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Dirigent Overview

Dirigent is an application life cycle management and diagnostic tool. It allows launching a given set of applications in given order on given computers according to a predefined launch plan. It runs on Windows platform with .net 3.5.


Launch plans

The plan specifies what applications to launch, on what computers, in what order and what another apps (dependencies) need to be running and initialized prior starting a given application.

The dependencies are checked among both local and remote applications.

Individual applications control

Applications can be launched, terminated or restarted, either individually or all-at-once.

An application that is supposed to run continuously can be automatically restarted after unexpected termination or crash.

Application status sharing

The applications are continuously monitored whether they are already initialized and still running. Their status is distributed to all agents on all machines.

Launching apps at startup

A launch plan can be executed automatically on computer startup.

To speedup the boot process of a system comprising multiple interdependent computers, certain applications (independent on those on other computers) can be launched even before the connection among computers is established.

Ways of control

All operations can be controlled

  • from any computer via a control GUI

  • from a command line tool or

  • programmatically via a .net library.

Local and networked mode

Dirigent can be configured to to run either in single-machine or networked mode, with embedded control GUI or as GUIless background process (daemon), or as a command line control application.


Each computer is running an agent process. One of the computers runs a master server process. Agents connect to a single master. The master's role is to broadcast messages from agents to all other agents and share the launch plans (stored in shared config).

Agent manages the processes running locally on the same machine where the agent is running. Agent takes care of local application launching, killing, restarting and status monitoring.


An agent listens to and executes application management commands from master.

Agents publish the status of local applications to master which in turn spreads it to all other agents. The status include whether the app is running, whether it is already initialized etc.

All agents share the same configuration of launch plans - each one knows what applications the others are supposed to run.

The master inform agents about the current launch plan automatically when the agent connects to the master.

The shared configuration file can be present either just on master or an identical copy of it must be present on every agent.


Basic steps

Configure launch plans

Define launch plans, i.e. what apps to start on what computer in what order. Store it into a SharedConfig.xml config file next to Dirigent.Master.exe.

For example the following plan opens a notepad app first on machine m1 with file c:\aaa.txt. Then, in 2 seconds from launching the notepad on machine m1, it opens another notepad on machine m2 with file c:\bbb.txt. Because of the dependency between those apps, the second notepad won't be launched if the first notepad doesn't start (from any reason).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Plan Name="plan1">
            AppIdTuple = "m1.a"
            Template = "apps.notepad"
            StartupDir = "c:\"
            CmdLineArgs = "aaa.txt"
              <Set Variable="TEMP" Value="C:\TEMP" />
              <Path Prepend="C:\MYPATH;../sub1" /> 
            <WindowPos TitleRegExp="\s-\sNotepad" Rect="10,50,300,200" Screen="1" Keep="0" />

            AppIdTuple = "m2.b"
            Template = "apps.notepad"
            StartupDir = "c:\"
            CmdLineArgs = "bbb.txt"
            Dependencies = "m1.a"

    <AppTemplate Name="apps.notepad"
            Template = ""
            ExeFullPath = "c:\windows\notepad.exe"
            StartupDir = "c:\"
            CmdLineArgs = ""
            StartupOrder = "0"
            RestartOnCrash = "1"
            SeparationInterval = "0.5"
          <WindowPoppedUp TitleRegExp="\s-\sNotepad"/>


Deploy this config file to all agents if you want agents to start their plans without first waiting for master. All agents should use identical shared configuration file.

Setup a master

Start a master process on one of the machines. Master is not necessary in single-machine mode of operation.

On master machine:

Dirigent.Master.exe --masterPort 5045 --startupPlan plan1

Alternatively, you can configure one of the dirigent agents to run the master process automatically. See the --IsMaster command line argument of Diregent.Agent process.

Deploy agents

On each machine install an agent application.

Assign a unique machineId to each agent so it could identify its application in the launch plan.

You can specify the IP address and port of the master and machineId of in the local configuration of each respective agent.

On first machine:

Dirigent.Agent.exe --machineId m1 --mode trayGui --startHidden 1 --masterIp --masterPort 5045

On second machine:

Dirigent.Agent.exe --machineId m2 --mode trayGui --startHidden 1 --masterIp --masterPort 5045

Load and start a launch plan

Select a launch plan to start, issue a Select Plan command followed by a Start Plan command.

