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Supported platforms

At the moment, Rubjerg.Graphviz ships with a bunch of precompiled Graphviz dlls built for 64 bit Windows with .NET Framework version 4.8 and higher. In the future support may be extended to other platforms.


This project aims to provide a thin .NET layer around the Graphviz C++ libraries. Pull request that fall within the scope of this project are welcome.


You can either add this library as a nuget package to project, or include the source and add a project reference.

Adding as a Nuget package

Add the Rubjerg.Graphviz nuget package to your project.

Adding the Rubjerg.Graphviz code to your project or solution

  1. Make this code available to your own code, e.g. by adding this repository as a git submodule to your own repository.
  2. Add the projects Rubjerg.Graphviz and GraphvizWrapper to your solution.
  3. To use Rubjerg.Graphviz within a project of yours, simply add a project reference to it.

When building your project, you should now see all the Graphviz binaries show up in your output folder.


For a reference of attributes to instruct Graphviz have a look at Node, Edge and Graph Attributes. For more information on the inner workings of the graphviz libraries, consult the various documents presented at the Graphviz documentation page.


using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;

namespace Rubjerg.Graphviz.Test
    public class Tutorial
        [Test, Order(1)]
        public void GraphConstruction()
            // You can programmatically construct graphs as follows
            RootGraph root = RootGraph.CreateNew("Some Unique Identifier", GraphType.Directed);

            // The node names are unique identifiers within a graph in Graphviz
            Node nodeA = root.GetOrAddNode("A");
            Node nodeB = root.GetOrAddNode("B");
            Node nodeC = root.GetOrAddNode("C");
            Node nodeD = root.GetOrAddNode("D");

            // The edge name is only unique between two nodes
            Edge edgeAB = root.GetOrAddEdge(nodeA, nodeB, "Some edge name");
            Edge edgeBC = root.GetOrAddEdge(nodeB, nodeC, "Some edge name");
            Edge anotherEdgeBC = root.GetOrAddEdge(nodeB, nodeC, "Another edge name");

            // When a subgraph name is prefixed with cluster,
            // the dot layout engine will render it as a box around the containing nodes.
            SubGraph cluster = root.GetOrAddSubgraph("cluster_1");

            // We can attach attributes to nodes, edges and graphs to store information and instruct
            // graphviz by specifying layout parameters. At the moment we only support string
            // attributes. Cgraph assumes that all objects of a given kind (graphs/subgraphs, nodes,
            // or edges) have the same attributes. The attributes first have to be introduced for a
            // certain kind, before we can use it.
            Node.IntroduceAttribute(root, "my attribute", "defaultvalue");
            nodeA.SetAttribute("my attribute", "othervalue");

            // To introduce and set an attribute at the same time, there are convenience wrappers
            edgeAB.SafeSetAttribute("color", "red", "black");
            edgeBC.SafeSetAttribute("arrowsize", "2.0", "1.0");

            // We can simply export this graph to a text file in dot format
            root.ToDotFile(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "/");

        [Test, Order(2)]
        public void Layouting()
            // If we have a given dot file, we can also simply read it back in
            RootGraph root = RootGraph.FromDotFile(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "/");

            // Let's have graphviz compute a dot layout for us

            // We can export this to svg
            root.ToSvgFile(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "/dot_out.svg");

            // Or programatically read out the layout attributes
            Node nodeA = root.GetNode("A");
            PointF position = nodeA.Position();
            Assert.AreEqual("{X=43, Y=192.1739}", position.ToString());

            // Like a bounding box of an object
            RectangleF nodeboundingbox = nodeA.BoundingBox();
            Assert.AreEqual("{X=16,Y=171.3391,Width=54,Height=41.66957}", nodeboundingbox.ToString());

            // Or splines between nodes
            Node nodeB = root.GetNode("B");
            Edge edge = root.GetEdge(nodeA, nodeB, "Some edge name");
            PointF[] spline = edge.FirstSpline();
            string splineString = string.Join(", ", spline.Select(p => p.ToString()));
            string expectedSplineString = "{X=0, Y=0}, {X=43, Y=171.29}, {X=43, Y=163.45},"
                + " {X=43, Y=154.26}, {X=43, Y=145.63}";
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedSplineString, splineString);

            GraphvizLabel nodeLabel = nodeA.GetLabel();
            Assert.AreEqual("Times-Roman", nodeLabel.FontName().ToString());

            SubGraph cluster = root.GetSubgraph("cluster_1");
            RectangleF clusterbox = cluster.BoundingBox();
            RectangleF rootgraphbox = root.BoundingBox();
            Assert.AreEqual("{X=8,Y=8,Width=70,Height=135.34}", clusterbox.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual("{X=0,Y=0,Width=142,Height=213.01}", rootgraphbox.ToString());

            // Once all layout information is obtained from the graph, the resources should be
            // reclaimed. To do this, the application should call the cleanup routine associated
            // with the layout algorithm used to draw the graph. This is done by a call to
            // FreeLayout(). A given graph can be laid out multiple times. The application, however,
            // must clean up the earlier layout's information with a call to FreeLayout before
            // invoking a new layout function.

            // We can use layout engines other than dot by explicitly passing the engine we want
            root.ToSvgFile(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "/neato_out.svg");


Lean wrapper around Graphviz for building graphs, reading/writing dot files, exporting images, or programmatically reading out the layout attributes.







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  • C# 53.5%
  • C 25.7%
  • C++ 20.8%