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Insight.Database is a fast, lightweight, (and dare we say awesome) micro-orm for .NET. It's available as a NuGet Package.

Let's say you have a database and a class and you want them to work together. Something like this:

CREATE TABLE Beer ([ID] [int], [Type] varchar(128), [Description] varchar(128)) GO
CREATE PROC InsertBeer @type varchar(128), @description varchar(128) AS
	INSERT INTO Beer (Type, Description) OUTPUT inserted.ID
		VALUES (@type, @description)
CREATE PROC GetBeerByType @type [varchar] AS SELECT * FROM Beer WHERE Type = @type GO

public class Beer
	public int ID { get; private set; }
	public string Type { get; set; }
	public string Description { get; set; }

var beer = new Beer() { Type = "ipa", Description = "Sly Fox 113" };

Let's get Insight.Database:

PM> Install-Package Insight.Database

Now, wire up those stored procedures to an interface with a single connection.As<T>:

public interface IBeerRepository
	void InsertBeer(Beer beer);
	IList<Beer> GetBeerByType(string type);
	void UpdateBeerList(IList<Beer> beerList);

var repo = connection.As<IBeerRepository>();

IList<Beer> beerList = repo.GetBeerByType("ipa");

Look, ma! No mapping code! (Plus, you can now inject that interface with a DI framework or mock the interface for testing.)

Want to work at a lower level? Let's call a stored proc with an anonymous object. (It also automatically opens and closes the connection.)

// auto open/close
conn.Execute("AddBeer", new { Name = "IPA", Flavor = "Bitter"});

Objects are mapped automatically. No config files, no attributes. Just pure, clean magic:

// auto object mapping
Beer beer = new Beer();
conn.Execute("InsertBeer", beer);
List<Beer> beers = conn.Query<Beer>("FindBeer", new { Name = "IPA" });

Yes, even nested objects. Insight will just figure it out for you:

// auto object graphs
var servings = conn.Query<Serving, Beer, Glass>("GetServings");
foreach (var serving in servings)
	Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", serving.Beer.Name, serving.Glass.Ounces);

Feel free to return multiple result sets. We can handle them:

// multiple result sets
var results = conn.QueryResults<Beer, Chip>("GetBeerAndChips", new { Pub = "Fergie's" }));
IList<Beer> beer = results.Set1;
IList<Chip> chips = results.Set2;

Full async support. Just add Async:

var task = c.QueryAsync<Beer>("FindBeer", new { Name = "IPA" });

Send whole lists of objects to databases that support table parameters. No more multiple queries or weird parameter mapping:

// auto table parameters
CREATE TYPE BeerTable (Name [nvarchar](256), Flavor [nvarchar](256))
CREATE PROCEDURE InsertBeer (@BeerList [BeerTable])
List<Beer> beerList = new List<Beer>();
conn.Execute("InsertBeer", new { BeerList = beerList });

Insight can also stream objects over your database's BulkCopy protocol.

// auto bulk-copy objects
IEnumerable<Beer> beerList; // from somewhere
conn.BulkCopy("Beer", beerList);

Oh, wait. You want to inline your SQL. We do that too. Just add Sql.

var beerList = conn.QuerySql<Beer>("SELECT * FROM Beer WHERE Name LIKE @Name", new { Name = "%ipa%" });
conn.ExecuteSql ("INSERT INTO Beer VALUES (ID, Name)", beer);

But if you really want to control every aspect of mapping, see the wiki.

v3.0 - Now Supporting Lots of Databases and Tools

Insight.Database v3.0 now supports multiple database providers and several testing frameworks. See the list of supported providers.

If your database or toolset isn't listed, just open an issue on Github. Good things have been known to happen.

v2.1 - Now with Automatic Interface Mapping

  • Insight will now automatically convert your .NET interface to SQL calls! See the wiki for some automajikal love!
  • Also now with handy wrappers for managing transactions.

v2.0 - Faster Than Ever

  • v2.0 has full async reads in .NET 4.5, automatic multi-recordset processing, customizable binding rules, tons of optimizations, and more code than I can remember.
  • v2.0 should be compile-compatible with v1.x. (Except for a few APIs I'm pretty sure nobody is using.) It's not binary-compatible with v1.x.
  • If you are using Insight.Database.Schema, please upgrade to v2.0.8, which no longer has a dependency on Insight.Database v1.0.


Full documentation is available on the wiki


Fast, lightweight .NET micro-ORM







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