-CLI helps to make easy and quickly your development flow and the execution of some repetitive tasks.






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