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EzBus - Messaging made easy!

Install via NuGet


nuget install-package EzBus.Msmq


nuget install-package EzBus.RabbitMQ

Start EzBus

When your application starts

using EzBus.RabbitMQ;

var bus = BusFactory

await bus.Start();

Subscribe to published messages

await bus.Subscribe("order-service", "OrderPlaced");

Send your message

await bus.Send("my-service", new TextMessage { Text = "Hello EzBus" });

Publish your message

await bus.Publish(new TextMessage { Text = "Hello EzBus" });

Handle your message

Handler class
public class TextMessageHandler : IHandle<TextMessage>
  public Task Handle(TextMessage message)
    return Task.CompletedTask;

Constructur/Dependency injection in handler

Handler code
public class TextMessageHandler : IHandle<TextMessage>
  private IDependencyService dependencyService;
  public TextMessageHandler(IDependencyService dependencyService)
    this.dependencyService = dependencyService;

Derive from class ServiceRegistry and register dependencies in constructor. This class will be activated on startup.


The "Invoke" method is called. Place your call before calling next() to do your stuff before mesasage is handled and after if the code should be executed after the message is handled. If an error occurs the "OnError" method is called with the given exception.

Can be used for a UnitOfWork for example.

public class UnitOfWorkMiddleware : IMiddleware
  private IUnitOfWork unitOfWork;

  public UnitOfWorkMessageFilter(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
    this.unitOfWork = unitOfWork;   

  public async Task Invoke()
    await unitOfWork.StartAsync();
    await next();
    await unitOfWork.CommitAsync();

  public Task OnError(Exception ex)
    await unitOfWork.RollbackAsync();


If you want EzBus to run a something at startup, implement interface EzBus.IStartupTask

public class MyTask : IStartupTask
    public string Name => "My task";

    public Task Run()
        return Task.CompletedTask;

Unit Testing

Create a class that implements interface EzBus.IBus, this class will now be used instead of EzBus implementation when doing bus operations (send, publish).

public class FakeBus : IBus
    public Task Send(string destinationQueue, object message)
        return Task.CompletedTask;

    public Task Publish(object message)
        return Task.CompletedTask;