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Parallel Extraction from External Data Sources



Build a custom extractor to read an external resource (such as Azure Table).


Custom extractor behaves like a black box to U-SQL. Extractor is instanciated, and returns rows. Thus, U-SQL is not able to parallelize reads, and dispatch extractor instances to multiple vertices.

How to make U-SQL run extractor distributed way (i.e. not processing data source an atomic way)?

Solution Overview

We will use small files stored in Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS) and File Sets to instanciate multiple extractors.

@data = EXTRACT ... FROM "part-{*}.tsv" USING new CustomExtractor();

Each file (part-{*}.tsv) will contain instructions used by custom extractor to read data source.

U-SQL will be able to parallelize reads up to the number of input files.

Implementation Details

Visual Studio solution ParallelExtraction.sln contains one U-SQL project ParallelExtraction.usqlproj.

U-SQL project ParallelExtraction.usqproj contains 3 U-SQL scripts :

  • Setup.usql
  • PreparePartitions.usql
  • ReadPartitions.usql


This script will create a test environment:

  • A database named ParallelExtraction.
  • A test file used by the sample provider (see ReadPartitions.usql).

About test file

This file is stored as /parallel/datasource.tsv in ADLS.

File content:

partition value1 value2
A 1 26
B 2 25
C 3 24
Y 25 2
Z 26 1

partition column will be used as a partition key.


This script will create files with instructions named part-*.tsv.

Files and content:

filename id from to
part-af.tsv a-f A F
part-gq.tsv g-q G Q
part-rz.tsv r-z R Z

Each part-*.tsv file contains one line telling which partition range to query. For instance, part-gq.tsv file will configure extractor to read from partition G to Q.


This script reads some data source using PartitionExtractor custom extractor, and outputs its content to a file named /parallel/output.tsv.

To make it simple to test, sample provider reads its data from local U-SQL storage. You must set @usql_dataroot value to U-SQL DataRoot (see Data Lake/Options and Setting... in Visual Studio) before executing script. By default, storage is located in %LOCALAPPDATA%\USQLDataRoot.


Data extraction logic is implemented in code-behind file ReadPartitions.usql.cs.

class description
PartitionExtractor Custom extractor (implements IExtractor)
Connection Connection informations to datasource
ProviderFactory Factory to create requested provider
SampleProvider Sample provider (implements IProvider)


  1. Rows are requested to custom extractor (EXTRACT statement), based on partition instruction file (part-{partition}.tsv) read from ADLS.
  2. Custom extractor reads part-{partition}.tsv file, and retreives reading instructions (partition range).
  3. A data provider is instanciated based on connexion string, and configured with partition range information.
  4. Provider connects to data source and query data source for requested partition range.
  5. Provider returns rows to custom extractor.
  6. Custom extractor returns rows to be processed by U-SQL script.
  7. Rows will be outputted to file /parallel/output.tsv.

Content of output file output.tsv:

extractor_id partition_id partition value1 value2
699778080553 a-f A 1 26
699778080553 a-f B 2 25
699778080553 a-f F 6 21
699777776621 g-q G 7 20
699777776621 g-q H 8 19
699777776621 g-q Q 17 10
699778060500 r-z R 18 9
699778060500 r-z S 19 8
699778060500 r-z Z 26 1

extractor_id values (which purpose is to witness one extractor instance per partition range was used) will change after each script execution, but will remain distinct between partition ranges (partition_id column).


Parallel Extraction from External Data Sources with U-SQL







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