For example using a command ling control app:

Dirigent.AgentCmd.exe --masterIp --masterPort 5045 StartPlan plan1

Multiple commands can be executed at once if separated by a semicolon. For example

Dirigent.AgentCmd.exe --masterIp --masterPort 5045 Start plan1; StartPlan plan2

Available Actions

The Dirigent can work either with whole launch plan or with an individual application that is part of the currently selected launch plan.

Launch Plan Actions

  • Select Plan. The given plan becomes the current plan. New apps defined by this plan are added to the list of operated ones. This affects only the local agent where the command is issued.

  • Start Plan. Apps from the current plan start to be lauched according to the plan.

  • Stop Plan. Stop launching of apps from the current plan. No apps are killed.

  • Kill Plan. All apps that are part of the current lauch plan are killed.

  • Restart Plan. All apps from the current plan are first killed and then the plan starts.

Individual Apps Actions

  • Kill App. The app is killed immediately if already running. The auto-restart (if configured) is disabled so that the app stays killed and is not started again automatically.

  • Launch App. The app is launched if not already running, ignoring any dependency checks.

  • Restart App. The app is first killed and then launched again.

Agent configuration options

Diregent.Agent.exe is a Windows Forms application capable of running either as a background process with no user interface (just the log file) or as a GUI application that can be minimalized into a system tray.

The options can be specified either on the command line (prefixed with double dash --, for example --optionName) or in the agent.config file located next to the agent executable.

Specifying the machine name

The applications are supposed to run on a specific computer. More precisely, to be launched by an agent configured to the same machine id as the application.

--machineId m1 of the computer where the agent is running on

Operation mode selection

The following options changes the mode of operation:

--mode deamon|trayGui|remoteControlGui .... select mode of operation

  • deamon ... no user inteface at all, just a log file

  • trayGui ... an icon in tray with gui control app accessible from the context menu; the default

  • remoteControlGui ... not agent as such (not directly managing any local apps), just a remote control GUI that monitors the apps and remotely send commands to the agents

--startHidden 0|1 .... start minimized (only works with --trayGui and --remoteControlGui)

Another options

--masterPort 5042 ... mater's port number

--masterIp ... mater's IP address

--logFile xyz.log ... what log file to use

--startupPlan <plan_name> ... immediately loads an initial plan and makes it the current one (local agent) before the connection to the master is estabilished

--sharedConfigFile mySharedConfig.xml ... what shared config file to use

--localConfigFile myLocalConfig.xml ... what local configuration file to use

--isMaster 0|1 .... start master process automatically (no need to run it separately then)

--CLIPort 5050 ... Command Line Interface port number. Passed to the master process when --IsMaster 1 is used.

Master configuration options

Dirigent.Master.exe is a console application designed to run in background on one of the computers.

--masterPort 5042 ... what TPC port to run on

--logFile xyz.log ... what log file to use

--sharedConfigFile mySharedConfig.xml ... what shared config file to use

--startupPlan <plan_name> ... what plan to be forced (make selected) on agents when they connect to master

--CLIPort 5050 ... what TPC port to run the Command Line Interface server on

Agent Command Line Interface over TCP line-based connection

Master is running a TCP server providing for controlling agents' operations.

TCP server allows multiple simultaneous clients. Server accepts single text line based requests from clients. Line separation character is \n. For each request the server sends back one or more status reply lines depending on the command type. Each request can be optionally marked with request id which is then used to mark appropriate response lines. Requests are buffered and processed sequentially, response may come later. Clients do not need to wait for a response before sending another request.

Request line format:

[optional-req-id] request command text till the end of line\n

Response line format:

[optional-req-id] response text till the end of line\n

Request commands

StartPlan <planName> .... starts given plan, i.e. start launching apps StopPlan <planName> ..... stops starting next applications from the plan KillPlan <planName> ..... kills given plans (kills all its apps) RestartPlan <planName> .. stops all apps and starts the plan again

LaunchApp <appId> ....... starts given app KillApp <appId> ......... kills given app RestartApp <appId> ...... restarts given app

GetPlanState <planName> returns the status of given plan GetAppState <planName> returns the status of given app

GetAllPlansState ..... returns one line per plan; last line will be "END\n" GetAllAppsState ...... returns one line per application; last line will be "END\n"

Response text for GetPlanState

PLAN:<planName>:None PLAN:<planName>:InProgress PLAN:<planName>:Failure PLAN:<planName>:Success

Response text for GetAppState



Each letter represents one status flag. If letter is missing, flag is cleared. S = started F = start failed R = running K = killed I = initialized P = plan applied


Integer number if exit code (valid only if aff has exited, i.e. Started but not Running)


