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"Captain's log, Stardate 43539.1. We have moved into orbit around Bre'el IV. With the assistance of the planet's emergency control center, we are investigating a catastrophic threat to the population from a descending asteroidal moon.""

This mod REQUIRES and depends on the ProgressParser mod created by @DMagic. I have included a current version of this in the download.

For those who wish to record your efforts, the Kaptain's Log is for you.

This mod will automatically record events as they happen. For many of them, an optional window can open to allow you to enter your own notes.


Automatically record events as they happen
Automatic screenshot at time of event, savable as either JPG or PNG format, or both
Configurable thumbnail size of screenshots
Display optional window during event record for personal notes
Manual entry of logs at any time
Optional overriding of Escape menu when in flight screen
Display of log entries on screen
Selection of which fields to display
Ability to filter on any of the fields
Export to CSV
Export to HTML using template files
Export a single row (QuickExport)
Attach selected image to a manual log entry

Events Recorded

Flight Log Recorded
Part Died
Stage Separation
Part Couple (dock)
Vessel Modified
Stage Activate
Orbit Closed (enter orbit, not from a launch)
Orbit Escaped (achieve escape velocity)
Vessel Recovered
Crew Modified
Progress Record
Kerbal Passed Out From Gee Force
Crew Killed
Crew Transferred
Dominant Body Change (SOI change)
Flag Plant
Crew On EVA
Manual Entry

Data items being captured are:

Vessel name (or Kerbal name)
Universal Time
UTC time
Mission Time
Body (which SOI is the vessel in)
Control level
Event type
Notes (entered by player)
Screenshot (both full size and thumbnail)

The HTML template files are in a simple format (not yet finalized). Essentially, for each template, there will be three files:

Header file
Detail line file
Footer file

I am writing the following simple templates for the initial release:

Detailed with Full Size Images
Detailed with Thumbnails
Details, No images

My thanks to @DMagic for giving me some icons to use for the message window