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Smtp Router - v2.7.0

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The SMTP Router is a intermediate SMTP server useful to intercept messages and route it to another smtp.

It contains a Listener to capture Smtp messages and a Router that will route the message to another Smtp Server when it matches certain RoutingRules. It also contains a Server object that encapsulates both the Listener and the Router.

These are some of the uses of an SMTP Router:

  • SMTP Relay Server
  • Switch the destination SMTP server based on the incoming message. This is especially useful when you have systems that can only accept one single SMTP configuration and you want to use more than one SMTP.
  • Provide SMTP authentication for a system that does not have such feature
  • Use Multiple SMTPs to send messages, due to daily our hourly limits defined by the email provider (in development)

This is a new release of the Smtp Router component, which is now on it's major version 2.

Major Version 2 include the following features:

Feature Version
Added functionality to Accept messages from certain IP Addresses only 2.7.0
Added functionality to Reject messages from certain IP Addresses 2.7.0
Changed Headers to Custom Headers (X-SM-Received and X-SM-SentBy) 2.6.0
Fix the problem when reloading messages from files 2.6.0
Fix the problem with connection timeout (force the system to reconnect) 2.6.0
Fix problem when the Smtp Envelope does not match the Mime Message headers 2.0.0
Removal of the Retry folder 2.0.0
File grouping when saving data in the Sent Folder 2.0.0
Better folder structure organization 2.0.0
Improved performance enhancement by using multiple Smtp Connections (Several Improvements) 2.0.0

Implementations using Major Version 1 will need to be modified when moving to Major Version 2.

If you wish to contact the creator of this component, you can make it thru the page or by email

In this repository

Additional Repositories

There are other interesting repositories regarding the SMTPRouter Project.

Repository Description
SMTPRouter.Windows Contains types to allow the use of the SMTPRouter Component in a .NET Framework. It also contains an implementation of the SMTPRouter as a Windows Service

We are currently working on a solution to have it run in other OSs

How To Use It

There are two different ways to use the SMTP Router.

  • You can initialize a SmtpRouter.Server object or;
  • You can initialize a Listener and a Router manually.

The Listener opens a SmtpServer and listens to messages. Once a messages arrives, it will raise the MessageReceived event, with the MimeKit.MimeMessage received.

The Router runs in a separated thread from the Listener. The Router itself is the component which checks the RoutingRules and routes the message to the proper SMTP.

The Router creates a folder structure containing the following queues:

Queue Description
Outgoing Emails that need to be enqueued
InQueue Emails that are queued to be routed
Error Emails that were not queued. Those messages are no longer sent unless they are moved manually to the Outgoing queue.

Each SmtpConfiguration will have its own set of folders, following the structure below:

Queue Description
InQueue Routed emails waiting to be sent by any of the available Smtp Connections
Error Emails that were not sent. Those messages are no longer sent unless they are moved manually to the Outgoing queue at the Root level.
Sent Emails that were sent. By setting the GroupingOption parameter of the SmtpConfiguration object, you can define how the files will be grouped inside the Sent folder.

Previous versions had a Retry queue. This is no longer available since it did not seem to be necessary to keep trying to send the same message many times.


When you choose to use the SmtpRouter Nuget Package, you will also be required to install the following packages:

Package Nuget Link Author
SmtpServer nuget cosullivan
MimeKit nuget jstedfast
MailKit nuget jstedfast

Using the Server Object

The easiest and recommended way to implement the SmtpRouter is by initializing an instance of the Server class and call the StartAsync to start listening to messages route them.

The code below demonstrates how to instantiate a server:

// Creates the Server
var server = new SMTPRouter.Server("localhost", 25, false, false, "SMTPRouter", "C:\\SMTPRouter\\Queues")
    MessageLifespan = new TimeSpan(0, 15, 0),
    MessagePurgeLifespan = new TimeSpan(90, 0, 0, 0),
    RoutingRules = new List<Models.RoutingRule>()
        new Models.MailFromDomainRoutingRule(10, "", "gmail"),
        new Models.MailFromDomainRoutingRule(20, "", "hotmail")
    DestinationSmtps = new Dictionary<string, Models.SmtpConfiguration>
        { "gmail", new Models.SmtpConfiguration()
                Host = "",
                Description = "Google Mail SMTP",
                Port = 587,
                RequiresAuthentication = true,
                User = "",
                Password = "",
                SecureSocketOption = 1,
                ActiveConnections = 2,
                GroupingOption = FileGroupingOptions.GroupByDateAndHour,
        { "hotmail", new Models.SmtpConfiguration()
                Host = "",
                Description = "Hotmail SMTP",
                Port = 587,
                RequiresAuthentication = true,
                User = "",
                Password = "",
                SecureSocketOption = 1,
                ActiveConnections = 1,
                GroupingOption = FileGroupingOptions.GroupByDateAndHour,

