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Battleship State Tracker

This is a Battleship State Tracking API which enables to simulate a battleship game with provision to

  • Create board
  • Add board to ship
  • Attack on the ship

Technical Details

Backend: .net core 3.0
IDE: Visual Studio 2019
Database: NA (no persistence layer)


  • Open the solution in VS 2019
  • Restore the nuget packages.
  • Build and run the application which launches the localhost url
  • Open the resclient like Postman or Insomnia and provide the details calling the required endpoint.
    (refer to below section for endpoint detais)

API endpoint details

CreateBoard Endpoint

URL: ~/api/tracker/createboard
Description: Creates a N X N battleboard with the given size(N)
Request Method: POST
Request Body:

		"size" : 10

Response :

Status Code Response Message
201 NA
200 10X10 board already created
400 "errors": { "Size": [ "Value should be between 1 and 50" ] }

AddShip Endpoint

URL: ~/api/tracker/addship
Description: Adds ship to the board if the input is valid and ship is not already present on board
Request Method: POST
Request Body:


Possible values for Orientation:

  • horizontal
  • vertical

Response :

Status Code Response Message
200 - Board is not created yet, please create board.
- Cannot place the ship outside the board.
- Ship is already placed on board.
- Cell is already occupied by ship.
- "EMPTY response when valid"
400 "Invalid field details"

Attack Endpoint

URL: ~/api/tracker/attack
Description: Attack the ship by providing the coordinates, if a ship exists in that position then responds with a "HIT" else "MISS". When the hit is the last block of the ship then "Hit, Ship drowned" is returned
Request Method: POST
Request Body:


Response :

Status Code Response Message
200 - Hit
- Miss
- Hit, Ship drowned.
400 "Invalid field details"


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