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--Hare and tortoise game

About the Gameplay

The game is played with a board consisting of 40 actual squares, a pair of six-sided dice and can be played by 2 or more players up to a limit of 6.

The game commences with all players starting o+ the board. One at a time, the players take a turn. This involves rolling the pair of dice and advancing their respective tokens on the board the required number of squares.

Each player has a sum of money, they all start with $100.

There are three types of squares on the board: “ordinary”, “bad investment’ and “lottery win”.

When a player’s token lands on one of the “bad investment squares” $25 gets subtracted from the player’s current sum of money, if the player has less than $25 his sum is set to zero.
When a player’s token lands on one of the “lottery squares” $10 gets added to that player’s sum of money. As well the player continues his turn by rolling the dice again. When a player lands on the 40th square the player receives additional money and the game is finished. When one or more players have finished, the winner will be the player who has the most money at this point of time, even if that particular player hasn't reached the Finish.

--Airline reservation system


  1. Passenger class (INFO about passenger – add, delete, read, update)
  2. Seat Status Class (Read (available/not), update )
  3. Travel dates class (Inheritance from passenger class (This class should contain travelling history of passenger ))
  4. Ticket Purchasing ( Book, cancel, cost, type of ticket(simple or business) )
  5. Flights flight information (add, read, delete and update flights, source and destination)
  6. MSSQL Connectivity
  7. Complexity level Itermediate


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