Number of seconds since last update of the app state


Integer percentage of CPU usage


Integer percentage of GPU usage


Integer number of MBytes used

Response text for other commands

ACK\n ... command reception was acknowledged, command was issued ERROR: error text here\n END\n ..... ends the list in case the command is expected to produce multiple line response

Using request id

Request: [001] StartPlan plan1 Response: [001] ACK

Leaving out the request id

Request: KillPlan plan2 Response: ACK

Wrong identifier

Request: KillPlan invalidPlan1 Response: ERROR: Plan 'invalidPlan1' does not exist

Starting an application

Request: [002] StartApp m1.a Response: [002] ACK

Getting plan status

Request: [003] GetPlanStatus plan1 Response: [003] PLAN:plan1:InProgress

Getting app status

Request: GetAppStatus m1.a1 Response: APP:m1.a:SIP:255:10:34:0:7623

Agent Console Command Line Utility

There is a small executable specialized for sending commands to agents. It connects to the master and send a command specified on the command line.

Dirigent.AgentCmd.exe <command> <arg1> <arg2> ...

Zero exit code is returned on success, positive error code on failure.

The commands just simply follow the available agent actions, please see chapter Available Actions for more details.

StartPlan <planId>
StopPlan <planId>
KillPlan <planId>
RestartPlan <planId>

LaunchApp <appId>
KillApp <appId>
RestartApp <appId>

Multiple commands on a single line can be separated by semicolon Diregent.AgentCmd.exe LaunchApp m1.a;StartPlan plan1


Dirigent configuration comprises of two parts - a shared configuration and a local configuration.

Shared configuration is shared among all agents. It specifies the launch plans but can be used also for another information like the names of all the machines involved etc.

Local configuration defines the network settings, operation mode details of a single agent or master application.

Local configuration is assembled from different pieces

  • the command line arguments
  • application executable config file
  • local configuration file

Shared config file

Shared configuration contains the settings that needs to be same for all agents, for example the start plan definitions.

Shared configuration is stored in the SharedConfig.xlm file. The location of the file can be set through application option sharedConfigFile.

Shared config file is mandatory. Dirigent won't start without it.

Agent's local config file

Agent's local config file contains configuration that is specific for an agent (for example folder watching settings). Each agent can use its own local configuration.

Local configuration is stored in the LocalConfig.xlm file. The location of the file can be set through application option localConfigFile.

Local configuration file is optional.

Launch plan

Launch plan comprises just a list of apps to be launched in given order. Multiple parallel plans can be active at a time.

Each app in the launch plan has the following attributes:

  • AppIdTuple - unique text id of the application instance; comes together with the machine id; format "machineId.appId"

  • ExeFullPath - application binary file full path; can be relative to the dirigent's shared config file location (or CWD if none defined). Environment variables in form of %VARNAME% are expanded using Agen't current environment.

  • StartupDir - startup directory; can be relative to the dirigent's shared config file location (or CWD if none defined). Environment variables in form of %VARNAME% are expanded using Agen't current environment.

  • CmdLineArgs - command line arguments

  • StartupOrder - the launch order in case of same priority of multiple apps

  • Volatile 0|1 - whether the application is expected to terminate automatically and not stay forever until killed; Such apps are not part of plan start success condition.

  • Disabled 0|1 - whether the application is initially excluded from plan operation.

  • RestartOnCrash 0|1 - whether to automatically restart the app after crash

  • AdoptIfAlreadyRunning 0|1 - whether not to start a new instance of a process if the process with same executable image name is already running

  • Dependencies - what apps is this one dependent on, ie. what apps have to be launched and fully initalized before this one can be started; semicolon separated AppIdTuples.

  • InitCondition - a mechanism to detect that the app is fully initialized (by time, by exit code etc.) See chapter Selecting a boot up completion detector. DEPRECATED, use the InitDetectors section instead.

  • WindowStyle - "normal" (default), "minimized", "maximized", "hidden"

  • Template - where to load default settings from; the name of a AppTemplate section in the same XML file

  • KillTree 0|1 - whether to kill not just the single process but also all its child processes

  • SeparationInterval <numseconds> - how much time to wait before starting the next application

App sub-sections:

  • WindowPos

    <WindowPos TitleRegExp="\s-\sNotepad" Rect="10,50,300,200" Screen="1" Keep="0" /> 

    Finds a window belonging to the application by its title using regular expression search. Affects window settings (position, z-order etc.)