// Initialize Services

The Server class triggers events when certain activities happen. You can hook to the events by using the code below:

// Hook Listener Events
server.Listener.SessionCreated += Server_SessionCreated;
server.Listener.SessionCommandExecuting += Server_SessionCommandExecuting;
server.Listener.SessionCompleted += Server_SessionCompleted;
server.Listener.ListeningStarted += Server_ListeningStarted;
server.Listener.MessageReceived += Server_MessageReceived;
server.Listener.MessageReceivedWithErrors += Server_MessageReceivedWithErrors;

// Hook Router Events
server.Router.MessageRoutedSuccessfully += Server_MessageRoutedSuccessfully;
server.Router.MessageNotRouted += Server_MessageNotRouted;
server.Router.MessagePurging += Server_MessagePurging;
server.Router.MessagesPurged += Server_MessagesPurged;
server.Router.MessageNotSent += Server_MessageNotSent;
server.Router.MessageSentSuccessfully += Server_MessageSentSuccessfully;
server.Router.SmtpConnectedSuccessfully += Server_SmtpConnectedSuccessfully;
server.Router.SmtpNotConnected += Server_SmtpNotConnected;
server.Router.SmtpConnectionEnded += Server_SmtpConnectionEnded;

For more information, refer to the Server Class in the documentation.

Using the Listener and Router Individually

It is not necessary to instantiate the Listener and Router manually, but if you need to have more control, you can do it.

If you want to have the Router run in a different Service Instance, perhaps having both objects initialized separately would be the best option.

The code below demonstrates how to instantiate a Listener, a Router and hook them together using events.

// Create the Listener
var listener = new SMTPRouter.Listener()
    ServerName = "localhost",
    Ports = new int[] { 25, 587 },
    RequiresAuthentication = false,
    UseSSL = false

// Hook Listener Events
listener.SessionCreated += Server_SessionCreated;
listener.SessionCommandExecuting += Server_SessionCommandExecuting;
listener.SessionCompleted += Server_SessionCompleted;
listener.ListeningStarted += Server_ListeningStarted;
listener.MessageReceivedWithErrors += Server_MessageReceivedWithErrors;

// Create the Router
var router = new SMTPRouter.Router("SMTPRouter", "C:\\SMTPRouter\\Queues")
    MessageLifespan = new TimeSpan(0, 15, 0),
    RoutingRules = new List<Models.RoutingRule>()
        new Models.MailFromDomainRoutingRule(10, "", "gmail"),
        new Models.MailFromDomainRoutingRule(20, "", "hotmail")
    DestinationSmtps = new Dictionary<string, Models.SmtpConfiguration>
        { "gmail", new Models.SmtpConfiguration()
                Host = "",
                Description = "Google Mail SMTP",
                Port = 587,
                RequiresAuthentication = true,
                User = "",
                Password = "",
        { "hotmail", new Models.SmtpConfiguration()
                Host = "",
                Description = "Hotmail SMTP",
                Port = 587,
                RequiresAuthentication = true,
                User = "",
                Password = "",

// Hook Router Events
router.MessageRoutedSuccessfully += Server_MessageRoutedSuccessfully;
router.MessageNotRouted += Server_MessageNotRouted;
router.MessagePurging += Server_MessagePurging;
router.MessagesPurged += Server_MessagesPurged;
router.MessageNotSent += Server_MessageNotSent;
router.MessageSentSuccessfully += Server_MessageSentSuccessfully;
router.SmtpConnectedSuccessfully += Server_SmtpConnectedSuccessfully;
router.SmtpNotConnected += Server_SmtpNotConnected;
router.SmtpConnectionEnded += Server_SmtpConnectionEnded;

// When the Listener have a message, it has to be sent to the Router. This is Automatic when you use the Server class
listener.MessageReceived += (object sender, MessageEventArgs e) =>
    // Make sure to enqueue the message otherwise the router doesn't know about anything
listener.MessageReceived += Server_MessageReceived;

// Initialize Services

For more information, refer to the Listener Class and the Router Class in the documentation.

Smtp Configuration

The Router has a property named DestinationSmtps, which represents a Dictionary<string, SmtpConfiguration>.

The Smtps to route messages must be cofigured and added to this collection. The Key field is the key to fetch the Smtp.

You can configure the Smtps when initializing the Server or Router, or you can configure a Smtp using the code below:

// Initializes a new Smtp Configuration
var smtpConfiguration = new SmtpConfiguration()
    Key = "Gmail",
    Description = "Gmail SMTP",
    Host = "",
    Port = 587,
    RequiresAuthentication = true,
    UseSSL = false,
    User = "",
    Password = "password",
    SecureSocketOption = 1,
    ActiveConnections = 2,
    GroupingOption = FileGroupingOptions.GroupByDateAndHour

The SmtpConfiguration object derives from an ObservableObject, which makes it compatible with Mvvm Implementations.

