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Payment Gateway


Visual Studio 2019, .Net Core 3.1. For SpecificationTests 'SpecFlow for Visual Studio 2019' extension is recommended.

In order to have AdapterTest passing, AcquiringBank.Web.Api needs to be running.


The repository was implemented using in memory collection and processed payments are transient. A sample payment of with Id "AAAAAAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEEEEEEEEEE" was preloaded in the database.

Sample requests / responses:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

{ "cardNumber": "465858******0043", "expiryDate": "0824", "amount": 10, "currencyCode": "GBP", "ccv": "001", "paymentId": "AAAAAAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEEEEEEEEEE", "isSuccessful": true }

POST https://localhost:44322/paymentgatewayapi/v1/payments Content-Type: application/json

{ "cardNumber": "4658582263620043", "expiryDate": "0824", "amount": 10.50, "currencyCode": "GBP", "ccv": "001" }

HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Location: https://localhost:44322/paymentgatewayapi/v1/payments/bbab396fa7034cdc861a0dfc23d9220e

{ "paymentId": "bbab396fa7034cdc861a0dfc23d9220e", "isSuccessful":true }

Solution structure:

Solution follows DDD Hexagonal architecture where we separate Application (currently also Domain), and Infrastructure where dependencies are going from Infrastructure to the Application. Boundaries are isolated using Ports and Adapters.


Outside in TDD approach has been adopted when developing the code. Starring from Acceptance tests written in BDD style using SpecFlow where external dependencies were mocked at the adapter level. Then TDD approach was adopted developing code from outside (first class to receive an external request) to the inside. External dependencies are tested by adapter tests.

Discussion for further improvements

Due to time constrains no additional features were developed.

Application logging For API and services it is essential to have well designed logging. Suggested: Azure App Insights and Seriolog.

Application metrics Apart from logging external dependencies instrumentation should be implemented. Suggested: Using instrumentation decorators to wrap around adapters.

Containerization Suggested: Docker and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

Authentication Azure AD and IP whitelisting are essential for securing API.

API client It can be created manually or with help OpenApi (Swagger) generators.

Build script / CI Suggested: Terraform to allow multi-vendor deployment.

Performance testing Unfortunately, Visual Studio performance testing is being deprecated. Suggested: JMeter

Encryption Apart for communication flow through https secure channel, all sensitive data should be always encrypted and decrypted only when needed.

Data storage SQL or Document database such as Azure CosmosDb should be considered.

Additional considerations Calling Acquiring Bank Api and Database should have retry policy and idem potency should be considered in order to correctly process payments in case of faults.


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