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C# 2019 Fall Homework

Connect 4 - student code ending 0-4 MineSweeper - student code ending 5-9


# neverforger. for f in ../Domain/.cs; do name=${f%.}; name=${name#/}; name=${name#/}; echo $name; dotnet aspnet-codegenerator razorpage -m $name -dc AppDbContext -udl -outDir "Pages/${name}s" --referenceScriptLibraries -f; done

In progress

  • CON4-007 Move menusystem UI outside of the menu system
  • CON4-011 Tie console input command to a certain app action


  • CON4-001 Move the menu system to a stack based structure
  • CON4-002 Make a modifiable menu UI MVP implementation
  • CON4-003 Copy all useful structure from already made menusystem
  • CON4-008 Implement gameplay/gameflow using the new menusystem, keep UI separate
  • CON4-009 Implement 2-player gameplay with the new menusystem
  • CON4-004 Delete the old menusystem
  • CON4-005 Complete the menu structure as much as you can w/o gameplay in mind
  • CON4-006 Clean up and reorganise the menusystem of unnecessary fields
  • CON4-010 Make the menu and the menu item dumb

Leg 1

Deadline 2019-10-13 23:59:59

Menu system, board drawing, user input validation. Board size is not fixed! Give user an option to do custom size game.

Connect 4

Allow only make legal moves, implement 2 player simple gameflow (just check for full board).


Initialize board with random mines (look up for classical board sizes/mine counts). User should be able just open up any square, and discover is there a mine or not (you can always implement more!).


Deadline 2019-10-27 23:59:59

Implement game settings loading and saving from json file. Implement game save and load system to/from json (either save after every move, or have a command to save current game state). Allow multiple save games (ask filename from the user, check for overwriting). Allow continuing previously saved games (list all possible saved games).

Implement "(non-) nullable reference types" in all your projects!

All your project files should have this; enable

Solution must rebuild without any warnings! Implement game settings loading and saving from json file.

##Leg3 ###Deadline 2019-11-10 23:59:59

Replace json files with EF based database. Use SQLite.



Thought catalog

  • Have finally completed the menusystem overhaul somewhat - cannot say if it is better now or not, but its much more customisable from the app state perspective. Still need to configure keys to certain actions - this probably means more database tables and generalization. Need to think about the structure once more because I am wary of potential pitfalls.
  • This multiplayer mode does not satisfy me. I think it is not as modular as I'd like it to be, this means that having simply a boolean and gamestate analysis is somewhat cumbersome. I'd like to have as many players as I'd like to and attach those players to the game. A player can be a real person or it can be a machine, but they should have the same function: play. This would simplimfy the menusystem as well because instead of having xyz menus for every possibility or having togglable menuitems or having something other, is to have less menus and more play. The token given at play would be player specific, but as we have decoupled the input command keys and the menuitems themselves, we can have one "Play" button in the game and get its command key from the player itself. So, let's have a Func returned for the action specified? Seems too much, but let's see if there is any other way to extract that info on the get go. Would be nice to have everything panned out. Should be fine.


A basic ASP.NET library app






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