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Windows Azure Media Services .NET SDK Extensions

What is it?

A NuGet package that contains a set of extension methods and helpers for the Windows Azure Media Services SDK for .NET.


Install the WindowsAzure.MediaServices.Extensions Nuget package by running Install-Package WindowsAzure.MediaServices.Extensions in the Package Manager Console.

After installing the package, a MediaServicesExtensions folder will be added to your project's root directory containing the following files:

  • AssetBaseCollectionExtensions.cs: Contains extension methods and helpers for the AssetBaseCollection class.
  • IAssetExtensions.cs: Contains extension methods and helpers for the IAsset interface.
  • JobBaseCollectionExtensions.cs: Contains extension methods and helpers for the JobBaseCollection class.
  • IJobExtensions.cs: Contains extension methods and helpers for the IJob interface.
  • LocatorBaseCollectionExtensions.cs: Contains extension methods and helpers for the LocatorBaseCollection class.
  • ILocatorExtensions.cs: Contains extension methods for to the ILocator interface.
  • MediaProcessorBaseCollectionExtensions.cs: Contains extension methods and helpers for the MediaProcessorBaseCollection class.
  • MediaEncoderTaskPresetStrings.cs: Contains constants with the names of the available Task Preset Strings for the Windows Azure Media Encoder.
  • MediaProcessorNames.cs: Contains constants with the names of the available Media Processors.
  • IAccountSelectionStrategy.cs: Defines account selection logic within asset creation scenarios.
  • RandomAccountSelectionStrategy.cs: Represents a simple pseudo random account selection based on the Random class.
  • MediaServicesExceptionParser.cs: Contains helper methods to parse Windows Azure Media Services error messages in XML format.

Extension Methods and Helpers available

Create an empty Asset using a selection strategy for the Storage account

Create a new empty asset within one selected Storage account based on the default account selection strategy using a single extension method for the AssetBaseCollection class. There is an additional overload with async support.

CloudMediaContext context = new CloudMediaContext("%accountName%", "%accountKey%");

// Get a list of the available Storage accounts to select from.
string[] storageAccountNames = this.context.StorageAccounts.ToList().Select(c => c.Name).ToArray();

// The asset name.
string assetName = "MyAssetName";

// The options for creating the new asset.
AssetCreationOptions assetCreationOptions = AssetCreationOptions.None;

// Create a new asset empty asset within one selected Storage account using a single extension method.
IAsset asset = context.Assets.Create(assetName, storageAccountNames, assetCreationOptions);

Create an Asset from a single local file

Create a new asset by uploading a local file using a single extension method for the AssetBaseCollection class. There are additional overloads with different parameters and async support.

CloudMediaContext context = new CloudMediaContext("%accountName%", "%accountKey%");

// The local path to the file to upload to the new asset.
string filePath = @"C:\AssetFile.wmv";

// The options for creating the new asset.
AssetCreationOptions assetCreationOptions = AssetCreationOptions.None;

// Create a new asset and upload a local file using a single extension method.
IAsset asset = context.Assets.CreateFromFile(filePath, assetCreationOptions);

Create an Asset from a local folder

Create a new asset by uploading all the files in a local folder using a single extension method for the AssetBaseCollection class. There are additional overloads with different parameters and async support.

CloudMediaContext context = new CloudMediaContext("%accountName%", "%accountKey%");

// The path to an existing local folder with the files to upload to the new asset.
string folderPath = @"C:\AssetFilesFolder";

// The options for creating the new asset.
AssetCreationOptions assetCreationOptions = AssetCreationOptions.None;

// Create a new asset and upload all the files in a local folder using a single extension method.
IAsset asset = context.Assets.CreateFromFolder(folderPath, assetCreationOptions);

Generate Asset Files from Blob storage

Generate the asset files of an existing asset using a single extension method for the IAsset interface. You can use this method after uploading content directly to the asset container in Azure Blob storage. This method leverages the CreateFileInfos REST API Function. There is an additional overload with async support.

CloudMediaContext context = new CloudMediaContext("%accountName%", "%accountKey%");

// Create an empty asset.
IAsset asset = context.Assets.Create("MyAssetName", AssetCreationOptions.None);

// Upload content to the previous asset directly to its Blob storage container.
// You can use a SAS locator with Write permissions to do this.
// ...

// Generate all the asset files in the asset from its Blob storage container using a single extension method.

Download Asset Files to a local folder

Download all the asset files in an asset using a single extension method for the IAsset interface. There are additional overloads with different parameters and async support.

CloudMediaContext context = new CloudMediaContext("%accountName%", "%accountKey%");

// The asset with the asset files to download. Get a reference to it from the context.
IAsset asset = null;

// The path to an existing local folder where to download all the asset files in the asset.
string folderPath = @"C:\AssetFilesFolder";

// Download all the asset files to a local folder using a single extension method.

