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a lightweight queue for .net


  • Fully managed
  • Concurrent and thread safe
  • Pub-Sub is in it's core
  • Guarantee sequential order
  • Token based authentication
  • Minimal code needed to embed in your application
  • supports JSON and XML for non dotnet languages
  • low latency and event driven subscription


Queue host example

Example HostLib(Windows service) using topshelf

Queue client(subscriber)

Send message to queue

Authentication - Queue host

Authentication - Client subscriber

Persistence - Using RavenDB

Persistence - Using SQLite

Example HostLib

Create a new console application

Install-Package DotQueue.HostLib
var httpPort = 8083; //Can be any other port#
var host = new QueueHost(httpPort);

HostLib using TopShelf and install as a windows service

Create a new console application

Install-Package TopShelf
Install-Package DotQueue.HostLib

Copy the following code to your Program.cs

private static int _apiPort = 8083;

static void Main(string[] args)
    HostFactory.Run(x =>
        x.Service<QueueHost>(s =>
            s.ConstructUsing(factory => new QueueHost(_apiPort));
            s.WhenStarted(tc => tc.Start());
            s.WhenStopped(tc => tc.Stop());

        x.SetDescription("DotQueue QueueHost");

To install the service, run the following command using cmd.exe as Admin after building your .exe file

your_file.exe install

Client MessageQueue Example

Create a new console application

Install-Package DotQueue.Client
public class MyClass{
      public string Email { get; set; }
var queue = new MessageQueue<MyClass>(new DotQueueAddress
       IpAddress = IPAddress.Parse(""),//IP address or hostname of the queue host
       Port = 8083
below endless loop
subscribe and wait for messages to be published
MessageQueue class implements IEnumerable<>
foreach (var message in queue)
		//Will print any message sent to queue

to send a message to the queue

Create a new console application

Install-Package DotQueue.Client
var queue = new MessageQueue<MyClass>(new DotQueueAddress
        IpAddress = IPAddress.Parse(""),//IP address or hostname of the queue host
        Port = 8083
//Below line will send a new message to the queue
//Any listener will receive the same message
var messageId = queue.Add(new MyClass());

Queue host authentication

Specifying IApiTokenValidator when constructing the QueueHost will require a token specified for all subscribers calls

example implementation of a token validator:

public class ApiTokenValidator : IApiTokenValidator
   public bool IsValidToken(string token)
      //validate token against your static list or dynamic tokens
      return true; //if token is valid

injecting validator to QueueHost

var validator = new ApiTokenValidator();
//use validator when constructing queue host
var host = new QueueHost(httpPort, validator);

Queue client authentication

Specifying IApiTokenSource when constructing the MessageQueue will add authentication token to client example implementation of a token source:

public class ApiTokenSource : IApiTokenSource
   public string GetToken()
      //generate a token or use a static GUID or string here
      return 'token_secret_here'; 

injecting token source to MessageQueue

var tokenSource = new ApiTokenSource();
//use token source when constructing message queue client
var address = new DotQueueAddress
       IpAddress = IPAddress.Parse(""),//IP address or hostname of the queue host
       Port = 8083
var queue = new MessageQueue<MyClass>(address, tokenSource);

//send message to queue
queue.Add(new MyClass());

//subscribe and wait for message
foreach(var item in queue){
   //start processing items here

Persistence using RavenDB

Specifying IApiTokenSource when constructing the QueueHost will add enable persistence, messages will be stored using the specified adapter and messages will be available in case of system restart or service restart or update

Install-Package DotQueue.Persistence.RavenDB

example persistance using RavenDB

starta a new Console app and copy the following code to your Main() method, same apply for windows service if you are using a topshelf windows service:

var httpPort = 8083; //Can be any other port#
IDocumentStore address = new DocumentStore {
    Url = "http://localhost:8080",
    DefaultDatabase = "Customers",
var host = new QueueHost(httpPort, persistenceAdapter:new RavenDbPersistenceAdapter(address));

Note: you can use any RavenDB store, EmbeddableDocumentStore, RavenDbDocumentStore

Or constructing DocumentStore using connection strings from web.config

var ravenDbdocumentStore = new DocumentStore
    ConnectionStringName = "YOUR_ConnectionStringName"

Persistence using SQLite

SQLite is a lightweight single file transactional database, good candidate for storing thousands to few millions of records

Install-Package DotQueue.Persistence.SQLite

example persistance using SQLite

starta a new Console app and copy the following code to your Main() method, same apply for windows service if you are using a topshelf windows service:

var httpPort = 8083; //Can be any other port#

var host = new QueueHost(httpPort, persistenceAdapter:new SQLitePersistenceAdapter());

the data file witll be created in the same location as your executable.

make sure your process have permission to read and right to that directory if you get any File.IO permission errors.

Note: add the following to your web.confg if you are running under Or add it to app.config if you are running a windows app to prevent the mismatching framework versions Additional information: Mixed mode assembly is built against version 'v2.0.50727' of the runtime and cannot be loaded in the 4.0 runtime without additional configuration information.

    <startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true"> 
        <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2" />

Future work:

  • Support for clustering and failover
  • Persistance mongodb, etc..
  • Routes and exchanges


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  • C# 99.0%
  • Batchfile 1.0%