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GiG Core

FOSSA Status

The latest major release is GiG Core 2.0.

Build status NuGet



You can build the NuGet packages using one of the following methods. You should find the NuGet packages in the artifacts folder after the following commands are executed successfully.

Docker (same as build server)

# Build solution
docker build . -t gig-core:publish --target publish
# Copy Artifacts
docker run -d --entrypoint /bin/true --name temp-gig-core-publish gig-core:publish
docker cp temp-gig-core-publish:/app/artifacts/nugets/ artifacts/
# Cleanup
docker rm -f temp-gig-core-publish
docker rmi gig-core:publish

Dotnet CLI

dotnet build GiG.Core.sln


You can run all the integration and unit tests using the following commands:

Docker (same as build server)

# Build solution
docker build . -t gig-core:test --target test
# Copy Artifacts
docker run --rm gig-core:test

Dotnet CLI

dotnet test --filter "Category=Unit|Category=Integration" GiG.Core.sln 


You can run the samples using the following commands:

cd docker
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-<Sample Name>.yml up --build

You can also find more samples here.


FOSSA Status