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Codetable Toolbox

The Codetable Toolbox offers following functionalities for ASP.NET Core Web Api projects :

  • Generic base classes to deal with code tables in a uniform way.
  • Create a codetable discovery framework that adds an endpoint on which the list of Codetables can be retrieved.

Table of Contents


Adding the toolbox to a project can be done via the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio or by adding the package to the project.json :

 "dependencies": {
    "Toolbox.Codetable":  "2.1.0",

Setup Codetable Discovery Framework

At startup, the Code Table Discovery Framework goes through the list of controllers indicated as Code Table via a custom attribute (see below) via reflection. It adds an endpoint to the Web API where this list of Codetables can be requested. The default URL of the endpoint is admin/CodeTable, but this can be changed through the options at startup. This endpoint can be used for example to make the list of codetables available to a generic management screen.

The framework is added to an ASP.NET project in the Startup class. First the necessary services are configured in the Configure Services Startup method of the class :

If you are satisfied with the default options, there is no need to pass an argment:


Passing deviating options can be done by using the CodetableDiscoveryOptions argument passed into the setup action :

   app.UseCodetableDiscovery(options =>
       options.Route = "custom/codetables";

Following options can be set :

Option Description Default
Route the url where the list of codetables can be requested admin/Codetable
ControllerAssembly the assembly in which the codetable controllers can be searched the assembly that contains the Startup class

In the Configure method of the startup class, the framework is launched.


Installation of DataAccess

This toolbox has a dependency on the Digipolis.DataAccess package which must also be set in the startup.

For detailed instructions, refer to the of the Digipolis.DataAccess repository on Github:

Base Classes


From this base class CodeTable entities can be inherited. It provides a uniform method for dealing with Codetables. It contains the following properties :

Naam Type Required
Id int key
Code string(50) required
Value string(100) required
Description string(250) optional
Sortindex int required
Disabled bool required
using Digipolis.Codetable.Entities;
    namespace xxx.Entities
	    public class Theme : CodetableEntityBase {    }


This base class can be used to inherit from for the CodeTable models. She has the same properties as the CodeTable EntityBase class.

using Digipolis.Codetable.Models;
    namespace xxx.Api.Models
	    public class Theme : CodetableModelBase {    }


This generic base class provides CRUD endpoints for the CodeTable. The example below shows a fully developed controller for a CodeTable 'Theme'

    public class ThemeController : CodetableControllerBase<Entities.Theme, Api.Models.Theme>
    public ThemeController(IServiceCollection collection) : base(collection)

    To see this as a working example an AutoMapper configuration should be added
    ``` csharp
    Mapper.CreateMap<Entities.Theme, Api.Models.Theme>

        ### CodetableControllerAttribute
        If this attribute is used with a controller that exposes a CodeTable on the API, the discovery framework can recognize and add it to the list. The above example illustrates this for the theme CodeTable.
        By default, the name of the controller (without controller) is taken as the name of the CodeTable (in the above example **_theme_**). You can also give a different name to the attribute :

        ``` csharp
        public class ThemeController
        This generates **DisplayTheme** as the name for the Codetable.

        ### CodetableInfo
        The api endpoint returns a list of objects of the type **_CodetableInfo_**. CodetableInfo contains the following properties :

        Property | Type | Description
        -------- | ------ | -------------------------
        Name     | string | The name of the Codetable.
        Route    | string | The url of the Codetable.

        ### ICodetableProvider
        If you need the list of Codetables in the application itself or if the default supplied endpoint is not enough, you can directly address the ICodetableProvider. The provider is registered in the ASP.NET dependency container during startup and you can then inject this in your own code :

        ``` csharp
        public class MyController
        public MyController(ICodetableProvider CodetableProvider)
        _CodetableProvider = CodetableProvider;
        After that the list is available via the **_Codetables_** property :

        ``` csharp
        var Codetables = _CodetableProvider.Codetables;

        # Versions

        Versie | Author                                  | Description
        ------ | ----------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        1.0.12 | Steven Vanden Broeck                    | Initiële versie. CodetableDiscovery en base classes.
        1.1.1  | Sven Noreillie				 | Uitwerking ControllerBase, Generic readers & writers, Access naar database
        1.1.2  | Koen Stroobants				 | Translation to English
        1.2.0  | Jimmy Hannon				 | Changed the options configuration model and added a test/sample project
        2.0.0  | Jimmy Hannon				 | Upgrade to dotnet core 1.0 RTM
		2.1.0  | Rachel Bellenge				 | Changed DataAccess toolbox version 2.3