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Get Basic Modules Up

  1. Add Dashboards Module
  2. Add DashboardsPane Pane Module
  3. Add Modules to Interfaces.cs ModuleType enum (ViewModel)
  4. Add type to ModuleType in MainForm.cs
  5. Add new Modules to ModuleTypesResolver in GetId, GetMainModule, and GetNavPaneModuleType (Services)
  6. RUN (note bad title)
  7. Add string to ModuleResourceProvider (Services)
  8. RUN again!

Adding First Dashboard

  1. Add data to DashboardsViewModel using the dashdata template.
  2. Add basic code to DashboardViewModel using the dashvm template.
  3. Drop DashboardViewer into Dashboard
  4. Change view object in Presenter constructor to DashboardViewer
  5. Wire up CurrentDashboard in DashboardsPresenter using the dashbind template.

Working with the List Presenter

  1. Go to DashboardPanePresenter and add PopulateTree method using dashlist

  2. Add event handler for _tree.DoubleClick

  3. Add if statement with dashlif

  4. Add code

     var viewModel = ViewModel.ParentViewModel;
     viewModel.CurrentDashboard = _tree.Selection[0].Tag.ToString();
  5. Add Message type to DashboardViewModel using dashmsg (creates types for dashboard messages)

  6. Add Message sender to event

  7. Register message in DashboardsPresenter

     Messenger.Default.Register<DashboardMessage>(this, OnDashboardMessage);
  8. Add appropriate method as well as call to BindDashboard()

  9. RUN

New & Edit Window

  1. Add New and Edit buttons to Dashboard (use [icon new opportunities] and [icon edit]

  2. Add code to BindCommands using dashevt template.

  3. Add methods using CodeRush to ViewModel, decorate with [Command] attribute.

  4. Add Form open code using dashform (will add ServiceProperty and Open command)

  5. Go to DetailFormDocumentManagerService and add "Dashboard" to GetActualViewModuleType (Services, line 134)

     if (documentType == "Dashboard")
         var resolver = GetService<Services.IModuleTypesResolver>(parentViewModel);
         return resolver.GetDashboardModuleType(viewModuleType);
  6. Add appropriate GetDashboardModuleType function to interface and class

  7. Modify NewDashboard and EditDashboard functions using dashcmd (overwrite)

     public void NewDashboard()
         Dashboard d = new Dashboard();
     public void EditDashboard()
  8. RUN

New & Edit - Open Dashboard

  1. Drop designer onto DashboardEdit form

  2. Add New Save button (remove all others)

  3. Remove Data Source tab

  4. Modify Presenter to accept a DashboardDesigner and add the following

     void View_DashboardClosing(object sender, DashboardClosingEventArgs e)
         e.IsDashboardModified = false;
     public void BindDashboard()
         View.Dashboard = ViewModel.Parameter as Dashboard;
  5. Make sure to wire closing event as well as BindDashboard method in .ctor of Presenter

     View.DashboardClosing += View_DashboardClosing;
  6. In DashboardEdit add the following to wait for proper ViewModel attachment

     protected override void OnParentViewModelAttached()
  7. RUN

New & Edit - Saving

  1. Bind Save button in BindCommands method using dashsave template. Will look like:

    private void BindCommands()
        // bind commands to DashboardsEditViewModel here
        barButtonSave.BindCommand(() => ViewModel.SaveDashboard(), ViewModel);
  2. Implement SaveDashboard method:

    public void SaveDashboard()
        Messenger.Default.Send<DashboardMessage>(new DashboardMessage(Parameter as Dashboard, DashboardMessageType.Save));
  3. Capture message in DashboardsPresenter

    private void OnDashboardMessage(DashboardMessage message)
        if (message.MessageType == DashboardMessageType.View) 
        else if (message.MessageType == DashboardMessageType.Save)
  4. Handle new Save method (inner code uses dashsv template)

    public void Save(Dashboard dashboard)
        var file = string.Format("{0}\\{1}.xml", DashboardDirectory, dashboard.Title.Text);
        // refresh dashboard list just in case
        Dashboards = Directory.EnumerateFiles(DashboardDirectory, "*.xml").ToArray();
  5. Notify everyone involved something has changed using dashnote template

    public void Save(Dashboard dashboard)
        var file = string.Format("{0}\\{1}.xml", DashboardDirectory, dashboard.Title.Text);
        // refresh dashboard list just in case
        Dashboards = Directory.EnumerateFiles(DashboardDirectory, "*.xml").ToArray();
        // send out messages
        CurrentDashboard = file;
  6. Register message in DashboardPanePresenter

    Messenger.Default.Register<DashboardMessage>(this, OnDashboardMessage);
  7. Handle OnDashboardMessage event

    private void OnDashboardMessage(DashboardMessage message)
        if (message.MessageType == DashboardMessageType.Refresh)
  8. RUN


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