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BDD framework for testing applications in Csharp (C#) using Specflow and celenium and webdriver and nunit


  1. Feature File

  2. Step Definition

  3. Tags

  4. Background

  5. Scenario Outline

  6. Tables

  7. Hooks

  8. Scoped Bindings

  9. Feature Context 10 Scenario Context 11 Step Context 12 Test error 13 Reading Log file

  10. Feature File This is the file that holds our BDD test cases written in gherkin syntax.

  11. Step Definition This is the file which binds our automation code to the gherkin syntax written in the feature file.

3.Tags This are attributes added inside a feature file to filter it it can be added to a specific scenario or an entire feature eg. @mytag

4.Background This a piece of logic that runs before each feature is executed and it located inside a feature file and its code logic is located inside a step definition file.

  1. Scenario Outline This is a type of scenario where multiple data is passed via a table and one of its distinct characteristics is it has another keyword called Example. This is used for driving testing. this is located in the feature file

  2. Table This is a spec flow mechanism for passing data is has a similar principle to scenario outline, this is also located in a feature file.

7 Hooks This are attributes that are called at specific times in the life cycle of the application and what we do is create a hookes class and call all the hooks inside it, its best practice to keep all hooks in a separate class

8 scoped Bindings This is when we create a specific hooke for a specific feature or a specific scenario what this means is we can have 2 or more of the same type of hooks inside our hooks class and we can make run and stop the other from running by scoping it with a tag similar to the tags mentioned above.

9 Feature Context This a property that holds details of the current feature running its the same with the scenario context and step context and this important because we can use this for error handling and reporting.

10 Test Error By checking the error property in the scenario context we can check if there is an error and if there is then we can print out the scenario name producing the error and keep a log of it.

11 Reading log file This is just how to understand how the log files is printed to avoid confusion


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