Valid values for the SecureSocketOption are:

Value Description Usage
0 None No SSL or TLS encryption should be used
1 Auto The system will decide whether to use SSL or TLS
2 SslOnConnect The connection should use SSL or TLS encryption immediately
3 StartTls Elevates the connection to use TLS encryption immediatelly after reading the greeting a server capabilities
4 StartTlsWhenAvailable Elevates the connection to use TLS encryption immediatelly after reading the greeting a server capabilities, but only if the server supports that

When you set the UseSSL property to true, the system changes the port to 465 and the SecureSocketOption to SslOnConnect.

In order to improve the performance, you can define how many Smtp Connections will be created by setting the property ActiveConnections. If you leave it 0, the system will create only 1 connection.

When messages are sent, you can define Sent folder will have sub-folders per Date or per Date and Hour. Valid values for GroupingOption are:

Value Description Usage
0 NoGrouping Sent files will be copied to the Sent Folder
1 GroupByDate Sent files will be organized by Date on the Sent folder
2 GroupByDateAndHour Sent files will be organized by Date and Hour on the Sent folder

For more information, refer to the SmtpConfiguration in the documentation.

Routing Rules

The Router has a property named RoutingRules, which represents a List<RoutingRule>.

A RoutingRule is a Rule that can be applied and, if it matches, the Smtp Configuration for that rule will be used to route the email.

The RoutingRule class itself does not provide any rule, instead, it is a base class that must be inherited from in order to create an actual rule.

By default the SmtpRouter offers the following Routing Rules:

Routing Rule Description
MailFromDomainRoutingRule A rule that verifies if the domain on the mail from matches the domain configured on the rule.
MailFromRegexMatchRoutingRule A a rule that runs a System.Text.RegularExpressions to validate the mail from.
RelayRoutingRule A a rule always returns true. Use it when you need an SMTP Relay that routes messages just one single server. You can modify the email sender by setting the ReplaceMailFromAddress to another email address.

The code below demonstrates how to add a MailFromDomainRoutingRule to the Router object:

Router.RoutingRules.Add(new MailFromDomainRoutingRule(10, "", "mydomain"));

There is a static method in the RoutingRule class that allows to create a RoutingRule dynamically:

var ruleGmail = Models.RoutingRule.CreateRule(10, 
                                              "SMTPRouter.Models.MailFromDomainRoutingRule, SMTPRouter", 

var ruleRegex = Models.RoutingRule.CreateRule(20, 
                                              "SMTPRouter.Models.MailFromRegexMatchRoutingRule, SMTPRouter", 

var ruleRelay = Models.RoutingRule.CreateRule(30, 
                                              "SMTPRouter.Models.RelayRoutingRule, SMTPRouter", 

You can define your own Routing Rules by inheriting from RoutingRule class, as demonstrated on the code below:

public sealed class MyCustomRoutingRule: RoutingRule
    // The Default Constructor
    //   you always have to provide a parameterless constructor for a RoutingRule
    //   otherwise the System.Reflection will not be able to instantiate it
    public MyCustomRoutingRule(): this(0, "")

    public MyCustomRoutingRule(int executionSequence, string smtpConfigurationKey): base(executionSequence)
        base.SmtpConfigurationKey = smtpConfigurationKey;

    public override bool Match(RoutableMessage routableMessage)
        return true;

You have to override the method Match to provide a algorithm that validades the rule.

The RoutingRule object derives from an ObservableObject, which makes it compatible with Mvvm Implementations.

For more information, refer to the RoutingRule in the documentation.

Accepting or Rejecting Messages

The Router has two collections of IP Addresses named AcceptedIPAddresses and RejectedIPAddresses. They belong to the type List<string>.

You can use those collections to define which IP Addresses are authorized to send messages or which IP Addresses are not allowed to send messages.

Accepting Messages from a specific sender

On the example below, only messages sent by the IP Address will be accepted by the SMTP Router.

// To authorize a specific IP address to send messages

Messages not accepted are sent to the Rejected folder. You can force a message to be sent by adding SmtpRouter-Header-ForceRouting to the message header.

When the AcceptedIPAddresses collection is empty, all senders are authorized to send messages. However, the system will still run the senders thru the RejectedIPAddresses collection.

Rejecting Messages from a specific sender

On the example below, all messages sent by the IP Address will be rejected by the SMTP Router.

// To reject messages from a specific IP address

Messages rejected are sent to the Rejected folder. You can force a message to be sent by adding SmtpRouter-Header-ForceRouting to the message header.

When the RejectedIPAddresses collection is empty, all senders are authorized to send messages. However, the system checks for valid senders on the AcceptedIPAddresses collection first.