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Alpine Ski House

This is the example project for the Microsoft Press book ASP.Net Core Application Development: Building an Application in Four Sprints. You can buy the book off Amazon at


  1. Download the code
  2. Open the solution file
  3. Add a user secrets like
  "Authentication": {
    "Facebook": {
      "AppId": "some app id",
      "AppSecret": "some secret"
    "Twitter": {
      "ConsumerKey": "some consumer key",
      "ConsumerSecret": "some consumer secret"
  1. Run commands to restore JavaScript packages in the src/AlpineSkiHouse.Web directory.
  yarn install
  bower install
  jspm install

Note: This step requires that yarn, bower and jpsm are all installed globally. This is typically done using the node package manager (npm) that ships as part of node.

Note the second: Some people have reported issues running against 6.x.x versions of node. The image minification plugin has an upstream dependency on a 4.x.x series node. To solve this you can install a 4.x.x version of node (I'd recommend using to manage node versions) or you can strip out the image minificaiton from the gulp file and packages.json file. The bug can be found at AspNetMonsters/AlpineSkiHouse#101

  npm install yarn -g
  npm install bower -g
  npm install jspm -g
  1. Run gulp
_Note:_ This step requires that gulp is installed globally. 

 npm install gulp -g

6. Run the solution in visual studio

## Creating and updating the database
From the src/AlpineSkiHouse.Web folder, run the `dotnet ef database update command` for each DbContext.

dotnet ef database update --context AlpineSkiHouse.Data.ApplicationUserContext dotnet ef database update --context AlpineSkiHouse.Data.ResortContext dotnet ef database update --context AlpineSkiHouse.Data.PassTypeContext dotnet ef database update --context AlpineSkiHouse.Data.SkiCardContext dotnet ef database update --context AlpineSkiHouse.Data.PassContext

## Image Attribution
Images on this project found by Creative Common search on [Bing Image Search]( and used under [CC BY The ASP.NET Monsters](

Artwork on this project is a derivative of images found by Creative Common search on [Bing Image Search](, and licensed under [CC BY The ASP.NET Monsters](


No description, website, or topics provided.







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