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.NET Kafka

A sample application that interacts with Apache Kafka from .NET Core using the Conluent's .NET Client.


Creating the topics

The application uses 3 Kafka topics: "text", "json" and "binary".

It is suggested that you create them through Kafka Manager before the first usage so that you can set the replication factor and number of partitions. Go to Kafka Manager UI > kafka-local > Topic > Create and create the 3 topics.

Example: when setting a replication factor of 3 and 15 partitions, each node will own 5 partitions and replicate the remaining 10 partitions owned by the other nodes.

Application use cases

  • produce-text: Run a producer that generates text objects (strings) and sends them to the "text" topic.
  • consume-text: Run a consumer that reads text objects from the "text" topic.
  • produce-json: Run a producer that generates JSON objects and sends them to the "json" topic.
  • consume-json: Run a consumer that reads JSON objects from the "json" topic.
  • produce-binary: Run a producer that reads binary files from a specified directory and sends them to the "binary" topic.
  • consume-binary: Run a consumer that reads binary files from the "binary" topic and writes them to a specified directory.

Application usage

The DotNetKafka.ConsoleApp project is the application entrypoint. Command line arguments are used to customize the execution. Run the console application without arguments to see a complete usage documentation. In other words, a simple ...

dotnet run

... will display:

    .. --use=<option> [--elem=<num>] [--group=<name>] [--in=<dir>] [--out=<dir>]

    --use       Options: produce-text, consume-text, produce-json, consume-json, produce-binary, consume-binary
    --elem      Number of elements (for text and json use cases) to generate and produce (default: 1000)
    --group     Consumer group name (default: default-group)
    --in        Input directory to read binary files from (default: <project_root>/.static/input)
    --out       Output directory to write binary files to (default: <project_root>/.static/output)


Running the "produce-text" use case:

dotnet run --use=produce-text

Running the "produce-json" use case, producing 800.000 objects:

dotnet run --use=produce-json --elem=800000

Running the "produce-binary" use case, reading all binary files from /home/my-files/:

dotnet run --use=produce-binary --in /home/my-files/

Running the "consume-json" use case, assigning to consumer group the "group-a":

dotnet run --use=consume-json --group=group-a


It is possible to scale multiple parallel producers or consumers. For example, you can run 2 consumer replicas of "group-a" and other 2 replicas of "group-b", consuming messages from 2 producers replicas.

Scalling producers and consumers

Running the tests

There are examples of unit tests for all Kafka-related classes in the solution. Run them either from VS Code (VS Code > "Test" icon > Run all tests) or the CLI:

dotnet test

Resilience and fault tolerance

For the producer

If a message fails to be delivered to a topic, Kafka will retry it up to 3 times before failing.

For the consumer

If a message fails to be read from a topic, an error will be logged to the console. On the other hand, if a message is effectively read the application must guarantee it isn't lost due to failures in intermediate processing actions.

Thus, once a message is read, a fault tolerance policy is set to retry the processing action up to 3 times. If none of them succeed, the message is sent as-is to a dead-letter topic (named _dead-letter_<name-of-topic>).


  • When running any consume-* use case, the application remains up and listening for future incoming messages. You can stop it by sending a Control-C command on the terminal.
  • When running any *-binary use case, the maximum message size is 1Mb, although this value can be changed in producer/consumer configurations.


A sample application that interacts with Apache Kafka from .NET Core using the Conluent's .NET Client.






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