    The window must belong to the started process or to its first-level child processes. This allows for launching a batch file and starting the target process from there.

    There can be multiple WindowPos sections defined for one application.


    • TitleRegExp - regular expression to search in the window title. This is the only mandatory attribute, the rest of attributes are optional.

    • Rect - desired screen coordinates [left,top,width,height] of the window relative to the given screen. All zeros means 'not set' and behaves as if not specified at all.

    • Screen - screen number to place the window at; 0=main screen (default)

    • Keep - 0/1 whether to keep applying the coordinates in short regular intervals, i.e. to force the window to stay at given coordinates. If not set, the first successful search for

    • SendToBack - 0/1 whether to put window below all other windows, i.e. to avoid popping up

    • BringToFront - 0/1 whether to put window to the foreground and activate it; usefel in combination with Keep="1" to keep the window visible and focused

    • TopMost - 0/1 whether to make the window 'Always on top'

    • WindowStyle - "normal" | "minimized" | "maximized" | "hidden"

    If used in a template, the WindowPos definition is added to all application using this template.

    • InitDetectors


    Defines a mechanism to detect that the app is fully initialized (by time, by exit code etc.) See chapter Selecting a boot up completion detector

    If multiple detectors are defined, the first one whose condition is satified marks the app as initialized.

  • Env

      <Set Variable="TMP" Value="C:\TEMP" />
      <Set Variable="TEMP" Value="C:\TEMP" />
      <Path Prepend="C:\MYPATH1" Append="C:\MYPATH2;..\sub1"/> 

    Modifies the environment variables for the started process, taking the Diriget Agen't startup environment as a basis.

    Existing environment variables can be set to a new value. Non-existing will be created, existing will be overwritten.

    Specific support for PATH variable allows prepending or appending given string to PATH.


    • Set - set given variable to a new value. Both attributes Variable and Name are mandatory. Environment variables in form of %VARNAME% contained in the Value are expanded using Agen't current environment.

    • Path - if attribute Prepend is present, prepends its value at the begining of the PATH variable. if attribute Append is present, appends its value at the end of the PATH variable. Environment variables contained in the Prepend or Append attribute values in form of %VARNAME% are expanded using Agen't current environment. Relative paths are considered relative to the location of the shared config file and are converted to absolute paths.

Templated launch plan definition

Plan definition in an XML file uses a template sections allowing the inheritance of attributes.

Every record in the plan can reference a template record.

All the attributes are loaded first from the template and only then they can get overwritten by equally named attributes from the referencing entry.

A template record itself can reference another more generic template record.

Identifying an application

The application instance is uniquely addressed by the name of the computer it is running on and by the name chosen for particular instance of an application. These two are separated by a dot, having format machineId.applicationInstanceId.

The machineId is unique globally.

The applicationInstanceId is unique within the launch plan where it is used.

Launch plan example

The following plan example specify two instances of a notepad editor, named a and b. Both are based on the same template apps.notepad, just with specific command line argument (different files to edit).

The apps will be run on a computer where the agent is configured to machineId m1.

    <Plan Name="plan1">
            AppIdTuple = "m1.a"
            Template = "apps.notepad"
            StartupDir = "c:\"
            CmdLineArgs = "aaa.txt"
            <WindowPos titleregexp="\s-\sNotepad" rect="10,50,300,200" screen="1" keep="0" />

            AppIdTuple = "m1.b"
            Template = "apps.notepad"
            StartupDir = "c:\"
            CmdLineArgs = "bbb.txt"

    <AppTemplate Name="apps.notepad"
            Template = ""
            ExeFullPath = "c:\windows\notepad.exe"
            StartupDir = "c:\"
            CmdLineArgs = ""
            StartupOrder = "0"
            RestartOnCrash = "1"
            InitCondition = "timeout 2.0"
            SeparationInterval = "0.5"

Selecting a boot up completion detector

Some apps take a long time to boot up and initialize. Dirigent should not start a dependent app until its dependecies are satisfied. By 'satisfied' it is meant that the all the dependencies are already running and that they have completed their initialization phase.

Dirigent supports multiple methods of detection whether an application is already up and running. The method together with its parameters can be specified for each application in the launch plan.

If not boot up completion detectors are defined, the app is considered initialized from the time it has been started.

Following methods are available

  • <timeout>seconds</timeout> - After specified amount of seconds after launching the app

  • <exitcode> <number></exitcode> - After the app have terminated and its exit code matches the number specified. This can be combined with an auto-restart option of the application, resulting in a repetitive launches until given exitcode is returned.

