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ClassExplorer is a PowerShell module that enables quickly searching the AppDomain for classes and members.


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ClassExplorer is a PowerShell module that enables quickly searching the AppDomain for classes and members.

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Build Status

AppVeyor (Windows) CircleCI (Linux) CodeCov
Build status CircleCI codecov


  • Quickly find specific classes, methods, properties, etc
  • Use builtin parameters that utilize compiled filters for performance
  • Create a fully custom search using a ScriptBlock
  • Supported for PowerShell Core (tested in Windows and Linux)
  • Type name completion on any Type parameters
  • All string parameters accept wildcards (or regex with a switch parameter)


Check out our documentation for information about how to use this project.



Install-Module ClassExplorer -Scope CurrentUser


git clone ''
Set-Location ./ClassExplorer
Install-Module platyPS, Pester, InvokeBuild -Force
Import-Module platyPS, Pester, InvokeBuild
Invoke-Build -Task Install


Find an accessible version of an abstract type

$type = Find-Type RunspaceConnectionInfo

# IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
# -------- -------- ----                                     --------
# True     False    RunspaceConnectionInfo                   System.Object

$children = Find-Type -InheritsType $type

# IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
# -------- -------- ----                                     --------
# True     False    WSManConnectionInfo                      System.Management.Automation.Runspac...
# True     False    NamedPipeConnectionInfo                  System.Management.Automation.Runspac...
# True     False    SSHConnectionInfo                        System.Management.Automation.Runspac...
# True     False    VMConnectionInfo                         System.Management.Automation.Runspac...
# True     False    ContainerConnectionInfo                  System.Management.Automation.Runspac...

$accessible = $children | Find-Type { $_ | Find-Member -MemberType Constructor }

# IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
# -------- -------- ----                                     --------
# True     False    WSManConnectionInfo                      System.Management.Automation.Runspac...
# True     False    NamedPipeConnectionInfo                  System.Management.Automation.Runspac...
# True     False    SSHConnectionInfo                        System.Management.Automation.Runspac...

$accessible[1] | Find-Member -MemberType Constructor | Get-Parameter

#    Member: Void .ctor(Int32)
# # ParameterType                  Name                           IsIn  IsOut IsOpt
# - -------------                  ----                           ----  ----- -----
# 0 Int32                          processId                      False False False
#    Member: Void .ctor(Int32, System.String)
# # ParameterType                  Name                           IsIn  IsOut IsOpt
# - -------------                  ----                           ----  ----- -----
# 0 Int32                          processId                      False False False
# 1 String                         appDomainName                  False False False
#    Member: Void .ctor(Int32, System.String, Int32)
# # ParameterType                  Name                           IsIn  IsOut IsOpt
# - -------------                  ----                           ----  ----- -----
# 0 Int32                          processId                      False False False
# 1 String                         appDomainName                  False False False
# 2 Int32                          openTimeout                    False False False

# Or, alternatively this will return all constructors, properties, methods, etc that return any
# implementation of RunspaceConnectionInfo.
Find-Member -ReturnType System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceConnectionInfo

Find something to do with a type

$takesType = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceConnectionInfo]
$givesType = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspacePool]

Find-Member -ParameterType $takesType -ReturnType $givesType

#    ReflectedType: System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceFactory
# Name                 MemberType  IsStatic  Definition
# ----                 ----------  --------  ----------
# CreateRunspacePool   Method        True    RunspacePool CreateRunspacePool(Int32 minRunspaces, ...
# CreateRunspacePool   Method        True    RunspacePool CreateRunspacePool(Int32 minRunspaces, ...
# CreateRunspacePool   Method        True    RunspacePool CreateRunspacePool(Int32 minRunspaces, ...
# CreateRunspacePool   Method        True    RunspacePool CreateRunspacePool(Int32 minRunspaces, ...
#    ReflectedType: System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspacePool
# Name                 MemberType  IsStatic  Definition
# ----                 ----------  --------  ----------
# GetRunspacePools     Method        True    RunspacePool[] GetRunspacePools(RunspaceConnectionIn...
# GetRunspacePools     Method        True    RunspacePool[] GetRunspacePools(RunspaceConnectionIn...
# GetRunspacePools     Method        True    RunspacePool[] GetRunspacePools(RunspaceConnectionIn...

Get real specific

$findMemberSplat = @{
    MemberType        = 'Method'
    RegularExpression = $true
    Name              = '^(?!Should(Continue|Process))'
    ReturnType        = [bool]
    ParameterType     = [string]
    Instance          = $true

Find-Member @findMemberSplat -FilterScript {
    $parameters = $_ | Get-Parameter
    $parameters.ParameterType.IsByRef -contains $true -and
    $parameters.Count -gt 3

#    ReflectedType: System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider
# Name                 MemberType  IsStatic  Definition
# ----                 ----------  --------  ----------
# InsertAt             Method       False    Boolean InsertAt(String input, Int32 position, Int32...
# Replace              Method       False    Boolean Replace(String input, Int32 position, Int32&...
# Replace              Method       False    Boolean Replace(String input, Int32 startPosition, I...
#    ReflectedType: System.Web.Util.RequestValidator
# Name                 MemberType  IsStatic  Definition
# ----                 ----------  --------  ----------
# InvokeIsValidRequ... Method       False    Boolean InvokeIsValidRequestString(HttpContext conte...
#    ReflectedType: System.Activities.XamlIntegration.ICompiledExpressionRoot
# Name                 MemberType  IsStatic  Definition
# ----                 ----------  --------  ----------
# CanExecuteExpression Method       False    Boolean CanExecuteExpression(String expressionText, ...

Contributions Welcome!

We would love to incorporate community contributions into this project. If you would like to contribute code, documentation, tests, or bug reports, please read our Contribution Guide to learn more.


ClassExplorer is a PowerShell module that enables quickly searching the AppDomain for classes and members.



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No packages published


  • C# 64.0%
  • PowerShell 36.0%