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A Repo for different little programs

This is where i put most of my hobby-projects. These projects differ in many different states of completion, where some are barely started, and some are near completed


Brainfuck Interpreter (Completed) - A working brainfuck interpreter that works in the Console
Circle practice (Completed) - I used this to get a feel for working with the Sine and Cosine functions when working with circles
Common Ancestor (Completed) - Based on the Common Ancestor Numberphile video:
Connect Four (WIP, Playable) - An asignment I had to do as assessment for a company I applied for. A simple Connect4 game I created, with a bit of customisation. Completely made in C# WinForms.
GeneticHumans (Near-Completed) - My attempt at genetic algorithms. This is console based and allows you to create a human population and see how their genes evolve over time, last I worked on it, was in the middle of a partial rewrite of the controls parsing
Maze Algorithms (Completed) - An application that generates mazes, and then solves it. It has various algorithms you can choose from, though the last solving algorithm is incomplete and needs a near-complete rewrite.
Resource Gatherer (Completed) - A simple C# program I made. In it, there is a field with divided into four by rivers, with resources spread randomly, and two gatherers who look for, and gather the resources into a shed in the middle. Fully written in WinForms C#, with some help from Buckland Coding by Example.
Word Counter (Completed) - A simple project that takes in a .txt file and outputs a .txt file showing what words occur in it, and how often.

Started but not very far:
CHIP-8 Interpreter (Rough state) - I decided to dabble in emulators, and started with this one. Never got very far, but I used the knowledge gained from it when developing my Brainfuck Interpreter
Circuit Builder (Rough state) - I thought it would be fun to create an application in which you can create logic circuits, but I didn't get very far in it, as I lost interest.
Resource Gatherer Mono (Very Rough State) - An attempt at porting Resource Gatherer to use MonoCode, but lost interest in the project along the way.
Tower Defense (Very Rough State) - An idea by a friend of mine that I thought was interesting. A tower defense game where, instead of following a path, you can place turrets anywhere, as long as there is a path to the end. Though I did not get very far.
Visual Brainfuck Interpreter (Rough State) - A visual Brainfuck Interpreter, showing you what part the interpreter is currently executing, and the status of all the cells (what value they store). It has a slightly adjusted version of the Brainfuck Interpreter, that better fits this project.

Programmed A-long, but is close or equal to the source, used mainly in learning (Note that I did not make these myself, but followed along in order to learn):
ConFPS - Coded along with the One-Lone Coder youtube channel
GameEngine - A C++ GameEngine using DirectX that I followed along with the PardCode tutorial on Youtube
Perlin Noise Demo - A Perlin Noise Demo I followed along with the One-Lone Coder youtube channel
olConsoleGameEngine - A C++ console game engine made by the One-Lone Coder youtube channel


A Repo for different little programs






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