Starting with local copy of Shared config

Before the agent connects to master, it is using its local copy of SharedConfig. This is useful if agent needs to start applications event before the connection to master is established.

Adopting master's plan upon connection

As soon as an agent connects to master, it receives and adopts the master's copy of the shared config. The local copy should be of course identical to the master's copy. If it is not, the currently running agent's plan is stopped, i.e. the all the apps launched by the agent so far are killed nad the new master's plan takes place.

Utility Plans vs. standard plans

Usual plan "wants" to start all apps and watches if they are started. Such plan never ends automatically on its own even if all apps crash. If an app is set to be restarted automatically, the plan will do so until the plan gets stopped or killed.

Such the plan also can not be started again before it is manually stopped or killed.

An utility-plan it the one containing just volatile apps (having Volatile="1") is handled in a special way. Is is stopped automatically as soon as all the apps have been processed (an attempt to start them was performed) and all started apps have terminated (none left running).

Such volatile-only plan allows for being started again without prior stop or kill command.

Autodetection of the machine id

Computer's NetBIOS name is used as a default machineId if the machine id is not specified on the command line.


Both agent and master support logging of errors, warnigns etc. into a log file through a Log4net library. The log file name as well as other options for logging (verbosity etc.) can be specified as a part of app.config file.

Folder Watching

Dirigent agent can be configured to watch a folder for file changes and trigger actions upon such a change.

The configuration is stored in agent's local configuration file (see --localConfigFile command line option).

Example of setting in agent's local config file:

	  Path = "..\..\Tests"
	  Filter = "*.txt"
	  <!-- what to do if change detected -->
	  <Action Type="StartPlan" PlanName="CollectLogs">      
	  <Action Type="LaunchApp" AppIdTuple="PC1.WarningApp"/>

The Path, if relative, is resolved relative to the location of the SharedConfig.xml file. Environment variables in form of %VARNAME% are expanded using Agen't current environment.

Conditions supported:

  • NewFile ... file gets created

Action types supported

  • StartPlan ... starts predefined plan (does nothing if already running and not finished yet)
  • LauchApp .... starts predefined application (does nothing if already running)

Errors related to FolderWatcher (path not valid etc.) are logged only info agent's log file. Error results in FolderWather not being installed.

Environment Variable for processes started by Dirigent Agent

Dirigent agent defines the following special variables for an app started from the launch plan:

  • DIRIGENT_MACHINEID = the machine id the agent was configured to (the first part of the AppIdTuple).
  • DIRIGENT_APPID = the application id (the second part of the AppIdTuple).

This provides a way to tell the processes started by the dirigent agent what station/machine (in terms of the dirigent machine naming) they are running at. This might come in handy if same process is started on many machines, it needs to know where it was started but you can not rely on the computer name.

Being environment variables, they can be used in command line parameters for the started process in the plan config file.

    <Plan Name="plan1">
            AppIdTuple = "m1.a"
            Template = "apps.notepad"
            StartupDir = "c:\%DIRIGENT_APPID%"
            CmdLineArgs = "%DIRIGENT_MACHINEID%.txt"

Further Details

Multiple coexisting plans

Dirigent works with the union of all the applications found in the plans from the plan repository. Any of the plans can be selected and manipulated at any time.

All application that are still running and coming from some previously started plan are adopted by the new plan if their name matches one of the new plan's apps.

Plans shall be designed and manipulated (started/killed etc.) in a non-conflicting way. Easiest way is to avoid using same application Id in multiple plans.

Execution of a launch plan

The application from the plan are initially assigned the state 'not launched'.

The launch order of all apps form the plan is determined. The result is a sequence of so called launch waves. A wave contains applications whose depedencied have been satisfied by the previous launch wave. The first wave comprises apps that do not depend on enything else. In the next wawe there are apps dependent on the apps from the previous wave.

The waves are launched sequentially one after another until all apps from all waves have been launched.

If some application fails to start, dirigent can be configured to retry the launch attempt multiple times.

If all attempts fail, the plaunch plan is stopped and an error is returned.


If a Dirigent's tray GUI is running on a machine, currently selected plan can be started/killed/restarted via a shortcut. Shortcut can be redefined in the Dirigent.Agent.exe.config. By default

Start current plan ..... Control + Shift + Alt + S
Kill current plan ...... Control + Shift + Alt + K
Restart current plan ... Control + Shift + Alt + R


Manages the start order of multiple applications across computers







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