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chgeuer/AzureSaaSProvisioningCustomARM - ARM deployments originating from a SaaS offering


This sample demonstrates the following scenario:

  • Customer buys a SaaS application
  • On the 'landing page' of the SaaS application, customer finds a 'Deploy to Azure' button
  • Once clicked, the customer get's redirected to 'their' Azure portal, and can deploy an ARM template which has been customized by the ISV for this particular customer.

Why we need this sample

In our scenario, the ISV sells a SaaS offering to the customer, but also needs the customer to deploy some required resources into the customer's subscription. This deployment must be customized, for example with information required to properly tap back into the SaaS offering. This customization must be on a per-customer basis.

From a user experience point of view, we do not want to ask the customer to run a generic ARM deployment, and copy/paste parametrization from the SaaS app's configuration page into the ARM deployment.

Instead, the customer should just click the 'Deploy to Azure' button, and have a properly customized environment spinning up.

What exactly this customization is, completely depends on the needs and requirements of the ISV. This sample just demonstrates a simple mechanism, on how to parametrize ARM template files and UI definitions on-the-fly, on a per-customer basis.

Marketplace intro

The Azure Marketplace has various mechanisms to allow ISVs to publish their offerings, namely

  • VM images
  • Managed Applications
    • an ARM-based deployment running in the customer's subscription,
    • managed by the ISV,
    • the customer explicitly being denied from managing the resources
  • Solution Templates
    • an ARM-based deployment running in the customer's subscription,
    • customer having full access to the deployment
  • SaaS offerings
    • All SaaS-related resources running outside of the customer's Azure environment, usually on the ISV side.

How Azure deployments through the portal work

When an Azure user clicks on of these DeployToAzure buttons (as we can find in all the Azure/azure-quickstart-templates), these links trigger a URL which looks like this:

or like this

In this code, the ... part is a URI-encoded value pointing to an ARM template, or a UI definition. For example the part after /uri/ could be This is a URI-encoded URL, with %3A representing a : and %2F representing a /.

When the Azure portal app experiences such a deployment request (the #create/Microsoft.Template/uri/... stuff), the portal's backend fetches the required JSON files, and populates the UI for deployment.

In case of the Azure/azure-quickstart-templates, the template links point towards GitHub's server, where the literal JSON can be fetched.

If you click the sample below, you can try it out yourself:



How it works

In the Index.cshtml page, we simply present the customer with the deployment button:

<a href="@Model.DeploymentURL">
   <img src="~/images/deploytoazure.svg" alt="Deploy to Azure" />

In the backing code, the DeploymentURL is created on demand:

var prefix = "";
DeploymentURL = info.HasCustomUI
  ? $"{prefix}/uri/{encoded(info.TemplateName)}/createUIDefinitionUri/{encoded(info.UIDefinitionName)}"
  : $"{prefix}/uri/{encoded(info.TemplateName)}";

The big difference to the Azure Quickstart templates is that our sample doesn't point to a static file URL, but to the app's DeploymentController API. So when the Azure tries to fetch the ARM template, it hits our own site.

The 'magic' sits in the encoded() function, which takes the customer-specific parametrization data, and encrypts & signs it (using JOSE / JSON Object Signing and Encryption). A concrete template URL (prior URL encoding) could look like this:


In this example,

  • is our own landing page
  • /api/Deployment part points to the DeploymentController API
  • eyJhbGciOiJQTM....NuQ5hED4g is a JOSE-encrypted (and signed) payload which will be decrypted by the DeploymentController , and then be used to parametrize the JSON files, before giving them to Azure.
  • The part after the JOSE payload (azuredeploy.json in this example) is the actual file to be fetched.

By making the (encrypted) parametrization part of the path, the solution can simply point to other assets (nested templates, shell scripts, etc.), without breaking the "[deployment().properties.templateLink.uri]" mechanism in your ARM template.


Swimlane diagram from

Source of the swimelane diagram.

Customizing this sample

This sample ships with a trivial on-the-fly modification (implemented in SampleParametrization):

using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Utils;

public class SampleTemplateParametrization : IPatcherGenerator
    /* This type demonstrates how client-specific information
     * (like `SomeClientInformation`) can be used to 
     * parametrize ARM templates, or createUIDefinitions.*/
    public string SomeClientInformation { get; set; }

    IContentPatcher IPatcherGenerator.CreatePatcher() 
        void patchARM(JObject json)
            var variables = json.SelectToken("$.variables");
            variables["dynamically_injected"] = new JObject(
                new JProperty("some_client_stuff", this.SomeClientInformation));

        void patchUI(JObject json)
            json["$greetings"] = this.SomeClientInformation;

        return new GenericJSONPatcher(patchARM: patchARM, patchUI: patchUI);

In this example, the only information we need for parametrization is the SomeClientInformation string. We create a 'patcher', which is configured to patch both ARM templates (in the patchARM function), and UI definitions (in the patchUI function).

The ARM template is handed to our code as a Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject, which we can modify. As you can see, the code adds an additional ARM variable called dynamically_injected. For the createUiDefinition.json file, I just added a $greetings string property to the root of the document.

However, you have full control over the JSON structure, and can do whatever you like.


This sample stores the majority of its configuration inside an Azure App Configuration instance, but you can easily change that to a different mechanism, just swap out Microsoft.Azure.AppConfiguration.AspNetCore and use something else.


This sample assumes that there is an unparametrized ARM template etc. sitting somewhere in HTTP space. This sample only supports a single template. In the screenshot below, you can see a few configuration settings:

  • LandingPage:BaseAddress contains HTTP address relative to which all file names will be evaluated. Traditionally, that would be the one showing up in "[deployment().properties.templateLink.uri]".
  • LandingPage:TemplateName is the filename of the main ARM template. Usually, it's something like azureDeploy.json, but doesn't have to be.
  • LandingPage:UIDefinitionName: If your deployment should leverage some wizard-like UI experience in the Azure portal, you can point towards your createUiDefinition.json (in case you have one).
  • ApiKey: In our app, the Index.cshtml page generates an encrypted token so that the DeploymentController can decrypt and validate the signature. I'm currently using the ApiKey setting as content encryption key and HMAC key for the JOSE library.

Design Decisions

  • Make sure that all 'expensive' / potentially failing background work happens while the user is on the landing page:
    • For example, if certain resources should be created to be included in the ARM template, do this prior to the user clicking "Deploy to Azure", and include all relevant information in the JOSE payload.
    • This ensures that, once the Azure portal in the back pulls the ARM templates, all required data is available, and the user doesn't have to deal with funky backend problems on the ISV side.

Prevent HTTP caching

When a customer deploys an ARM template to the Azure portal via a link like, the Azure portal's backend system fetches the ARM template, and potentially UI definitions. The URI-encoded URLs in the fragment of the address point the concrete JSON files for a deployment. The Azure backend issues an unauthenticated HTTP GET to fetch the JSON files.

The Azure back end's HTTP client respects HTTP headers, like cache durations. The can become a problem in situations where an asset should not be cached. The [ResponseCache] attribute on the DeploymentController prevents Azure from caching.