Get manifest Asset File

Get a reference to the asset file that represents the ISM manifest using a single extension method for the IAsset interface.

// The asset with multi-bitrate content. Get a reference to it from the context.
IAsset asset = null;

// Get the asset file representing the ISM manifest.
IAssetFile manifestAssetFile = asset.GetManifestAssetFile();

Create a Locator

Create a locator and its associated access policy using a single extension method for the LocatorBaseCollection class. There are additional overloads with different parameters and async support.

CloudMediaContext context = new CloudMediaContext("%accountName%", "%accountKey%");

// The asset used to create the locator. Get a reference to it from the context.
IAsset asset = null;

// The locator type.
LocatorType locatorType = LocatorType.OnDemandOrigin;

// The permissions for the locator's access policy.
AccessPermissions accessPolicyPermissions = AccessPermissions.Read | AccessPermissions.List;

// The duration for the locator's access policy.
TimeSpan accessPolicyDuration = TimeSpan.FromDays(30);

// Create a locator and its associated access policy using a single extension method.
ILocator locator = context.Locators.Create(locatorType, asset, accessPolicyPermissions, accessPolicyDuration);

Get Smooth Streaming URL from an Asset

Get the Smooth Streaming URL of a multi-bitrate Smooth Streaming or MP4 asset using a single extension method for the IAsset interface. This methods requires the asset to contain an ISM manifest asset file and that you previously created an Origin locator for the asset; otherwise it returns null.

// The asset with multi-bitrate Smooth Streaming or MP4 content. Get a reference to it from the context.
IAsset asset = null;

// Make sure to create an Origin locator for the asset.

// Get the Smooth Streaming URL of the asset for adaptive streaming.
Uri smoothStreamingUri = asset.GetSmoothStreamingUri();

Get Smooth Streaming URL from a Locator

Get the Smooth Streaming URL of a multi-bitrate Smooth Streaming or MP4 asset using a single extension method for the ILocator interface. This methods requires the locator to be of type LocatorType.OnDemandOrigin, and its asset to contain an ISM manifest asset file.

// The Origin locator for the multi-bitrate Smooth Streaming or MP4 asset. Get a reference to it from the context.
ILocator originLocator = null;

// Get the Smooth Streaming URL of the locator's asset for adaptive streaming.
Uri smoothStreamingUri = originLocator.GetSmoothStreamingUri();

Get HLS URL from an Asset

Get the HLS URL of a multi-bitrate Smooth Streaming or MP4 asset using a single extension method for the IAsset interface. This methods requires the asset to contain an ISM manifest asset file and that you previously created an Origin locator for the asset; otherwise it returns null.

// The asset with multi-bitrate Smooth Streaming or MP4 content. Get a reference to it from the context.
IAsset asset = null;

// Make sure to create an Origin locator for the asset.

// Get the HLS URL of the asset for adaptive streaming.
Uri hlsUri = asset.GetHlsUri();

Get HLS URL from a Locator

Get the HLS URL of a multi-bitrate Smooth Streaming or MP4 asset using a single extension method for the ILocator interface. This methods requires the locator to be of type LocatorType.OnDemandOrigin, and its asset to contain an ISM manifest asset file.

// The Origin locator for the multi-bitrate Smooth Streaming or MP4 asset. Get a reference to it from the context.
ILocator originLocator = null;

// Make sure to create an Origin locator for the asset.

// Get the HLS URL of the locator's asset for adaptive streaming.
Uri hlsUri = originLocator.GetHlsUri();

Get MPEG-DASH URL from an Asset

Get the MPEG-DASH URL of a multi-bitrate Smooth Streaming or MP4 asset using a single extension method for the IAsset interface. This methods requires the asset to contain an ISM manifest asset file and that you previously created an Origin locator for the asset; otherwise it returns null.

// The asset with multi-bitrate Smooth Streaming or MP4 content. Get a reference to it from the context.
IAsset asset = null;

// Make sure to create an Origin locator for the asset.

// Get the MPEG-DASH URL of the locator's asset for adaptive streaming.
Uri mpegDashUri = asset.GetMpegDashUri();

Get MPEG-DASH URL from a Locator

Get the MPEG-DASH URL of a multi-bitrate Smooth Streaming or MP4 asset using a single extension method for the ILocator interface. This methods requires the locator to be of type LocatorType.OnDemandOrigin, and its asset to contain an ISM manifest asset file.

// The Origin locator for the multi-bitrate Smooth Streaming or MP4 asset. Get a reference to it from the context.
ILocator originLocator = null;

// Make sure to create an Origin locator for the asset.

// Get the MPEG-DASH URL of the asset for adaptive streaming.
Uri mpegDashUri = originLocator.GetMpegDashUri();

Get SAS URL from an Asset File

Get the SAS URL of an asset file for progressive download using a single extension method for the IAssetFile interface. This methods requires the parent asset to contain a SAS locator for the asset; otherwise it returns null. There is an additional overload that receives an ILocator as a parameter.

