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General info

HomeHelper is an automation system for IoT. It supports three types of communication protocols: HTTP, MQTT and Zigbee. New devices can be added as plugins which can be created via HomeHelper.SDK project. Home Helper is intended to work on Raspberry Pi with local MySQL database.


Project is created with:

  • .NET Core 3.1
  • ASP.NET Core
  • Entity Framework Core
  • SignalR
  • MediatR
  • MQTTNet
  • MySQL

Third party tools

Project overview

Adding new devices

To distinguish between devices it's required to set name of new device and choose corresponding room. Depend on protocol type, there are different data that needs to be provided:

  • HTTP protocol requires device IP address and Port number
  • MQTT protocol requires connecting to the Broker with login and password
  • Zigbee protocol requires enabling joining new devices

Add new device form:

Example of adding Zigbee device (Sonoff SNZB02 Temperature and Humidity Sensor):

After enabling joining, we need to manually pair device with the Broker. When pairing success, there is a prompt with information and new device is available under connected devices selection.

MQTT and Zigbee communication

MQTT Broker and MQTT Client are implemented with MQTTnet library. MQTT Broker is working under port 1883. MQTT devices can subscribe and publish messages to the Broker. MQTT Client provides a way to communicate with devices connected to the Broker. Both the application using MQTT Client, and devices connected to the Broker can be considered as clients. MQTT Client methods such as publish and subscribe can be invoked through BrokerHub created with SignalR. Communication with Zigbee devices is possible thanks to Zigbee2MQTT which provides an adapter to communicate with Zigbee via MQTT.

The following diagram illustrates implementation of MQTT and Zigbee communication inside application:


BrokerHub created with SignalR enables two way communication with MQTT and Zigbee devices. Javascript client's code can invoke BrokerHub methods and BrokerHub can invoke Javascript client's method. Example of BrokerHub method:

public async Task PublishAsync(string topic, string payload)
    await _mqttClientService.PublishAsync(topic, payload);

And the corresponding Javascript code which invokes above method:

await connection.invoke("PublishAsync", data.topic, data.payload);

Example of Javascript code listening for temperature data:

connection.on("Temperature", (id, payload) => {
	tempContainers.forEach(function (tempContainer) {
	    let sensorId = tempContainer.firstElementChild;
	    if ( == id) {
		let tempValue = sensorId.querySelector('div.temperature-value');
		tempValue.innerHTML = payload.temperature + ' °C';

As the result we obtain temperature updates in real time:


New types of devices can be created with HomeHelper.SDK. All created devices must implement IDevice interface:

public interface IDevice
	string Name { get; }
	ProtocolType Protocol { get; }
	DeviceType Type { get; }
	void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services);

HTTP devices should implement extended interfaces, based on device type e.g: ISwitch:

public interface ISwitch : IDevice
	Task<bool> TurnOn(string ip, int port);
	Task<bool> TurnOff(string ip, int port);
	Task<int?> SignalStrength(string ip, int port);
	Task<bool?> IsOn(string ip, int port);

MQTT and Zigbee devices should implement IMqtt interface:

public interface IMqtt : IDevice
	public IEnumerable<IMqttSubscribeMessage> SubscribeMessages { get; }
	public IEnumerable<IMqttPublishMessage> PublishMessages { get; }

IMqttSubscribeMessage describes messages published by device and which can be subscribed by the application. IMqttPublishMessage describes messages subcribed by device and which can be published by the application to control it.

There can be find some implemented devices inside HomeHelper.Sonoff. Message structures of Zigbee devices can be found here.

After creating new device, you need to put the corresponding .dll file inside plugins folder. During application startup, DeviceLoader class loads all .dll files and instantiates of all classes which implement IDevice interface. This functionality was built with McMaster.NETCore.Plugins.

Example application views

Application main page:

Application main page mobile view:

Application login view:

Application register view with client validation:

List of rooms:

Toggle HTTP and Zigbee switches:


To run this project, deploy the application to your device (Raspberry Pi is preferrable) and update your MySQL database with provided migrations. Then you have to plug the Zigbee adapter to your device's usb port. Once you have it, install Zigbee2mqtt and change its configuration based on application.json file. When everything is configured, first run the application and next start Zigbee2mqtt. Application is now ready to access under port 1884. If you want your application to be accessed outside of you local network, you need to expose 1884 port outside by port forwarding mechanism.


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