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MeepMeep is a simple workload generator that can be used to simulate workloads against a Couchbase cluster using the .NET client.

NOTE: Not supported under Couchbase Enterprise Support Subscriptions

Building & running

You can build and run the project from the root of the project like this:

dotnet build
dotnet run -p src/MeepMeep/MeepMeep.csproj

Authentication with Couchbase Server 5.0+ (RBAC)

From Couchbase Server 5.0, Role based authentication was introduced which replaced the previous bucket password. To test a Cluster that is RBAC enabled, you will need to create a user with the same name as the bucket you want to test with.

For example:

dotnet run -p src/MeepMeep/MeepMeep.csproj --bucket test --bucketpassword password123


MeepMeep is a simple console application. Run it with the --help switch to show help text that describes each available option.

For example to run with all default values: dotnet run -p src/MeepMeep/MeepMeep.csproj.

There are three workloads currently shipped with MeepMeep: MutationPercentage, AddJsonDocumentWorkload and AddAndGetJsonDocumentWorkload.

The options are:

  -n, --nodes                  (Default: couchbase://localhost) Space separated list of nodes to connect to.

  -b, --bucket                 (Default: default) Name of the Bucket

  -p, --bucketpassword         (Default: ) Password for the bucket.

  -c, --num-clients            (Default: 1) Number of client sessions.

  -s, --wl-size                (Default: 20000) The workload size. Depending on Workload, it could e.g. represent the num of documents to work with (per client session).

  --doc-sample-path            (Default: ) Path to a file with an UTF8 JSON document, e.g used for inserts.

  --doc-key-prefix             (Default: mm) Used as a prefix to generated document keys.

  --doc-key-seed               (Default: 0) Used as a starting seed when generating document keys.

  --doc-key-range              (Default: 1000) The maximum range of document IDs use above doc-key-seed.

  --clusteruser                (Default: Administrator) Cluster Administrator username.

  --clusterpassword            (Default: password) Cluster Administraor password.

  -w, --warmup-ms              (Default: 100) Determines how long time (ms) it takes before a workload's operation results is being seen as part of the workload.

  -v, --verbose                (Default: false) Determines detail level of output generated by output writers etc.

  -r, --mutation-percentage    (Default: 0.33) The percentage of operations that should be mutations.

  --workload-type              (Default: MutationPercentage) The type of workload to be used.

  -t, --enable-timings         (Default: false) Time operations and output at end of workload.

  --use-json                   (Default: false) Enable writing JSON values instead of raw bytes.

  --use-sync                   (Default: false) Uses a synchronous workload instead of async.

  --use-ssl                    (Default: false) Enable SSL connections between client and Couchbase server.

  --verify-ssl-certs           (Default: false) Verify SSL certificates.

  --pool-min                   (Default: 1) Sets the minimum connection pool size.

  --pool-max                   (Default: 1) Sets the maximum connection pool size.

  --flush-bucket               (Default: false) Flush the bucket before executing workloads.

  --rate-limit                 (Default: 0) Limits the number of operations per second. Zero applies no limit.

  --help                       Display this help screen.

  --version                    Display version information.

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A workload generator for .NET Couchbase Client







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