// The asset with multi-bitrate MP4 content. Get a reference to it from the context.
IAsset asset = null;

// Make sure to create a SAS locator for the asset.
IAssetFile assetFile = asset.AssetFiles.ToList().Where(af => af.Name.EndsWith(".mp4", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).First();

// Get the SAS URL of the asset file for progressive download.
Uri sasUri = assetFile.GetSasUri();

Get latest Media Processor by name

Get the latest version of a media processor filtering by its name using a single extension method for the MediaProcessorBaseCollection class.

CloudMediaContext context = new CloudMediaContext("%accountName%", "%accountKey%");

// The media processor name.
string mediaProcessorName = MediaProcessorNames.WindowsAzureMediaEncoder;

// Get the latest version of a media processor by its name using a single extension method.
IMediaProcessor processor = context.MediaProcessors.GetLatestMediaProcessorByName(mediaProcessorName);

Create a Job with a single Task

Create a job with a single task ready to be submitted using a single extension method for the JobBaseCollection class. There is an additional overload with different parameters.

CloudMediaContext context = new CloudMediaContext("%accountName%", "%accountKey%");

// The media processor name used in the job's task.
string mediaProcessorName = MediaProcessorNames.WindowsAzureMediaEncoder;

// The task configuration.
string taskConfiguration = MediaEncoderTaskPresetStrings.H264AdaptiveBitrateMP4Set720p;

// The input asset for the task. Get a reference to it from the context.
IAsset inputAsset = null;

// The name for the output asset of the task.
string outputAssetName = "OutputAssetName";

// The options for creating the output asset of the task.
AssetCreationOptions outputAssetOptions = AssetCreationOptions.None;

// Create a job ready to be submitted with a single task with one input/output asset using a single extension method.
IJob job = context.Jobs.CreateWithSingleTask(mediaProcessorName, taskConfiguration, inputAsset, outputAssetName, outputAssetOptions);

// Submit the job and wait until it is completed to get the output asset.
// ...

Start Job execution progress task to notify when its state or overall progress change

Start a Task to monitor a job progress using a single extension method for the IJob interface. The difference with the IJob.GetExecutionProgressTask method is that this extension invokes a callback when the job state or overall progress change. There is an additional overload with different parameters.

CloudMediaContext context = new CloudMediaContext("%accountName%", "%accountKey%");

// The input asset for the task. Get a reference to it from the context.
IAsset inputAsset = null;

// Prepare a job ready to be submitted with a single task with one input/output asset using a single extension method.
IJob job = context.Jobs.CreateWithSingleTask(MediaProcessorNames.WindowsAzureMediaEncoder, MediaEncoderTaskPresetStrings.H264AdaptiveBitrateMP4Set720p, inputAsset, "OutputAssetName", AssetCreationOptions.None);

// Submit the job.

// Start a task to monitor the job progress by invoking a callback when its state or overall progress change in a single extension method.
job = await job.StartExecutionProgressTask(
    j =>
        Console.WriteLine("Current job state: {0}", j.State);
        Console.WriteLine("Current job progress: {0}", j.GetOverallProgress());

Get Job overall progress

Get the overall progress of a job by calculating the average progress of all its tasks using a single extension method for the IJob interface.

CloudMediaContext context = new CloudMediaContext("%accountName%", "%accountKey%");

// The input asset for the task. Get a reference to it from the context.
IAsset inputAsset = null;

// Prepare a job ready to be submitted with a single task with one input/output asset using a single extension method.
IJob job = context.Jobs.CreateWithSingleTask(MediaProcessorNames.WindowsAzureMediaEncoder, MediaEncoderTaskPresetStrings.H264AdaptiveBitrateMP4Set720p, inputAsset, "OutputAssetName", AssetCreationOptions.None);

// Submit the job.

// ...

// Refresh the job instance.
job = context.Jobs.Where(j => j.Id == job.Id).First();

// Get the overall progress of the job by calculating the average progress of all its tasks using a single extension method.
double jobOverallProgress = job.GetOverallProgress();

Parse Media Services error messages in XML format

Parse exceptions with Windows Azure Media Services error messages in XML format.

CloudMediaContext context = new CloudMediaContext("%accountName%", "%accountKey%");

// Create an empty asset.
IAsset asset = context.Assets.Create("MyAssetName", AssetCreationOptions.None);

    // Generate an error trying to delete the asset twice.
catch (Exception exception)
    // Parse the exception to get the error message from the Media Services XML response.
    Exception parsedException = MediaServicesExceptionParser.Parse(exception);
    string mediaServicesErrorMessage = parsedException.Message;


Extension library to azure-sdk-for-media-services







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