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Interfaces and AutoMapper implementation for one-way and two-way mappers.


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AutoMapper & Autofac code examples

Creating a basic mapping profile with out-of-the-box mapper implementation

internal class PersonProfile : MappingProfile<IPerson, Person>
    protected override void ConfigureMapping(IMappingExpression<IPerson, Person> map)
        // Properties with matching names are mapped automatically.
        map.ForMember(dest => dest.Id, opt => opt.MapFrom(source => source.Identifier));
        map.ForMember(dest => dest.HomeAddress, opt => opt.MapFrom(source => source.Address.Home));

Creating a mapping profile with custom mapper implementation

internal class PersonProfile : MappingProfile<IPerson, Person>
    public override IMapper<IPerson, Person> CreateMapper(IMapper mapper)
        return new PersonMapper(mapper);

    protected override void ConfigureMapping(IMappingExpression<IPerson, Person> map)
        // Properties with matching names are mapped automatically.
        map.ForMember(dest => dest.Id, opt => opt.MapFrom(source => source.Identifier));
        map.ForMember(dest => dest.HomeAddress, opt => opt.MapFrom(source => source.Address.Home));

    public class PersonMapper : Mapper
        public PersonMapper(IMapper mapper)
            : base(mapper)

        public override Person Map(IPerson source)
            // Perform complicated custom mapping here if it cannot be done with AutoMapper
            return base.Map(source);

Bootstrapping mapper factory without using Autofac container and requesting mappers

Create a mapper factory instance and register your mapping profiles. Store mapper factory as a singleton.

var mapperFactory = new MapperFactory(new PersonProfile(), new AddressProfile());
IMapper<IPerson, Person> mapper = mapperFactory.Create<IPerson, Person>();

Registering mapping profiles to Autofac container using extension method

public class MappingModule : Module
    protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
        builder.RegisterMappingProfile<PersonProfile, IPerson, Person>();

Configuring AutoMapper to use registered mapping profiles

public class ApplicationModule : Module
    protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)

Configuring AutoMapper to use registered mapping profiles with custom configuration

public class ApplicationModule : Module
    protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
        builder.ConfigureAutoMapper(new CustomMapperConfigurationFactory());

internal class CustomMapperConfigurationFactory : MapperConfigurationFactory
    protected override void AddCustomConfiguration(IMapperConfigurationExpression configuration)
        configuration.DestinationMemberNamingConvention = new LowerUnderscoreNamingConvention();

Requesting mappers from Autofac container

Using standard constructor injection, you can either inject a mapper instance and use it directly:

public class SomeService
    public SomeService(IMapper<IPerson, Person> personMapper)
        // Use mapper directly...

...or inject a mapper factory instance and request mappers from it:

public class SomeService
    public SomeService(IMapperFactory mapperFactory)
        IMapper<IPerson, Person> personMapper = mapperFactory.Create<IPerson, Person>();
        // Use mapper here...

Passing extra parameters to mapper

In the mapping profile, define that a property gets its value from context items with a specific key:

internal class PersonProfile : MappingProfile<IPerson, Person>
    protected override void ConfigureMapping(IMappingExpression<IPerson, Person> map)
        // Properties with matching names are mapped automatically. "Id" is not present in source class, we'll pass it separately
        map.ForMember(dest => dest.Id, opt => opt.ResolveUsing((src, dest, destMember, context) => context.Items["Id"]));

Then use the overload of the Map method where you can pass one or more parameters:

Person targetPerson = mapper.Map(sourcePerson, ("Id", 123));