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This is a simple project that was built using TDD. If you are going to run the console app, make sure that the ImportPath and ExportPath in the App.config file point to locations where the json file can be read and exported. An example personImport.json is included at the root of the project. The project requirements are included below.


We are going to receive a JSON file with some Person data from a 3rd party system. We need to transform this data into the correct format so that it can be imported into our system. Create a console application that reads the JSON file, transforms the data as needed, and writes that transformed data to another JSON file that can then be retrieved by our system for processing. The console application should meet these criteria:

  • Use Clean Code and SOLID programming principles

    • Loose coupling should be achieved by using Dependency Injection with the help of the Castle Windsor DI container.

    • Use the Repository pattern when working with Person data.

  • Use TDD to build the application with automated unit tests

    • Unit testing should be implemented using the NUnit, Moq, and AutoFixture testing frameworks.
  • Use Newtonsoft.Json for JSON parsing.

Imported Person Data

  • The imported JSON Person data file contains an array of Person objects. The Person objects have the following properties:
Property Name Type
name string
address string
observationDate date
gender string – possible values: “M” and “F”
favoriteColor string – possible values: “blue”, “red”, “green”, “purple”, “pink”, “orange”

Exported Person Data

  • The exported JSON Person objects must contain the following properties:
Property Name Type
name string
address string
acquisitionDate date
isCool boolean

Transform Criteria

The transformed data must meet the following criteria:

  • If the imported Person has a gender of “M”, prepend the exported Person name with “Mr.” If the imported Person has a gender of “F”, prepend the exported Person name with “Ms.”

  • The exported Person isCool property should be set to “true” if the imported Person favoriteColor property has the values of “purple”, “pink”, or “green”. The exported Person isCool property should be set to “false” if the imported Person favoriteColor property has the values of “blue”, “red”, or “orange”.

  • If the exported Person isCool property is set to “true”, then the exported Person acquisitionDate property should be set to two years after the imported Person observationDate property. If the exported Person isCool property is set to “false”, then the exported Person acquisitionDate property should be set to “null”. Determine the exported Person isCool property before setting the exported Person acquisitionDate property.

  • No transformation should occur for the address property. The imported Person address should merely be copied to the exported Person address.

Other Requirements

  • The paths for the imported and exported JSON Person data files should be read from the App.config file so that they are configurable after deployment.


A simple project demonstrating development using TDD






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