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Scrubbing and Obsfucation tool to make production databases useable for non-production environments.


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Production data should never leave a production environment and yet developers need access to coherent data sets to properly develop and test.

scrubfu is a .NET CLI tool that makes creating usable development data from production data a predictable, audit-able and repeatable process.

It is compatible with Postgres databases and utilizes the COMMENT's on table columns to indicate the type of scrubbing & obfuscation required.

Usage: scrubfu [OPTIONS] [INFILE] [OUTFILE]

  [INFILE] is the input file obtained by a pg_dump.
           This can also be standard out stream.

  [OUTFILE] is the scrubfu'ed file, ready to be imported with pg_import.
            This can also be the standard out stream.

  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.
  -v, --version                   Show the version and exit.
  --log TEXT                      Optional LOGFILE, defaults to standard out.
  --log_level [error|info|debug]  Used with [--log=LOGFILE].

Quick Start

Step 1: Clone the scrubfu repository

git clone

cd scrubfu

Step 2: Get scrubfu and other tools

Log into the Docker Hub and pull scrubfu:

docker login

docker pull grindrodbank/scrubfu

Get the PostgreSQL client tools:

apt-get install postgresql-client

# Record PSQL Version
PSQLVERSION=`psql --version | awk '{print $3}'`

Step 2: Get PostgreSQL and load sample file

Get the scrubfu_sample.sql file:

cp doc/scrubfu_sample.sql /tmp/.

Start a PostgreSQL Docker container.

DBPS=`docker run -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pgpass -d -p 15432:5432 postgres:$PSQLVERSION`

# Confirm the container ID
echo $DBPS

Create the scrubfu_sample database and import the sample data:

PGPASSWORD=pgpass createdb -h localhost -p 15432 -U postgres scrubfu_sample

PGPASSWORD=pgpass psql -h localhost -p 15432 -U postgres scrubfu_sample < /tmp/scrubfu_sample.sql 

# Confirm the tables have been imported
PGPASSWORD=pgpass psql -h localhost -p 15432 -U postgres scrubfu_sample -c "\dt"

# Dump the database out to SQL file again for later comparison
PGPASSWORD=pgpass pg_dump -h localhost -p 15432 -U postgres scrubfu_sample > /tmp/scrubfu_sample.sql

Step 3a: Scrub in line with pg_dump

This option is ideal for scrubbing a pg_dump process output in-line.

Pipe the pg_dump and the scrubfu commands.

PGPASSWORD=pgpass pg_dump -h localhost -p 15432 -U postgres scrubfu_sample | docker run --rm -a stdin -a stdout -i grindrodbank/scrubfu > /tmp/scrubfu_sample_scrubbed.sql

# Confirm output
cat /tmp/scrubfu_sample_scrubbed.sql | less

Step 3b: Scrub export file

This option scrubs an already dumped file into a new file.

PGPASSWORD=pgpass pg_dump -h localhost -p 15432 -U postgres --file /tmp/scrubfu_sample.sql scrubfu_sample

docker run --rm -v /tmp:/tmp -i grindrodbank/scrubfu /tmp/scrubfu_sample.sql /tmp/scrubfu_sample_scrubbed.sql

# Confirm output
cat /tmp/scrubfu_sample_scrubbed.sql | less

Step 3c: Other operations (optional)

The following commands show how to perform other operations.

Import a scrubbed file:

export PGPASSWORD="pgpass"

dropdb -h localhost -p 15432 -U postgres --if-exists scrubfu_sample_scrubbed

createdb -h localhost -p 15432 -U postgres scrubfu_sample_scrubbed

psql -h localhost -p 15432 -U postgres scrubfu_sample_scrubbed --file /tmp/scrubfu_sample_scrubbed.sql

# Confirm output
cat /tmp/scrubfu_sample_scrubbed.sql | less

Map a log file to local storage, and set log level to debug:

touch /tmp/scrubfu.log

docker run --rm -v /tmp:/tmp -v /tmp/scrubfu.log:/tmp/scrubfu.log -i grindrodbank/scrubfu --log /tmp/scrubfu.log --log_level debug /tmp/scrubfu_sample.sql /tmp/scrubfu_sample_scrubbed.sql

# Confirm log file output
cat /tmp/scrubfu.log | less

Perform an end to end export -> scrub -> import without writing any files:

export PGPASSWORD="pgpass"

dropdb -h localhost -p 15432 -U postgres --if-exists scrubfu_sample_scrubbed

createdb -h localhost -p 15432 -U postgres scrubfu_sample_scrubbed

pg_dump -h localhost -p 15432 -U postgres scrubfu_sample | docker run --rm -a stdin -a stdout -i grindrodbank/scrubfu | psql -h localhost -p 15432 -U postgres scrubfu_sample_scrubbed --file -

# Confirm the tables have been imported
PGPASSWORD=pgpass psql -h localhost -p 15432 -U postgres scrubfu_sample_scrubbed -c "select * from array_test;" 

Step 4: Cleanup

Stop docker containers:

docker stop $DBPS

docker rm $DBPS

Project Documentation

All project documentation is currently available within the /doc folder.

© Copyright 2019, Grindrod Bank Limited, and distributed under the MIT License.


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Scrubbing and Obsfucation tool to make production databases useable for non-production environments.







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  • C# 99.6%
  • Dockerfile 0.4%