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NLogEx NLogEx

A lightweight logging framework for .NET 4.0+

###PM> Install-Package NLogEx###

Please check out the wiki.


  • A simple application logging interface that is decoupled from log implementation, allowing logging policy to change through configuration without modifying application source code
  • A generic property-based log event model, providing flexibility in the type/amount of data to send to logger implementations
  • Customizable ambient property contexts that support the ability to include event properties that are independent of the client application
  • A powerful log filtering model used to selectively include and/or exclude log events based on property values and customizable comparison operators
  • Asynchronous log publication by default and minimal overhead when no log instances are configured, to minimize the performance impact of logging on applications
  • A suite of logger implementations for text files, database tables, the debug console, and the Windows event log
  • Integration with Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), for automatically logging service calls on the client or server
  • Integration with ASP.NET MVC, for automatically logging controller actions
  • Integration with System.Diagnostics, for routing traces in existing applications to NLogEx

###Logging Interface### The client interface is simple and should be familiar to users of log4net. To add logging support to a class, instantiate a new Log instance and pass in either the current object or a System.Type instance representing the log source.

   // shared log instance (no source context)
   class MyClass
      private static Log Log = new Log(typeof(MyClass));

   // per-object log instance, with source context
   class MyClass
      private Log;
      public MyClass ()
         this.Log = new Log(this);

In order to raise an event, simply call one of the event-type overrides on the log instance, specifying the formatted event message, exception, and/or custom event properties.

   // formatted informational event
   Log.Info("Frobbed the {0}th frobber.", frobIdx);

   // event with exception
   try { stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); }
   catch (IOException e) { Log.Error(e); }

   // event with context properties
   Log.WarnEx(new { Level = 11 }, "You've been warned.");

   // event with dynamic type/severity
   EventType mappedType = MapType(otherEventType);
   Log.Event(mappedType, "Some kind of event.");

###Event Model### The model for each NLogEx event consists of a set of string/object pairs representing the named properties associated with the event. These properties are sampled from the event context when an event is logged. Event properties may be taken from the following contexts:

  1. The intrinsic context, including well-known event properties (type, source, time, etc.)
  2. The event context, passed into one of the EventEx (InfoEx, etc.) methods
  3. The source context, passed into the Log constructor
  4. The ambient context, consisting of properties registered using Log.RegisterContext

Property names are specified with the syntax <scope>.<name>. All property names are qualified with a scope name. The following samples demonstrate accessing event properties through valid property names.

   evt["Event.Source"]              // intrinsic event source property
   evt["Context.Level"]             // custom event context property
   evt["MyClass.MyProperty"]        // event source context property
   evt["Environment.MachineName"]   // ambient context property

An individual event property is sampled only if there is at least one log instance subscribing it. This means that potentially expensive property accessors, such as Thread.StackTrace can be supported without imposing a performance penalty when not needed.

###Ambient Properties### NLogEx supports binding properties to events that are not directly associated with the event (such as thread IDs, environment variables, etc.). These properties are registered as ambient contexts using Log.RegisterContext and are an easy way to separate concerns when logging events. Contexts are registered with a scope name and a map of property names to accessor delegates.

      new Dictionary<String, Func<Object>>()
         { "TickCount", () => Environment.TickCount },
         { "MyProperty", () => MyProperty },
         { "MyReturnValue", MyMethod }

NLogEx ships with the following built-in ambient contexts.

  • NLogEx.Context.Environment, for environment variables
  • NLogEx.Context.Process, for process-wide properties
  • NLogEx.Context.Thread, for current thread properties
  • NLogEx.Context.Transaction, for current transaction properties
  • NLogEx.Wcf.LogContext, for WCF channel properties
  • NLogEx.Mvc.LogContext, for HTTP/MVC properties

###Event Filtering### Events may be filtered based on any event property, even those not sampled by the log instance. Filters are specified using inclusion and exclusion for whitelisting/blacklisting semantics. NLogEx supports a flexible and extensible property comparison mechanism that goes beyond typed equality.

   <!-- Include only warning or error events -->
      <include name="Event.Type" value="Error"/>
      <include name="Event.Type" value="Warning"/>

   <!-- Exclude all trace and informational events -->
      <exclude name="Event.Type" value="Trace"/>
      <exclude name="Event.Type" value="Info"/>

   <!-- Include any events with messages including the error/warning string,
        but ignore all events when processor usage is > 50%

   <!-- Include only events logged by a class derived from MyBase -->

###Asynchronous Logging and Buffering### By default, all events are logged asynchronously, via a single CLR thread pool work item. The work item executes only when there is at least one event queued up to be logged. However, it is possible to force a log instance to log events synchronously as they are published, via the synchronous configuration attribute.

When events are logged asynchronously, the log performs the minimum amount of work on the publishing thread required to queue up the event for dispatch. This includes sampling any referencced or filtered ambient properties. All filtering and logging operations are performed asynchronously, imposing minimal overhead on the client application. In addition, when there are no log instances registered, the log performs almost no processing during event publication.

In addition, NLogEx supports buffering events for batch logging, using the buffer configuration attribute. This allows events to be delivered effiently to some logs, such as files/databases without having to maintain an open file handle/database connection when the log is idle. By default, log instances are not buffered.

###Built-In Logger Suite### NLogEx ships with a set of loggers for common logging destinations, including the following.

  • NLogEx.Loggers.Null, which discards all log records
  • NLogEx.Loggers.Queue, for logging events to an in-memory event queue
  • NLogEx.Loggers.Debug, for writing to the Visual Studio debug console or DebugView
  • NLogEx.Loggers.Console, to write events to System.Console.Out (in color, of course)
  • NLogEx.Loggers.TextFile, for logging events to a rotating text file
  • NLogEx.Loggers.Windows, to log events to a Windows event log
  • NLogEx.Loggers.DBTable, for inserting events into a table via an ADO.NET provider
  • NLogEx.Loggers.Smtp, to dispatch (batched) events to an email address

Custom loggers need only implement the ILogger interface to receive events from NLogEx for application-specific processing.

###WCF Integration### For WCF clients/services, NLogEx provides the ability to log messages transferred over the contract interface via configuration, without modifying client/service code. The LogBehavior WCF endpoint behavior logs messages on either the client or service side of an interface, including calls over duplex/callback contracts.

            <add name="log" type="NLogEx.Wcf.LogBehavior+Element,NLogEx.Wcf"/>
            <!-- log all endpoint messages -->

###ASP.NET MVC Integration### For ASP.NET MVC applications, NLogEx includes a configurable logging action filter. This filter supports logging all actions or filtering the list of actions by controller or action name.

         <section name="NLogEx.Mvc" type="NLogEx.Mvc.Config,NLogEx.Mvc"/>
            <!-- filter for specific controller -->
            <add type="NLogEx.Mvc.LogAttribute,NLogEx.Mvc"
            <!-- filter for specific controller/action -->
            <add type="NLogEx.Mvc.LogAttribute,NLogEx.Mvc"

###System.Diagnostics Integration### For existing components/applications built on the System.Diagnostics tracing mechanism, NLogEx provides the ability to log their traces to a configured log. Simply register NLogEx.TraceListener via trace configuration.

            <add name="NLogEx" type="NLogEx.TraceListener,NLogEx"/>


A lightweight logging framework for .NET 4.0+







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